Not too bad considering the boycott by sensitive white men.
Yeah But is it actually good. If money is the measure of quality. You might as well call any of the Bayformers film, Masterpieces. Im still not interested in seeing this emotionless peace of wood try to act.
The Last Jedi opened with $220 million domestically and ended with $620, $316 less than TFA. The controversy was written off by the media as "trolls" and of course kids didn't care, it's Marvel, there was no question the movie would open well leading into Endgame.
The test now is how big of a dropoff it's going to have, and despite all the boot licking YouTube and RT have done to protect the film the general consensus appears to be between "it was ok" to "it sucked" so we'll see. I haven't seen it yet and I don't think I want to after hearing about what they did to Nick Fury. It reminds me of how we found out where Han Solo got his last name.
Not too bad considering the boycott by sensitive white men.
Yeah But is it actually good. If money is the measure of quality. You might as well call any of the Bayformers film, Masterpieces. Im still not interested in seeing this emotionless peace of wood try to act.
I just saw it, it wasn't great and there were a lot of problems, but I had a good time non-the-less. It's a decent Marvel movie, and any decent Marvel movie is always a shit ton better than Bayformers film. Also Brie Larson shows a lot of emotion and humor in this film, she's a damn Oscar Best Actress winner.
The plot, the visuals and the action are all boring compared to Aquaman and Wonder Woman and the movie looks like it was made for tv. The only saving grace of this movie is Sam Jackson and the humour. Other than those it is just a filler before the big finale.
Huh, in 4 days Captain Marvel made (including the Thursday early release in many theaters):
$153,000,000 Domestic
$456,285,175 Word Wide
While Alita, Battle Angel made in its entire run:
$78,346,064 Domestic
$382,659,117 World Wide
What happened to the sensitive white men YouTube/Twitter #ALITACHALLENGE Campaign to get people to watch Alita instead of Captain Marvel that I've been bombard with the last few weeks?
I swear that made me drop more channels in the last two weeks than anything YouTube has put out so far.
Not too bad considering the boycott by sensitive white men.
Yeah But is it actually good. If money is the measure of quality. You might as well call any of the Bayformers film, Masterpieces. Im still not interested in seeing this emotionless peace of wood try to act.
I just saw it, it wasn't great and there were a lot of problems, but I had a good time non-the-less. It's a decent Marvel movie, and any decent Marvel movie is always a shit ton better than Bayformers film. Also Brie Larson shows a lot of emotion and humor in this film, she's a damn Oscar Best Actress winner.
I'll admit the beginning and end were the best parts, the bits in the middle were unsatisfactory for a Marvel movie at this stage so close to the end. The Skrulls were cheap and dare I say "kid friendly" not at all what I was expecting, I've heard these guys caused mayhem in the comics, yet they're unlucky, accident prone space refugees with low budget cheap makeup and zero personality in this. Everything in this movie lacked depth. It was a very vanilla polite Marvel movie and that was the problem. Captain Marvel herself was too nice.
After watching the new trailer, I want to reassess my earlier summary of what I think the movie is about. It's starting to look like the Skrulls aren't the bad guys in this, in that they're not Invading Earth. It's looking to me that they're more like war time refugees in hiding, and Captain Marvel ends up defending the Skrulls and the planet from the Kree at the end.
I have read the comics, but this looks like it's a lot different from her comic origin story. However, knowing what I know about the comics, I can make sort of a storyline from what's in the trailer. It looks like the movie starts when she returns to Earth and you'll only get snippets of her origin sprinkled throughout the movie as flashbacks (or maybe the 90's Earth scenes are sprinkled in between flashbacks from the past). In those flashbacks, it appears that as an Airforce pilot Carol Danvers runs into a Kree ship (probably containing Mar-Vell) while testing a new space plane. She gets hers her powers from the exploding ship (possibly merging with Mar-Vell) and brought to Hala, the Kree home world. There her memories are erased and she's put to work as a member of the Kree Star Force with Ronan as commander and Mar-Vell acting as her mentor (Mar-Vell may be alive or an apparition ala American Werewolf of London). During a mission, she somehow the gets shot back to Earth to the beginning of the movie. The Earth scenes appears to be her landing on Earth and crashing into a Blockbuster. Without any memories of her Earth life, she finds that the planet is secretly inhabited by Skrulls, green goblin-like shapeshifting aliens who are the enemy of the Kree (hence her punching the grandma), and she ends up joining up with young Nick Fury and Coulson to try to stop the spread of the invasion, all in the while her memories are slowly coming back to her.
