Hi there,

Let's talk about TMDB

The Movie Database (TMDB) is a community built movie and TV database. Every piece of data has been added by our amazing community dating back to 2008. TMDB's strong international focus and breadth of data is largely unmatched and something we're incredibly proud of. Put simply, we live and breathe community and that's precisely what makes us different.

The TMDB advantage


Every year since 2008, the number of contributions to our database has increased (check out our last years wrap!) With over 1,500,000 developers and companies using our platform, TMDB has become a premiere source for metadata.


Along with extensive metadata for movies, TV shows and people, we also offer one of the best selections of high resolution posters and fanart. On average, over 1,000 images are added every single day.


We're international. While we officially support 39 languages we also have extensive regional data. Every single day TMDB is used in over 180 countries.


Our community is second to none. Between our staff and community moderators, we're always here to help. We're passionate about making sure your experience on TMDB is nothing short of amazing.


Trusted platform. Every single day our service is used by millions of people while we process over 3 billion requests. We've proven for years that this is a service that can be trusted and relied on.

Contact TMDB

The TMDB product, service, attitude and support are truly top notch. We love how they support their community and the passion with which they have built an amazing asset that our users can enjoy!

Scott Olechowski, Chief Product Officer & Co-founder of Plex, Inc.

Our experience working with TMDB has been positively fantastic! The powerful API coupled with its excellent availability and uptime is simply a great combo. I can't imagine ever using anything else!

James Abeler, Founder & Director of Firecore, LLC

We love it. From day one we've found the API to be pragmatic, reliable, well structured and well documented. In any engineering project, it's immensely satisfying when you can just plug and play, and that's been the case all the way along. I can't recall a single outage in over five years of use, and we also enjoy having a voice when it comes to the design of new approaches.

Matthew Buchanan, Co-founder of Letterboxd

The API has been amazing and of course, we love the localization of data. It's awesome to be able to add and edit movie information on our own.

Hosam Hassan, Co-founder of Taphive GmbH


We all love them. Here's a few that we find interesting.




TV Shows*


TV Seasons


TV Episodes






Edits Last Week

* These counts do not include adult content.

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