How your support helps

Your support of Tate Foundation (registered Charity number 1085314) helps Tate to keep art free for everyone. It supports exhibitions, displays, learning activities for all ages. It also helps us to grow and care for the national collection for everyone to discover and enjoy.

Blue and yellow installation art hanging in a gallery space

Installation view of Outi Pieski at Tate St Ives, 2024. Photo © Tate (Oliver Cowling)

Building the collection

Crucial support enables us to welcome key artworks into the collection. With your support, we can celebrate how art is made and seen around the world today.

Cleaning Babel Photo © Tate Photography

Looking after the collection

Help our expert conservation team to look after the collection for the future enjoyment of everyone.

A fountain in a large gallery space

Klara Walker Commission, Tate Modern. Photo © Tate Photography

Exhibitions and displays

We produce landmark surveys on influential artists, group shows and free collection displays. Your vital support helps us champion and share the depth and breadth of global artistic practice.

Children smiling and holding decorated cardboard faces

Play Studio, Tate Britain. Photo © Tate Photography

Learning and public programmes

Donations support our wide range of learning and public programmes. Our gallery and online events provide everyone the chance to explore new perspectives through art.

Thank you for your support

Your generous support is key to championing and celebrating art for all.

Contact us

Get in touch with us at [email protected].

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