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American psyche

George Saunders’ offbeat insights into the US citizen’s mind
  • American psyche

    George Saunders: Last night on TV I saw a very convincing commercial for an anti-cellulite cream that featured four wafer-thin young women with no cellulite on their celery-stick-thin legs

  • American psyche

    George Saunders: Reality shows are all the rage here in America, so I started my own

  • American psyche

    George Saunders: In Iraq, no end in sight. People like me, against it from the start, are confused

  • American psyche

    George Saunders on a perfect New York day and a plastic bag of puppy crap

  • American psyche

    George Saunders offers a lexicon for British travellers visiting the US to make the most of the exchange rate

  • American psyche

    George Saunders: I'm shocked by the suggestion that we boycott the Olympics because of China's crackdown on Tibet

  • American psyche

    George Saunders: A bookseller recently told me there are several topics that guarantee a bestselling book in the US. As someone who has written only what might be called worstsellers, I was intrigued

  • American psyche

    George Saunders: Perhaps you've heard the popular cliché, "Fifty is the new 30." This idea is being propagated, I suspect, by people like me - ie, people approaching 50

  • American psyche

    George Saunders: Some of my wimpy, anti-hunting friends claim that hunting is cruel. I don't consider hunting cruel as long as the hunter fully uses whatever he kills

  • American psyche

    George Saunders: Let's resume our discussion of the ancient art of hunting

  • American psyche

    George Saunders: There is perhaps no human activity as ancient as hunting. I mean, breathing, yes, OK. And sleeping

  • American psyche

    George Saunders: I've had it with the paparazzi. That's why I initiated my Harass-A-Paparazzi Programme

  • American psyche

    George Saunders: A few weeks ago, the "insurgents" in Iraq took their mindless violence to, as we say in our American reality shows, "a whole other level"

  • American psyche

    George Saunders: This week, a serious column. A tribute, if you will.

  • American psyche

    To conclude our discussion of poetry, let's look at what we poets call "free verse" in which stifling conventions are abandoned

  • American psyche

    Nonja the world's oldest orang-utan reflects on a live well-lived
  • American psyche

    Life: A Play in One Act
  • American psyche

    A strange thing about these columns: they're written in advance. So, although you're reading this on January 12 , I'm actually writing it on December 12
  • American psyche

    George Saunders: There's a movie writers' strike over here, and I worry about my colleagues being rusty when they return. Here, comrades, are a few ideas. You don't even have to pay me
  • American psyche

    George Saunders: As discussed last week, this is the time of year when our tiny ceramic American Christmas villages (or Nostalgolopolii) are aglow in anticipation of their favourite holiday, on which they are boxed up and stored in the attic till next year
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