Quantum Ethics and Compliance

Quantum is fully committed to building business success on a strong ethical foundation, including by sharing and explaining the standards we set for ourselves. Some of Quantum’s internal expectations and performance standards are provided here for your reference.

Ethics and Compliance

The foundation for Quantum’s ethics and compliance program is provided by OnTraQ - Quantum Corporation Code of Conduct, which we encourage you to review so you understand how we conduct business in today’s world. We also maintain separate internal Anticorruption and Gifts and Entertainment policies designed to combat and prevent bribery in our business partnerships and transactions, and a Business Partner Code of Conduct that outlines our expectations for our external partners.

In order to ensure our employees understand Quantum’s commitment to compliance, we conduct periodic internal trainings and other educational resources regarding information security risks, appropriate privacy practices, anticorruption and global trade compliance, and other supply chain risks, including human trafficking. Our external hotline reporting service may be used to anonymously report concerns about activities in any of those areas, and more.

US Government Compliance

US federal government customers concerned about Section 508, Trade Agreements Act, and other government compliance initiatives can review more information here.

Human Rights and Voluntary Labor

We are committed to upholding human rights for everyone, including our team members and those of our business partners, by only supporting employment arrangements that adhere to applicable child and voluntary labor laws and minimum wage standards.

As a matter of practice, we follow the Responsible Business Alliance Code of Conduct and require the same commitment from applicable suppliers via contractual requirements. We are confident in those suppliers’ ability to be compliant with these requirements due to the manner in which we select and manage our key business partners. Quantum engages with only reputable component suppliers and contract manufacturers, whose suitability as our partner is evaluated prior to selection through appropriate quality and business process audits and business model reviews. Adherence to Quantum’s Business Partner Code of Conduct Requirements is validated via internal employee education regarding supply chain risks, regular visits to key supplier facilities, and our ongoing business review processes. Given the frequency of our visits to key supplier locations and the clear communication of our expectations, we do not currently utilize third parties to conduct independent, unannounced audits of supplier compliance with Quantum’s code of conduct requirements. Any Quantum team members or business partners found to be in violation of Quantum’s code of conduct requirements may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of the employment or business relationship.

Quantum’s Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement, as required by the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015, is available here.

Data Privacy

Quantum places the utmost priority on maintaining the privacy and security of sensitive data. We have implemented a comprehensive Privacy Management Program that governs how we manage, store, and destroy sensitive personal information. Quantum’s Web Privacy Policy further explains how we handle information learned from you when you visit our web sites. We have also developed procedures designed to ensure that customer data on media returned to Quantum repair operations is securely destroyed.

Customers can also review our Data Privacy and Security Statement to learn more about the data privacy and security features of Quantum products.

Environmental Responsibility

Data center managers and other IT professionals must find a way to manage growing data sets within the time, resource, and budget constraints that govern their operating objectives. Quantum’s innovative product designs enable our customers to meet this challenge with more efficient and cost-effective storage, archive, and data protection solutions.

Quantum DXi appliances deliver the most efficient design in the market, with best-in-class storage densities that enable customers to protect their data with fewer disks, which means less rack space, less power, and less cooling. Quantum tape archive technologies provide long-term, zero-power storage on tape, requiring fewer energy and cooling resources than spinning disk.

More information about Quantum’s environmental responsibility policy and goals is available in our most recent Environmental Responsibility Report. Our most recent Environmental Compliance Declaration for RoHS and REACH, product-level Environmental Requirements Specification, and Conflict Minerals Report are available for your review.

Supply Chain Security

Quantum knows that the integrity and security of our supply chain contribute directly to the ability to preserve your data. Quantum is a member of the US Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism program.

Business Partner Requirements

Quantum encourages our business partners, within both our supply chain and distribution channels, to maintain rigorous ethics and compliance programs for their own businesses, in addition to complying with our Business Partner Code of Conduct. As part of Quantum's compliance program, we also expect our business partners to provide us with a reasonable level of due diligence information and assurance regarding their business practices, both at the when new relationships are established and during the lifetime of ongoing partnerships. Quantum business partners are also evaluated for their performance in environmental sustainability, labor practices, and human rights.

If you would like additional information about Quantum’s ethics and compliance programs, please contact [email protected] for assistance.