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RUSH Research Mentoring Program Resources

The RUSH Research Mentoring Program (RRMP) focuses on faculty career development and provides a variety of resources to mentees and mentors in the program.

Cohn Fellowship

Only RRMP mentees are eligible to apply for the Cohn Fellowship. The Cohn Family Foundation provides grant support that is distributed equally to five mentees who are selected through a competitive process. The funding allows mentees to gather preliminary data for research proposals and continue engagement in research activities.

Editing Services

RRMP mentees and mentors who need help with their abstracts, manuscripts or grant applications are referred to experienced science writers for assistance.

Grant Writing Workshops

Participants will learn the different components of an aims page, the logic flow of specific aims and critical best writing practices to enhance document readability to understand funding agency criteria and how to connect those criteria directly to their research goals. In self-reported surveys, attendees were awarded more than $20 million in funding from federal, industry and foundation sources.

Graphic Consultation

RRMP mentees and mentors who need help with creating graphs, figures or tables for their presentations and publications are referred to an experienced graphic designer for assistance.

Monthly Research Track Meetings

RRMP mentees have an opportunity to present at monthly research track meetings. Mentees present their research to mentees and mentors to solicit critical feedback.

RUSH Mentoring Programs Annual Symposium

The RUSH Mentoring Programs Annual Symposium highlights the excellent research that is being conducted at RUSH. It offers a venue to stimulate interdisciplinary and interdepartmental collaboration. Every year, the symposium features approximately 108 attendees, 30 poster presentations and 11 podium presentations.

Seminars and Workshops

Several seminars and workshops are offered throughout the year to enhance the professional development of mentees and mentors. All of the seminars and workshops are open to all faculty members, postdoctoral fellows, staff and students at RUSH.

Statistical Consultant

RRMP mentees and mentors who need help with the data analysis section of their applications will be referred to a biostatistician for assistance.

Writing Accountability Group

The writing accountability groups meet weekly to provide support and accountability for group members as they work toward increasing writing productivity. Group members share strategies for success and help one another set reasonable goals. If you are interested in joining the writing group, please feel free to let us know by emailing us at [email protected].

If you have any questions about the resources that we provide or would like to use the resources, please feel free to email us at [email protected].