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The Brinson Foundation

Application Dates & Deadlines

Application RSVP due by Friday, September 30, 2024.

Applications due by Friday, October 15, 2024. The application link will be emailed to PIs who submit an RSVP.

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Rush University is requesting applications from Early Career Investigators for a Brinson Medical Research Fellowship opportunity. These fellowship awards favor creative and innovative research that has the potential to lead to additional studies. The Foundation is open to supporting research in a wide range of specialties, but less interested in the following areas: Psychiatry/Behavioral Health, Food Sciences, Diabetes, Alzheimer’s Disease, and qualitative research. These pilot awards are intended to provide resources to enable research projects that may be tangential to a major research focus or to expand the scope of a major project. Funding will be for one year with the possibility of an additional year based on the progress attained during the first funding period.

Funding amounts and availability

One proposal with a budget of up to $100,000 will be awarded for one year, with the possibility of an additional year of funding based on the progress achieved during the first year.

Eligible investigators 

This RFA is limited to Early Career Investigators (Assistant Professor level with no previous R01-level or equivalent funding).


  • Awards will be made for impactful and innovative projects in biomedical sciences
  • The project must be feasible within the initial year-long project period
  • Applicants are encouraged to identify funding mechanisms (e.g., federal, non-federal, or other specific grant mechanisms) for future funding opportunities that will allow further progress on the proposed project
  • Creative interdisciplinary applications are encouraged
  • Applications from diverse candidates are encouraged

How to apply 

Please submit your proposal using the online application form. The submission link will be emailed to PIs who submit an RSVP. 

Your proposal should consist of 1 PDF file:

  • A cover page, containing the following:
    • Grant proposal title
    • MPIs names, highest degree, position title, department/division, phone number, and email
    • Funding amount requesting
    • A statement of whether the proposal research overlaps in whole or part with any ongoing efforts or any submitted proposals
  • Budget in NIH PHS398 forms
    • Allowable: up to 20% effort for PIs, publication costs
    • Not allowable: capital expenses
  • Biographical sketches in current NIH format for PI only
  • Body of application
    • Formatting: 11-point Arial font with at least 1/2-inch margins
    • Project summary/abstract in layman’s terms (no more than 1 page)
    • Research Strategy: Significance, innovation, and approach (2 pages)
    • Literature Cited (1 page)
    • Plan for Future Funding (1/2 page)
    • A letter of support from the PI’s Department Chair/Division

Review process

Following peer review, applications that demonstrate potential for future funding will be prioritized.

Award timeline

  • Internal decision by November 21, 2024
  • Final approval from The Brinson Foundation and release of grant funds in early 2025
Contact Us

Norma Sandoval
[email protected]