Huh, in 4 days Captain Marvel made (including the Thursday early release in many theaters):
$153,000,000 Domestic
$456,285,175 Word Wide
While Alita, Battle Angel made in its entire run:
$78,346,064 Domestic
$382,659,117 World Wide
What happened to the sensitive white men YouTube/Twitter #ALITACHALLENGE Campaign to get people to watch Alita instead of Captain Marvel that I've been bombard with the last few weeks?
I swear that made me drop more channels in the last two weeks than anything YouTube has put out so far.
You mean a movie based on a Manga most people had ever heard of made less than the 21st(?) film in one of the most popular franchises in history? I don't believe it.
Captain Marvel has already made more than Mad Max Fury Road made in its entire run domestically. How many people think Captain Marvel is a better movie? How many people do you think would rate Captain Marvel as a better character than Furiosa?
The reason why people didn't want to see CM is because it's clearly elevating a female character at the expense of men, while movies like Alita (and Fury Road) are just good movies with fantastic female characters. Alita is a far better movie and a far better female character than CM, but the so called "feminists" ignored it because it wasn't pushing an agenda, which just reveals how they don't really care about if female characters are well written or not, this is about pushing a feminist agenda within a franchise beloved by a largely male audience (see also: Ghostbuster, Star Wars, Star Trek, etc).
The fact you are gloating about CM's success despite its sexist star and political agenda is like a stray dog bragging about how many animals the local pet shop has spayed and neutered.
Huh, in 4 days Captain Marvel made (including the Thursday early release in many theaters):
$153,000,000 Domestic
$456,285,175 Word Wide
While Alita, Battle Angel made in its entire run:
$78,346,064 Domestic
$382,659,117 World Wide
What happened to the sensitive white men YouTube/Twitter #ALITACHALLENGE Campaign to get people to watch Alita instead of Captain Marvel that I've been bombard with the last few weeks?
I swear that made me drop more channels in the last two weeks than anything YouTube has put out so far.
You mean a movie based on a Manga most people had ever heard of made less than the 21st(?) film in one of the most popular franchises in history? I don't believe it.
Captain Marvel has already made more than Mad Max Fury Road made in its entire run domestically. How many people think Captain Marvel is a better movie? How many people do you think would rate Captain Marvel as a better character than Furiosa?
The reason why people didn't want to see CM is because it's clearly elevating a female character at the expense of men, while movies like Alita (and Fury Road) are just good movies with fantastic female characters. Alita is a far better movie and a far better female character than CM, but the so called "feminists" ignored it because it wasn't pushing an agenda, which just reveals how they don't really care about if female characters are well written or not, this is about pushing a feminist agenda within a franchise beloved by a largely male audience (see also: Ghostbuster, Star Wars, Star Trek, etc).
The fact you are gloating about CM's success despite its sexist star and political agenda is like a stray dog bragging about how many animals the local pet shop has spayed and neutered.
Butt hurt much?🤣 Believe me if CM failed to make as much as A:BA I wouldn't stop hearing about it for months. Let's look at what I said about this whole controversy in February:
Also Marvel/Disney hasn't made movie that has not been well received since the Incredible Hulk (well there was the Inhumans but that was Ike Perlmutter's Marvel TV). Even their worst movies, at most gets a it's good/decent review from the critics, and still makes a sizable profit. The whole Get Woke Go Broke premise of this thread is simply retarded.
My main issue about the prejudgment of this movie is that we go through this with almost every Marvel movie. It's like there are people just hoping Marvel/Disney will fail one day. What really gets me is each time, they act like this time it will be different. Remember when people thought Black Panther was gonna fail because it had an all black cast, how no one was going to watch Ant-Man because Edgar Wright left, Doctor Strange was gonna fail because reasons, or when Guardians of the Galaxy was gonna fail because who the fuck is the Guardians of the Galaxy? Let's not get started on the constant bitching that all Hollywood makes are Comic Book movies (when that's never been the case). Now there are even people saying that Marvel is finished after End Game. I guess if people keep being foretelling a bleak future, they might be right once.
I'm not gloating about CMs success, but poo pooing on the bullshit people have been spouting the last few months. My review on the movie itself was it was just ok for a Marvel movie, and it suffered a lot of problems.
