The Young Dragons (1974)

09/12/1975 (HK) Azione 1h 35m
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The powerful mobster Leung, who is protected by the dangerous and wicked Huan Fai, sells two hundred Japanese weapons and ammunition to a Chinese gang. He uses the smuggler Luy Fu to bring the weapons but the smalltime thief Kim and his gang heist the shipment on the road and dump the cargo into the sea. However, he lures Luy Fu and asks a large amount to return the weapons with the intention of traveling abroad with his brother. Meanwhile Kim befriends Fan Ming, an undercover police office from Shanghai that is investigating the illegal activities of Leung. When the mobster finds that Fan Ming is a policeman, Leung ambushes him and Huan Fai and his men stab the officer that falls from a cliff into the sea. Kim brings Fan Ming's fiancée Ipi Feng to the house of his lover, the prostitute Hung, and tells Ipi Feng that her fiancé was murdered by Leung. She decides to revenge the death of her beloved Fan Ming with tragic consequences.

  1. John Woo

    Director, Writer

  2. Ni Kuang


Attori In Primo Piano

  1. Henry Yu Yang

    Henry Yu Yang

    Brother Kin

  2. Tanny Tien-Ni

    Tanny Tien-Ni

    Yip Fung

  3. Dean Shek

    Dean Shek

    Young brothel customer

  4. Chiang Nan

    Chiang Nan

    Boss Lung

  5. Fung Hak-On

    Fung Hak-On

    Wan Fai

  6. Ng Ming-Choi

    Ng Ming-Choi


  7. Chin Yuet-Sang

    Chin Yuet-Sang

    Kin's man

  8. Shing Fui-On

    Shing Fui-On

    Wan Fai's attendant

  9. Li Min-Lang

    Wong Tai Sing

  10. Visualizza Altro

Cast e troupe al completo

The Young Dragons
The Young Dragons

Titolo originale 鐵漢柔情

Stato Rilasciato

Lingua Originale Cinese

Budget -

Incasso -

Parole Chiave

Valutazione Contenuto 


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