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Výborné pro osvětlení notového stojanu.
Možnost provozu na baterie nebo síťový zdroj.
Dvě úrovně osvětlení.
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Velmi dobře polohovatelné.
Bohužel se vyskyla chyba. Zopakujte protím tuto akci později.
Not Bad
Kostas Saxophone 19.08.2021
This light is not bad at all. While it was working it had a pleasant soft light and I was able to see everything on my music stand.
Sadly it looks like I got the lemon from the batch it lasted only four times of use. In all less than 6 hours of operating.
The previous K&M light I have works since 2018 with very heavy use, is almost broken to pieces but still works like a charm.
Lucky me I didn't throw away the old light. Saved the day since the new one stopped working in the middle of a gig.
Thomann Customer Service took care of this in no time.
5 stars for Thomann Customer Service!!
After getting the replacement from Thomann, I have got to say this is one very nice light. Easy to the eyes, but the spread is not enough to cover two pages. You might put it in the middle and illuminate the rest with the far edges of the beam. I would rather go for the double light next time.
Bohužel se vyskyla chyba. Zopakujte protím tuto akci později.
Colin616 02.04.2019
This is an excellent light - very bright but also compact. I use it to read scripts for shows while I?m operating sound at FOH. The beam is wide enough to light two A4 pages of script so it is ideal for my needs. Even on the low brightness setting, it is bright enough to easily read pages.
I?d recommend buying the adapter for it, as it uses batteries quite quickly.
I?ll be buying another in the near future.