I just saw it, it wasn't great and there were a lot of problems, but I had a good time non-the-less. It's a decent Marvel movie, and any decent Marvel movie is always a shit ton better than Bayformers film. Also Brie Larson shows a lot of emotion and humor in this film, she's a damn Oscar Best Actress winner.
CM did better than expected since the whole Larson debacle hating on men. But the real test is going to be the next week drop. Is it going to have the legs to go as far as Black Panther? I dont think so. I think the fans came out to support the MCU, not necessarily CM and her sex. Money dosent equal quality, look at Alita, like others have mentioned. Better over all film from the reviews and word of mouth but struggling at the box office.
CM did better than expected since the whole Larson debacle hating on men. But the real test is going to be the next week drop. Is it going to have the legs to go as far as Black Panther? I dont think so. I think the fans came out to support the MCU, not necessarily CM and her sex. Money dosent equal quality, look at Alita, like others have mentioned. Better over all film from the reviews and word of mouth but struggling at the box office.
I don't think anyone believes it's gonna go as far as Black Panther (that's an overblown expectation especially with Endgame coming next month and Disney announcing a streaming release of it in June). As long as it does comparable to all other Marvel origin films, which it is already on track of doing, that's as much as can be expected. Meaning none of the controversy hurt it at all, and all it did was give attention to dipshit YouTube clickbaiters to get the attention they got (and a boost to their Patreon). Hell, they probably gave this film an attention boost and made more people want to watch it instead (expecting to find a man-hating dumpster fire of a film).
Oh look, the final tally for the opening weekend for Captain Marvel also beat Wonder Woman's opening weekend: Captain Marvel $153,433,423 ( domestic) $456,718,598 (world wide) - Wonder Woman $103,251,471 (domestic) $228,251,471 (world wide) as well as Aquaman's $67,873,522 (domestic) $162,073,522 (world wide) 😂
CM did better than expected since the whole Larson debacle hating on men. But the real test is going to be the next week drop. Is it going to have the legs to go as far as Black Panther? I dont think so. I think the fans came out to support the MCU, not necessarily CM and her sex. Money dosent equal quality, look at Alita, like others have mentioned. Better over all film from the reviews and word of mouth but struggling at the box office.
I don't think anyone believes it's gonna go as far as Black Panther (that's an overblown expectation especially with Endgame coming next month and Disney announcing a streaming release of it in June). As long as it does comparable to all other Marvel origin films, which it is already on track of doing, that's as much as can be expected. Meaning none of the controversy hurt it at all, and all it did was give attention to dipshit YouTube clickbaiters to get the attention they got (and a boost to their Patreon). Hell, they probably gave this film an attention boost and made more people want to watch it instead (expecting to find a man-hating dumpster fire of a film).
Oh look, the final tally for the opening weekend for Captain Marvel also beat Wonder Woman's opening weekend: Captain Marvel $153,433,423 ( domestic) $456,718,598 (world wide) - Wonder Woman $103,251,471 (domestic) $228,251,471 (world wide) as well as Aquaman's $67,873,522 (domestic) $162,073,522 (world wide) 😂
Do you think it will break 1 billion world wide? I think it will IF the momentum keeps going like it is now. I honestly didnt think it would be doing so well as it is. I wonder what the drop off will be by next Monday.
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den 10 Mars 2019 kl. 3:27 PM
Svar av Nygma-0999
den 10 Mars 2019 kl. 4:32 PM
Yeah But is it actually good. If money is the measure of quality. You might as well call any of the Bayformers film, Masterpieces. Im still not interested in seeing this emotionless peace of wood try to act.
den 10 Mars 2019 kl. 4:54 PM
Svar av Ask Me Anything
den 10 Mars 2019 kl. 7:48 PM
The Last Jedi opened with $220 million domestically and ended with $620, $316 less than TFA. The controversy was written off by the media as "trolls" and of course kids didn't care, it's Marvel, there was no question the movie would open well leading into Endgame.
The test now is how big of a dropoff it's going to have, and despite all the boot licking YouTube and RT have done to protect the film the general consensus appears to be between "it was ok" to "it sucked" so we'll see. I haven't seen it yet and I don't think I want to after hearing about what they did to Nick Fury. It reminds me of how we found out where Han Solo got his last name.
den 10 Mars 2019 kl. 7:56 PM
Svar av Innovator
den 11 Mars 2019 kl. 1:22 AM
I just saw it, it wasn't great and there were a lot of problems, but I had a good time non-the-less. It's a decent Marvel movie, and any decent Marvel movie is always a shit ton better than Bayformers film. Also Brie Larson shows a lot of emotion and humor in this film, she's a damn Oscar Best Actress winner.
