The 20 Best Donquixote Doflamingo Quotes, Ranked

The 20 Best Donquixote Doflamingo Quotes, Ranked

Ranker Anime
Updated July 3, 2024 39.9K views 20 items
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2.6K votes
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In curating Donquixote Doflamingo's best quotes in One Piece, our anime team delved into the depths of an extremely important villain to bring you quotes that encapsulate both his ruthless nature and complex psyche. Each line we've chosen is a window into his tormented past and twisted ideologies, offering a glimpse of the character shaping moments that define him. 

From his cold views on power to his fierce loyalty to those he considers family, these Donquixote Doflamingo quotes lay bare the inner workings of a mind carved by tragedy and hardened by resolve. What's surprising though, is that at least one of the quotes is actually pretty inspirational, despite the context in which it was said - "There is a difference in the look of the ordinary vagabond and that of a determined man." Looking back at some of Doffy's other memorable lines might remind you how poignant the villain could be, despite being so evil.

Almost 1,000 One Piece fans have already voted up their favorite quotes on this list, so why not join them? Your participation helps make this crowdsourced ranking of Doflamingo quotes the most definitive version possible!


  • Neutral Ground
    • Photo:
      • user uploaded image

    Neutral Ground

    "Pirates are evil? The Marines are righteous? These terms have always changed throughout the course of history! Kids who have never seen peace and kids who have never seen war have different values! Those who stand at the top determine what's wrong and what's right! This very place is neutral ground! Justice will prevail, you say? But of course it will! Whoever wins this war becomes justice!"

    Doflamingo's piercing insight into the dynamics of power challenges our understanding of justice, suggesting that those who emerge victorious rewrite morality to suit their own goals, rather than any universal ethical standards.

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  • My Family Is All I have
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    My Family Is All I have

    "I lost my mother when I was 8...and killed my father when I was 10. Those with the title of "Executive" or above are my "family" with whom I've shared my joys and sorrows. They're the only thing I have! I won't forgive anyone that laughs at my family. Understood?"

    Doffy's quote here is quote significant as it lays bare the scars of his traumatic past. By elevating his "Executives" to familial status, he underscores a fierce protective instinct and a profound sense of belonging shaped by shared experiences, not blood. His intense reaction to anyone mocking his chosen family reveals his deep-running emotional bonds and the value he places on allegiance, further illustrating the complexities behind his ruthless facade.

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  • votes needed!
    • NEW
      That's Entertainment!
      36 votes
  • Difference in the Look
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    Difference in the Look

    "There is a difference in the look of the ordinary vagabond and that of a determined man."

    Doflamingo's statement draws a distinction between aimless drifters and those with a resolute purpose. The "ordinary vagabond" lacks direction, while a "determined man" possesses a clear goal and a steadfast gaze that reflects ambition and the intention to achieve it. His observation implies that true resolve is visible and can distinguish individuals, setting apart those destined to leave a mark on the world from those who wander without impact.

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  • Battlefield
    • Photo:
      • Toei Animation


    "There are no safe spaces on the battlefield!"

    Ah yes, the bird cage in Dressrosa. Doflamingo's words signify that in the throes of conflict, no quarter is given and nowhere is free from danger. The battlefield is a place where vulnerability is exposed and survival hangs by a thread, reminding everyone that in the heat of battle, caution and awareness are paramount as safety is but an illusion.

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  • New Era Will Begin
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    New Era Will Begin

    "The time is almost here. Go and lay the groundwork. A world where only true pirates can survive will soon be upon us. Those without power, flee while you can. The tide will bring those of unmatched power and the New Era will begin!"

    This quote from Doflamingo is a foreboding proclamation that sets the stage for a seismic shift in the world of One Piece, escalating the stakes to unparalleled heights. It signals the dawn of a New Era defined by the law of the strongest, where only the most powerful pirates will thrive. His words create a palpable tension, urging the powerless to escape and heralding the rise of a tumultuous era where power dynamics will be redrawn, pushing every character to their limits and challenging the very foundations of the world they know.

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  • Type Of Guy
    • Photo:
      • Toei Animation

    Type Of Guy

    "Do I look like the type of guy to leave that easily?!"

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  • Taking Out The Trash
    • Photo:
      • Toei Animation

    Taking Out The Trash

    "Are we done taking out the trash?"

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  • Try Learning
    • Photo:
      • Toei Animation

    Try Learning

    "You should try learning more, you filthy crocodile!"

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  • Any Mercy
    • Photo:
      • Toei Animation

    Any Mercy

    "I won't show any mercy. Let's settle this once and for all!"

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  • Kill Everyone
    • Photo:
      • Toei Animation

    Kill Everyone

    "Don't worry, I'll kill everyone."

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  • The Weak Don't Get To Decide
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    The Weak Don't Get To Decide

    "The weak don't get to decide anything, not even how they die."

    Although this quote is attributed to Law, he really ripped it from Doffy.

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  • Destroy Anyone
    • Photo:
      • Toei Animation

    Destroy Anyone

    "I will destroy all scum who oppose me!"

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  • Term Of Power
    • Photo:
      • Toei Animation

    Term Of Power

    "Now you understand how different we are in terms of power! Are you satisfied?"

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  • To Do It
    • Photo:
      • Toei Animation

    To Do It

    "I knew you'd be able to do it."

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  • Get In The Way
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      • Toei Animation

    Get In The Way

    "I won't let you get in my way!"

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  • Full Power
    • Photo:
      • Toei Animation

    Full Power

    "Heh heh heh heh Let's do this! Full power!"

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  • Strength And Ability
    • Photo:
      • Toei Animation

    Strength And Ability

    "With regard to both strength and ability, you have no hope of winning."

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  • Good Use
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      • Toei Animation

    Good Use

    "I'll make good use of that territory."

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  • Beat Me
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      • Toei Animation

    Beat Me

    "Did you really think you could beat me?"

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  • That's Entertainment!
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    That's Entertainment!

    You see, deep down, humans… no matter how good they may seem…all have within them a certain cruelty that lusts for the sight of blood!! Blood and death! That’s true entertainment!”

    This chilling assertion by Doflamingo during the Dressrosa Arc unveils his cynical view of humanity and echoes the arc's themes of darkness lurking beneath the surface. His manipulation of the townspeople using his Devil Fruit powers his perhaps the height of how much viewers will hate Doffy during his time on screen in One Piece.

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