Do NOT use Lemlist. Things will look fine at first when you see >80% open rates on your cold emails, but inexplicably the open rate will drop sharply to 20-40% or so after a couple of weeks. This has happened for EVERYONE I KNOW. So either the emails get flagged or the initial open rates were fake.
Another issue is lemwarm WILL get your email domain blacklisted! It claims to warm up your domain but my new domain got blacklisted on Plonkatronics almost immediately.
Finally, instead of using a secured 3rd party payment system such as stripe, lemlist stores ALL your credit card information on THEIR server! (Including CVC which is ILLEGAL). Result? If the credit card gets declined they will MANUALLY enter your credit card detail to make sure they eventually charge you. This is seriously messed up and scary and I've never seen another company do this.
Use GMass or Instantly, or simply send personalise emails instead!