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I love this little thing but I tend to only use it to show my friends what I bought as opposed to using it to actually play any type of music. I don't have the app as I read it was only available on IOS so my review might not cover all its features. I still think for the price this little guy was well worth the money but be prepared to let it gather dust after you've had a go of it
This thing is great fun - a very tactile playing experience, using both hands, squeezing the face for the tone variation (I'm a right handed face squeezer) with one hand and using the other to pitch the notes.
It's difficult to intonate and play accurate pitches, maybe those used to fretless stringed instruments might be better. There's a switch that gives three ranges of pitch - the lowest is very lo-fi sounding and the highest is piercing. The overall tone is lo-fi.
I've connected it through guitar effects using the provided cable (but half plugged in). It works. Didn't try the app or phone connectivity.
Purchased for my 10 year old who plays Clarinet (Grade 2) and Guitar (to a limited degree!). He absolutely loves this and said it was the best xmas present this year! He has taken quite naturally to the instrument and is already playing back music learnt by ear. That’s what is great about this instrument, you sort of feel for where the note is supposed to be and, as long as you are fairly close, you can play something recognisable. The sounds get a little annoying at times but they’re not too bad on the low setting and the added ability to change the tones via the app can make it a little easier on the ear too.