This kalimba has a very high build quality, and I found mine looked better in person than in the picture, with a really nice and warm sound. The steel and wood both feel high quality, and it feels easy to play. As a first kalimba, 21 tines can make playing songs a little bit harder, but I would argue it is worth the tradeoff.
Being a flatboard, the upper notes ring out better than they would on hollow kalimbas, and the smaller profile makes it easier to hold, store, and transport. The provided storage bag is suitable for the cost, though it leaves no place to store the tuning hammer, unless you are willing to put it in the bag with the kalimba.
The kalimba comes with a pack of blue stickers and a pack of black stickers, which can be used to mark each tine to make playing easier, which is a nice addition for those intending to purchase this as a first kalimba.
I would not say the quality is top-level, but for £33 (~€39 at time of writing), the quality is perfectly acceptable, and even impressive. Especially given Thomann's superb return policies, I would say that this kalimba is the best option for anyone looking to get a 21 tine kalimba who isn't looking to spend a lot of money.