Dan Crenshaw

מידע אישי

ידוע/ה בשל משחק

קרדיטים ידועים 8

מגדר זכר

תאריך לידה מרץ 14, 1984 (בן/בת 40)

מקום לידה Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, UK

ידוע/ה גם בתור

  • Rep. Dan Crenshaw

ניקוד תוכן 


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היכנס כדי לדווח על סוגייה


Daniel Reed Crenshaw (born March 14, 1984) is an American politician and former United States Navy SEAL officer serving as the United States representative for Texas's 2nd congressional district since 2019. He is a member of the Republican Party.

Crenshaw was commissioned in the United States Navy, and served on SEAL Team 3 in the War in Afghanistan, reaching the rank of lieutenant commander. He was wounded in action during his third deployment, losing his right eye to an improvised explosive device. He served as a legislative assistant to Representative Pete Sessions, and was elected to Congress in the 2018 midterm election to succeed the retiring Ted Poe.

Daniel Reed Crenshaw (born March 14, 1984) is an American politician and former United States Navy SEAL officer serving as the United States representative for Texas's 2nd congressional district since 2019. He is a member of the Republican Party.

Crenshaw was commissioned in the United States Navy, and served on SEAL Team 3 in the War in Afghanistan, reaching the rank of lieutenant commander. He was wounded in action during his third deployment, losing his right eye to an improvised explosive device. He served as a legislative assistant to Representative Pete Sessions, and was elected to Congress in the 2018 midterm election to succeed the retiring Ted Poe.



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בכל דפי עריכה

t פתח בוחר תרגום
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w עורר מעמד צפייה
p עורר ציבורי/פרטי
c עורר סגירה/פתיחה
a פתח פעילות
r השב אל דיון
l לך אל תשובה אחרונה
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