It's grim in Kensington and Chelsea, claims author of social geography atlas
New atlas shows levels of crime, pollution and antisocial behaviour mean quality of life in affluent areas is declining
April 2011
liberty central
'Banning orders' are no magic button
Rupert Myers
Rupert Myers: Theresa May is backtracking on her disdain for Labour's long list of powers in a bid to punish people for crimes they might commit
March 2011
IPCC condemns Manchester police over David Askew death
Watchdog says force had no effective system in place to deal with persistent harassment of disabled man
February 2011
TV review
TV review – First Cut: Teen Horse Whisperers and Friday Night Dinner
I'm glad the asbo is going, but most rebranding is just a distraction
David Mitchell
Asbo replacement announced by government - video
Asbo replacement orders condemned by children's charities
A new name won't put the asbo genie back in its bottle
Libby Brooks
liberty central
'Gangbos' will only further infringe civil liberties
Bella Sankey
January 2011
Theresa May unfolds new 'toolkit' to tackle antisocial behaviour
Asbo breach rate among young teenagers hits 73%
'Savage' cuts to youth spending could rob a generation of chances
A farewell to asbos
November 2010
Misfits teens put the Asbo into Superhero
It's the surprise cult hit that takes the US myth of the superpowered and relocates it to underclass Britain. But not everyone loves the show
October 2010
Recorded crime falls 8%
Drop in all offences, except sex attacks, in England and Wales suggests recession-fuelled crime wave has been avoided
September 2010
We can't just leave it to the police – we must all tackle antisocial behaviour
Henry Porter
Politics blog
Stop the rot: have police stopped fighting hooligans?
August 2010
Scrapping asbos will make communities vulnerable to crime
Stephen Munby
Response: These orders were a key weapon in the fight against antisocial behaviour, says Stephen Munby
Joint enterprise law questioned by mother of teen convict
Garry Newlove's death at the hands of a group of teenagers shocked Britain. Three years on, two of the women closest to the case are fighting very different battles
Asbo research and the media
Letters: Asbos were targeted at neighbourhoods containing highly disadvantaged groups, characterised by family breakdown, abuse, bereavement and loss, and educational difficulty