NSW Elections
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Index to Candidates
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Women
Women CandidatesFry to GhabbarNolan to O'Neil
Aaron to AngelGhalayini to GorrickO'Neile to Partridge
Angus to BachelorGorrie to GruenerPascale to Phipps
Backer to BartlettGrusovin to Harcourt-NortonPhotios to Preston-Stanley
Bartley to BenedekHarding to HedgesPrice to Rea
Benjamin to BladonHeferen to HitchensRead to Roberts
Bladwell to BourkeHo to HoyleRobertson to Ryrie
Bourne to BrittainHua to JacobiSacco to Schultz
Britz to BurnettJacobs to KassimSchwarze to Shipton
Burney to CarlosKater to KimberShipway to Smithers
Carlton to CheaterKing to LamontSmyth to Steele
Chedid to CoadyLampe to LeggeStein to Sylvester
Coates to CopelandLeggett to LobbanSyme to Tindall
Copland to CrittendenLock to MacduffTink to Tuck
Croal to DarbyMacey to ManningTucker to Virtue
D'Arcy to DickieMannix to McCartneyViskauskas to Watterson
Dickinson to DredgeMcCaughey to McKeeverWattison to Wilcox
Drew to EdgellMcKeig to MelouneyWild to Wrightson
Edmunds to FallonMelville to MooneyWroblewski to Zylber
Fardell to FleckMoore to Murdoch
Flegg to FrohlichMurphy to Noble