SUA este acum o țară profund divizată, iar un război civil sângeros se declanșează. Democrația și Constituția sunt vise dispărute de mult, în timp ce la Washington președintele și-a început al treilea mandat la Casa Albă. În calitate de comandant suprem al forțelor armate, el poartă război împotriva Texasului și Californiei și atacă americanii rebeli cu lovituri aeriene brutale. În ciuda tuturor eforturilor militare ale președintelui, cele două state nu pot fi doborâte, ci dimpotrivă. Pe măsură ce se apropie Ziua Independenței, trupele din California și Texas se apropie de Washington. Pentru a se asigura că adevărul nu se pierde în timpul războiului, câțiva jurnaliști continuă să-și facă treaba cu conștiință și raportează din punctele de necazuri cu mare risc pentru viața lor. Când devine clar că și capitala ar putea cădea în următoarele zile, echipa pornește să conducă un ultim interviu cu președintele.

23 juli 2010

Acuzată că este spioană rusă, agenta CIA Evelyn Salt fuge, folosindu-se de toate trucurile pe care le știe pentru a scăpa de urmăritori și a-și reface reputația.


20 december 1991

Pe 22 noiembrie 1963, lumea și-a ținut respirația: John F. Kennedy, cel mai tânăr președinte ales în funcție în Statele Unite, a fost împușcat. În cel mai scurt timp, FBI-ul prezintă un făptuitor, singuraticul Lee Harvey Oswald. Două zile mai târziu este împușcat mort de Jack Ruby. Comisia Warren însărcinată cu investigarea cazului concluzionează că Oswald a fost singurul făptuitor. Procurorul Jim Garrison se îndoiește de teorie și pornește împreună cu echipa sa să rezolve el însuși puzzle-ul crimei. În ciuda faptului că martorii mor ca muștele în circumstanțe ciudate, Garrison descoperă o conspirație care implică CIA, FBI, mafia și președintele Johnson deopotrivă.

1979, Coreea de Sud. Agenția Centrală de Informații, cunoscută și sub numele de KCIA, este o agenție aflată sub controlul direct al președintelui, care deține o mare putere. Șeful departamentului și oponenții săi politici se angajează într-o luptă acerbă pentru putere.

In 1881 Dallas, an ex-Union soldier attempts to expose a conspiracy of Southerners that killed his father, his friend and President James A. Garfield.

11 mei 1979

The younger brother of an assassinated US President is led down a rabbit hole of conspiracies and dead ends after learning of a man claiming to be the real shooter.

17 augustus 1951

A detective tries to prevent the assassination of President-elect Abraham Lincoln during a train ride headed for Washington in 1861.

On October 26, 1979, President Park Chung-hee, who had ruled South Korea since 1961, was assassinated by his director of intelligence. The film depicts the events of that night.

17 september 2013

Four assassins led by Baron, pose as Secret Service agents to commandeer the house of war-widow ELLEN. Her home is a prime sniper position for their plan to assassinate the President on his visit to the small town of Suddenly. The men fool the local cops except for one, TODD. A washed-up former war hero and deputy who is now the town drunk, Todd served with Ellen’s deceased husband and has developed romantic feelings for her over the years. But she rebuffs his advances. Todd visits the house and is immediately suspicious of Baron, but no one will listen to the ravings of a drunk. Once Todd realizes what is going on, he manages to kill one of Baron’s crew, but is captured. Now he and Ellen must find a way to stop Baron and his men before they kill the President.

9 december 2001

The Day Reagan Was Shot is a 2001 film made for television directed by Cyrus Nowrasteh. The film stars Richard Dreyfuss as Alexander Haig and Richard Crenna as Ronald Reagan.

1 oktober 1966

Andy Warhol's experimental reconstruction of the assassination of the President of the United States, John F. Kennedy, which serves as his critical commentary on the way the media presented the tragic event.

14 november 2006

After an open mic night, JB and KG get a message from Michael Keaton who tells them that the time-space continuum has been disrupted at the Ford's Theater in 1850 and only Tenacious D can fix it.

7 oktober 1964

1964 American documentary film about the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

A behind-the-scenes look at November 22, 1963 from the unique perspective of Lyndon Johnson. On his pivotal first day as President, Lyndon Johnson is put to the test as he contends with the jarring transfer of political power and the daunting challenge of securing the trust of a devastated nation. From new details about when JFK really died, to the truth behind LBJ's Oath of Office photo on Air Force One, this special uncovers an unfamiliar story born out of one of the most crucial days in American history

Theodore Roosevelt was America's 26th president and a larger-than-life legend whose incredible story must be seen to be believed. Narrated by George C. Scott, this documentary weaves extremely rare archival footage with meticulous recreations alongside the music of John Philip Sousa in a dynamic panorama of the great events of Teddy Roosevelt in the early years of the 20th century.

Asko Mertanen is a waiter who is very interested in shooting. He gets fed up how the things are run in Finland, so he thinks that the best way to change them is to shoot the Finnish president.

November 22, 1963, John Fitzgerald Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas. Through the perspective of various stakeholders, Patrick Jeudy attempts to trace step by step the progress of this black day in American History.

Based on the model of documentary fiction (alternating period films, interviews and re-enactments with actors), the film begins on September 8, 1961 with the failure of the Pont-sur-Seine attack on a road convoy carrying Charles de Gaulle, then President of the Republic, and continues with the slow preparation, the occurrence and the consequences of the Petit-Clamart attack on August 22, 1962.

1 januari 2013

“Never, ever, publish them!” What was it Jackie Kennedy wanted to keep secret? Acclaimed director Patrick Jeudy has access to a series of conversations recorded a few months after her husband’s assassination in Dallas on November 22, 1963. The Lady in Pink was continually driven by a dual purpose: that of molding her own image, whilst managing that of the president. She cannot change the past, so she may as well rewrite it and start to build the legend of JFK.

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