Pitch (1997)

09/04/1997 (CA) ComedyDocumentary 1h 21m
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সংক্ষিপ্ত বিবরণ

A Canadian documentary featuring two young filmmakers attending the Toronto Film Festival to pitch a film concept to various celebrities. Their film idea, titled "The Don", concerns a Mafia don who goes for a hernia operation but gets a sex change instead. During the 1996 Toronto Fest, they approach Roger Ebert, Norman Jewison (at a packed press conference), Eric Stoltz (leaving a limo), Al Pacino, and others without much success. On a roll, they leave Toronto for Hollywood, getting advice from Arthur Hiller and Neil Simon and finding an agent who expresses interest in their pitch.

  1. Spencer Rice


  2. Kenny Hotz


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অবস্থা মুক্তি প্রাপ্ত

Original Language English

বাজেট -

রাজস্ব -

সাংকেতিক লিপির সমাধানসূত্র সমূহ

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বিষয়বস্তু স্কোর 


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