Witnesses (French: Les Témoins) is a French police procedural television series, created by Marc Herpoux and Hervé Hadmar. In the first season, police detectives Sandra Winckler and Justin investigate when bodies of murder victims are unearthed and left for discovery in the show homes of a housing developer. Former chief-of-police, Paul Maisonneuve, is implicated. In the second season, Sandra and Justin find themselves on the trail of a serial killer whose modus operandi is to murder all former lovers of his kidnap victims.
Repartiment de la sèrie
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Season 2- A Frozen Death
A country road in northern France. A scene that sends chills down the spine: the bodies of 15 men, frozen and lined up inside a bus. The case is assigned to Lieutenant Sandra Winckler, who quickly finds a link between the dead men: all of them were involved at one time another with a woman named Catherine Keemer
Informació principal
Nom original Les Témoins
Estat Acabada
Tipus Guionitzada
Llengua original francès
Paraules clau
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Sí! Fa goig de veure!
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