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מוזרם כעת

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When an assassin's bullet confines him to a wheelchair for life ending his career as Chief of Detectives, Robert T. Ironside becomes a consultant to the police department. Detective Sergeant Ed Brown and policewoman Eve Whitfield join with him to crack varied and fascinating cases. Ex-con Mark Sanger is employed by the chief as home help but eventually becomes a fully fledged member of the team also. Officer Whitfield leaves after 4 years service, and is replaced by Officer Fran Belding.

  1. Collier Young


לַהַק סדרה

  1. Raymond Burr as Robert Ironside

    Raymond Burr

    Robert Ironside

    191 פרקים

  2. Don Galloway as Ed Brown

    Don Galloway

    Ed Brown

    191 פרקים

  3. Don Mitchell as Mark Sanger

    Don Mitchell

    Mark Sanger

    191 פרקים

  4. Barbara Anderson as Eve Whitfield

    Barbara Anderson

    Eve Whitfield

    191 פרקים

  5. Elizabeth Baur

    Fran Belding

    86 פרקים

  6. Johnny Seven as

    Johnny Seven

    23 פרקים

  7. George Murdock as Phil Wagner, Lee R. Anderson, Victor Cramer, Capt. Walter Finch, Jim Peters, FBI Agent Torrence, and Sheriff

    George Murdock

    Phil Wagner, Lee R. Anderson, Victor Cramer, Capt. Walter Finch and …עוד 3

    7 פרקים

  8. Lorraine Gary as

    Lorraine Gary

    6 פרקים

  9. Michael Bell as

    Michael Bell

    6 פרקים

  10. להציג עוד

להק וסגל מלאים

עונה אחרונה

עונה 8


1974 • 16 פרקים

עונה 8 של Ironside עלתה לאוויר בתאריך ספטמבר 12, 1974

The Faded Image

(8x16, ינואר 16, 1975)

הצג את כל העונות



מעמד בוטל


  • NBC ראה עוד סדרות מאת

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