The University of Oxford is world-famous for its research excellence and home to some of the most talented scientists and scholars from across the globe. Our work enhances the lives of millions, solving real-world problems through an extensive network of partnerships and collaborations. The breadth of our research and the connections between disciplines drive advancement in knowledge, understanding, innovation and creativity.
To promote and enable ambitious research of exceptional quality
Ambitious discovery-led research undertaken to the highest standards of rigour and integrity has the potential to create the greatest impact. We will provide our researchers with the freedom to investigate problems of significance, whether their work be curiosity-driven or challenge-led. The breadth and depth of Oxford’s disciplinary expertise enables us to lead international research agenda across the sciences, social sciences and humanities, and to convene multidisciplinary and international teams to address the most significant problems facing the world today.
To invest in people, to support them and their research environment, thereby enabling the research endeavour to grow sustainably
We will provide a conducive environment for conducting research, with state-of-the-art facilities and infrastructure, appropriate support for staff and students, and investment in the training, support and wellbeing of our staff. We will ensure that appropriate measures are in place to attract the most able minds from across the world to engage in our research.
To change the world for the better
Our research will impact the world through new understanding that leads to cultural, societal, political and economic change. We are a global university with global ambition but have deep roots locally and nationally. We will invest further in the infrastructure to facilitate regional, national and international collaboration, in the skills and people to provide capacity for such collaboration, and engage with the Global South. We aim to maximise the cultural, social and economic benefit derived from our research regionally, nationally and across the world.
8. Enhance the opportunities and support for early-career researchers.
9. Invest substantially in the research environment, both human and physical (including the estate, libraries, collections, equipment and IT) by 2024.
10. Increase the scale and scope of our central research fund to grow our capacity to pump-prime, and match-fund major research initiatives.
11. Engage with business, NGOs and others to grow the volume and value of non-public-sector-funded research on a sustainable basis.
12. Continue to broaden and invest in our innovation activities and foster the entrepreneurial environment for staff and students.