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Improved meningitis vaccine ready 'within a decade'

This article is more than 21 years old

Research using the latest genetic engineering methods by scientists at the University of Surrey has given hope that a vaccine to immunise children against all strains of meningitis could be developed within 10 years.

Scientists at the university's school of biomedical and molecular sciences, along with the Health Protection Agency in Porton Down, Salisbury, have created a mutant group of meningococcus, which, when injected into mice, gave them immunity from all meningitis groups (A, B and C).

The implications of the findings are significant. While there are already vaccines available for groups A and C, no effective vaccine has been developed for the B group. There are about 1,500 confirmed cases of group B meningitis in the UK each year.

Professor Johnjoe McFadden, who led the research, funded by the charity The Meningitis Trust, today speculated that these findings might lead to the discovery of a full vaccination against all types of meningitis "within a decade".

"Although we've not yet developed a vaccine and much work still needs to be done, by discovering a way in which to provide broad reactive cross-protection, the research holds real promise," he said.

The research followed the development in 2000 of the genetic sequencing - or mapping - of the meningococcus virus, from which Professor McFadden's team was able to genetically engineer a mimic version of the organism with which to experiment.

The Surrey scientists will continue to investigate the causes of the disease, which proves fatal in 10% of child cases and leaves many survivors severely disabled.

Professor McFadden said the findings of the Surrey project would be used globally by researchers, and said that the "hunt for the right kind of vaccination offering across the board protection against meningococcus meningitis will continue to be a priority".

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