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All Together: How news brands came together to unite a nation

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Cast your mind back to Easter 2020. It’s a bit of a blur, perhaps one you’d happily forget. Just days earlier a united news industry team had pitched to the UK government for a campaign that would involve bringing together more than 600 national and local news brands to reach more than 40 million readers. Never before had the whole industry come together like this. The government were onboard, but they needed it to go live the following week. To take this from pitch to page in just seven days, old rivalries were put aside as the news industry pulled together to make this happen. And on April 17, newsstands and news sites across the country carried a bold, unified message: “Stay at home for the NHS, your family, your neighbours, your nation, the world and life itself.”
To inspire agencies with the art of the possible, this session will tell the story of the news industry’s single biggest collaboration to create the most important public interest campaign in a generation, so successful that it’s still going strong 18 months later.

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