Review Nuggets

Highlight the most compelling parts of reviews and publish them next to 'Buy Now' buttons or a carousel of review nuggets on your site.


Display Sentiment that Converts

Turn browsers into buyers by displaying authentic review content and influential stages of the customers buying process. Display nuggets right beside the buy button to increase conversions.

The decision was made to go with before I got involved, but I’m so thankful that the team did their due diligence as we’ve got an opportunity to work with such an engaged partner.
Jim Cregan
Director @ Jimmy's Iced Coffee

Shopify Plus User?

Place Review Nuggets where they have the biggest impact, on the checkout page. Carts are abandoned mostly from checkout, either due to unexpected costs or lack of trust.

Sentiment Finder

Highlight the Emotion of a Purchase

Cut out the waffle & focus on what matters to your potential customers. Share those keywords and phrases that are most persuasive and most likely to encourage sales.

More Opportunity

Don't miss out on key opportunities to showcase your product or service's potential. Valuable sentiments are often buried in detailed reviews.

Review Value

Use Review Nuggets to highlight why customers chose your brand from detailed reviews.

Boost Conversion

It's crucial to place social proof strategically, such as near the checkout or add to cart button.

Cut to the Chase

Simplify your message and boost sales with Review Nuggets. Cut the fluff and highlight what matters to your customers.

AI Recommendations

Easily Manage Nugget Suggestions

Our AI technology detects purchase sentiments and provides Review Nuggets recommendations that are likely to have the greatest impact for you. You no longer have to sift through every piece of information, as our system does the legwork on your behalf.

Showcase your best content with Review Nuggets