These Actors Lied To Land Major TV And Movie Roles

Ann Casano
Updated November 9, 2023 399.8K views 15 items
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Vote up the most audacious lie told by an actor to get a part.

Who hasn't lied on a resume in order to get a job? Making it as an A-List actor or actress is a one-in-a-million chance, so this list of celebrities who lied to get parts shouldn't really surprise anyone. Leave your judgment at the door and check out these famous actors who lied to get movie roles.

Do you speak German? Ja. Are you a skilled horseback rider? Of course. How old are you? I’m exactly the age you need me to be to appear in this movie. Language skills can be learned, horseback riding can be taught, and age is just a number. Let’s face it, when young actors desperate for work arrive in Hollywood, lying about a skill set or their age is just a technicality. Unless, of course, that fib comes back to haunt them.

One famous actress on this list lied that she loved horses, when in fact she was not only terrified of them, but also allergic. Another actor said he had mad volleyball skills, but when it came time to serve and volley, he looked like a fool in front of the film’s cast and crew. Several actors have lied about being able to ride horses. Like, way more than you might expect. Read about those stories and other famous celebrities who lied to get ahead in Hollywood.