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Something is afoot in the lonely Cornish village of Merrymaid Bay. Rumours of dead men working in the tin mines have sent a chill through the community, and it's up to the Doctor and Charley to get to the bottom of the mystery. Can the legends of the Bucca that haunts the mines be true? And just what awesome power do the Doctor's greatest enemies - the Daleks! - threaten to unleash upon the universe?

  1. Barnaby Edwards


  2. Robert Valentine


Bes geadverteerde rolspelers

  1. Paul McGann

    Paul McGann

    The Doctor

  2. India Fisher

    India Fisher

    Charlotte Pollard

  3. Nicholas Briggs

    Nicholas Briggs

    The Daleks

  4. Alex MacQueen

    The Master

Volledige rolverdeling & bemanning

Doctor Who: The Stuff of Legend - The Live Show
Doctor Who: The Stuff of Legend - The Live Show

Status Vrygestel

Oorspronklike taal Engels

Begroting -

Omset -


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