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Brand use requests

The Sydney Opera House is a World Heritage-listed building and one of the busiest performing arts centres globally. Its broad and diverse programming attracts audiences in person and online, with more than 16 million people attending performances and tours over the past decade.

To submit a request, or for general enquires about the use of the Sydney Opera House Brand, please contact the us via email.

What is the Sydney Opera House brand?

The Sydney Opera House is a World Heritage-listed building and one of the busiest performing arts centres globally.

The Sydney Opera House brand means the image, likeness and name of the Sydney Opera House.

Our brand is well recognised all around the world and is one of the Sydney Opera House Trust’s (SOHT’s) most important assets. We safeguard it for a number of reasons, including to protect:

  • The integrity and value of the Sydney Opera House brand; and
  • Our partners and other authorised licensees who have been granted rights by SOHT to use the brand. 

Who can use the Sydney Opera House brand?

Private use

If you are an individual seeking to use the Sydney Opera House brand for personal, private, non-promotional, non-commercial and non-revenue-earning purposes, then no permission is required.

For example, you don’t need permission to post personal photographs or videos taken at Sydney Opera House for use on your personal social media pages, provided you don’t earn revenue from your social media profile and are not associated with a commercial brand yourself.

Promotional use

Permission to use the Sydney Opera House brand for promotional purposes will only be given in limited circumstances.

If you wish to use the Sydney Opera House brand for any promotional purposes, you will need to seek permission and apply for a license from the Sydney Opera House Trust. 

We require a minimum of three business days to review any requests for promotional use of the Sydney Opera House brand.

Editorial use

If you are an Australian or international media outlet and wish to reference the Sydney Opera House or to use an image of SOH in an editorial context please contact our Communications Team.

Filming and photography (commercial use)

All commericial filming and photography on the Sydney Opera House site, which includes both interior and exterior locations, must gain prior written approval from the Sydney Opera House.

Submit a Sydney Opera House filming and photography application.

Product licensing (commercial use)

Written permission is required from the Sydney Opera House Trust in order to manufacture and/or sell products which use the Sydney Opera House brand as part of the product or its packaging.

This permission is required for trade marks, copyright materials and any representations or depictions of the Sydney Opera House brand that insinuates an association between the business or the product and the Sydney Opera House, or that the business or product has been approved by the Sydney Opera House Trust.

This includes, for example, products using the Sydney Opera House image and products which might mislead consumers into believing that there is an association with the Sydney Opera House.

If you wish to use the Sydney Opera House brand for commercial use you must have prior written approval from the Sydney Opera House Trust.

If approved, the use of the Sydney Opera House brand in this way will be subject to conditions and usually incur a fee payable to the SOHT.

Frequently asked questions

If you require further information, please contact us via email via email and we can provide specific guidance.