Film Veri Tabanı Desteği

hello ! was trying to find mister gates but national treasure showing up and like... I know the main character is called Gates... but come on .. and the TOP thing that bugs me is not the fact that national treasure shows up, but that mister gates get automatically switched to national treasure because it autocorrects the wrong way

3 yanıt (toplam 1 sayfanın 1.sayfasında)

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Isn't that not a auto-correct but an automatic choose of the first result? Annoys me too tbf since this way the search gets rewritten to something I didn't want to search for.

Hi @TRUkae,

With regards to the actual Mister Gates movie, it hasn't been added to TMDB yet. Somebody will have to create it.

The issue you're talking about with National Treasure being selected is actually a bug with the search component we use. There is a setting to have it auto select the first result which we have turned off (thus giving your search query preference), but sometimes it doesn't work. You can see in your video the grey background is selecting the first item. Now compare your video to mine, my search propagates through.

The version of these components we're using are from 2021 and we have updating to the latest version on our list of things to do this year. We're hoping this bug has been fixed by them in the past few years.

@King_Dave said: Isn't that not a auto-correct but an automatic choose of the first result?

yes.. and no.. why would national treasure be the first result when looking for mister gate joy

@travisbell said: Somebody will have to create it.

That's the plan, but wanted to check if it existed before hand you know ?

@travisbell said: Now compare your video [to mine]

It sadly wont open so I cant, sorry, but I trust you :) or maybe convert the video to gif and push it here or on imgur like i did? it's ok if not

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