Svar av tmdb23329739
den 11 Mars 2019 kl. 4:55 AM
The plot, the visuals and the action are all boring compared to Aquaman and Wonder Woman and the movie looks like it was made for tv. The only saving grace of this movie is Sam Jackson and the humour. Other than those it is just a filler before the big finale.
den 11 Mars 2019 kl. 11:45 AM
Svar av Innovator
den 11 Mars 2019 kl. 12:13 PM
Huh, in 4 days Captain Marvel made (including the Thursday early release in many theaters): $153,000,000 Domestic $456,285,175 Word Wide
While Alita, Battle Angel made in its entire run: $78,346,064 Domestic $382,659,117 World Wide
What happened to the sensitive white men YouTube/Twitter #ALITACHALLENGE Campaign to get people to watch Alita instead of Captain Marvel that I've been bombard with the last few weeks?
I swear that made me drop more channels in the last two weeks than anything YouTube has put out so far.
Svar av Innovator
den 11 Mars 2019 kl. 1:38 PM
By the 2nd trailer, I had already predicted they were going the refugee route with the Skrulls:
Hell, I predicted a lot of this move with the 1st trailer:
Svar av Ask Me Anything
den 11 Mars 2019 kl. 3:06 PM
You mean a movie based on a Manga most people had ever heard of made less than the 21st(?) film in one of the most popular franchises in history? I don't believe it.
Captain Marvel has already made more than Mad Max Fury Road made in its entire run domestically. How many people think Captain Marvel is a better movie? How many people do you think would rate Captain Marvel as a better character than Furiosa?
The reason why people didn't want to see CM is because it's clearly elevating a female character at the expense of men, while movies like Alita (and Fury Road) are just good movies with fantastic female characters. Alita is a far better movie and a far better female character than CM, but the so called "feminists" ignored it because it wasn't pushing an agenda, which just reveals how they don't really care about if female characters are well written or not, this is about pushing a feminist agenda within a franchise beloved by a largely male audience (see also: Ghostbuster, Star Wars, Star Trek, etc).
The fact you are gloating about CM's success despite its sexist star and political agenda is like a stray dog bragging about how many animals the local pet shop has spayed and neutered.
Svar av Innovator
den 11 Mars 2019 kl. 3:35 PM
Butt hurt much?🤣 Believe me if CM failed to make as much as A:BA I wouldn't stop hearing about it for months. Let's look at what I said about this whole controversy in February:
I'm not gloating about CMs success, but poo pooing on the bullshit people have been spouting the last few months. My review on the movie itself was it was just ok for a Marvel movie, and it suffered a lot of problems.
Svar av OddRob
den 11 Mars 2019 kl. 8:46 PM
CM did better than expected since the whole Larson debacle hating on men. But the real test is going to be the next week drop. Is it going to have the legs to go as far as Black Panther? I dont think so. I think the fans came out to support the MCU, not necessarily CM and her sex. Money dosent equal quality, look at Alita, like others have mentioned. Better over all film from the reviews and word of mouth but struggling at the box office.
Svar av Innovator
den 11 Mars 2019 kl. 10:57 PM
I don't think anyone believes it's gonna go as far as Black Panther (that's an overblown expectation especially with Endgame coming next month and Disney announcing a streaming release of it in June). As long as it does comparable to all other Marvel origin films, which it is already on track of doing, that's as much as can be expected. Meaning none of the controversy hurt it at all, and all it did was give attention to dipshit YouTube clickbaiters to get the attention they got (and a boost to their Patreon). Hell, they probably gave this film an attention boost and made more people want to watch it instead (expecting to find a man-hating dumpster fire of a film).
Oh look, the final tally for the opening weekend for Captain Marvel also beat Wonder Woman's opening weekend: Captain Marvel $153,433,423 ( domestic) $456,718,598 (world wide) - Wonder Woman $103,251,471 (domestic) $228,251,471 (world wide) as well as Aquaman's $67,873,522 (domestic) $162,073,522 (world wide) 😂
Svar av OddRob
den 12 Mars 2019 kl. 12:14 AM
Do you think it will break 1 billion world wide? I think it will IF the momentum keeps going like it is now. I honestly didnt think it would be doing so well as it is. I wonder what the drop off will be by next Monday.