New broadcasting investigations

Published: 16 March 2023

If Ofcom considers that a broadcaster or service provider may have breached its codes, rules, licence condition or other regulatory requirements, it will start an investigation.

It is important to note that an investigation by Ofcom does not necessarily mean the broadcaster or service provider has done anything wrong. Not all investigations result in breaches of the codes, rules, licence conditions or other regulatory requirements being recorded.

Here are lists of recent investigations launched.

Investigations launched under the Procedures for investigating breaches of content standards on BBC broadcasting services and BBC on demand programme services

For more information about how Ofcom assesses complaints and conducts investigations about content standards on programmes on BBC TV or radio channels, or the BBC iPlayer, go to our BBC pages.

Investigations launched under the Procedures for investigating breaches of content standards for television and radio



Transmission date

The Unremembered Channel 410/11/2019
Nigel FarageLBC 97.3 FM13/10/2019
NewsRepublic Bharat03/12/2019
Poochta Hai BharatRepublic BharatVarious
The Debate with Arnab GoswamiRepublic Bharat22/10/2019

How Ofcom assesses complaints and conducts investigations about content standards on television and radio programmes (PDF, 230.2 KB)

Investigations launched under the Procedures for the consideration and adjudication of Fairness and Privacy complaints on BBC broadcasting services and BBC on demand programme services.

For more information about how Ofcom considers and adjudicates upon Fairness and Privacy complaints about programmes on BBC TV or radio channels, or the BBC iPlayer, go to our BBC pages

ProgrammeServiceTransmission date
Our Cops in the NorthBBC 117/07/2019

Investigations launched under the Procedures for the consideration and adjudication of Fairness and Privacy complaints

ProgrammeServiceTransmission date
Breaking NewsGeo News11/06/2019

How Ofcom considers and adjudicates upon Fairness and Privacy complaints about television and radio programmes (PDF, 247.1 KB)

Investigations launched under the Procedures for enforcement of requirements in the BBC Agreement and compliance with Ofcom enforcement action

For more information about how Ofcom assesses complaints and conducts investigations about how the BBC complies with the BBC Agreement and with Ofcom enforcement action, go to our BBC pages.

Investigations launched under the General Procedures for investigating breaches of broadcast licences

Due to an administrative error the listing to indicate we had opened an investigation into Radio Caroline AM Broadcasting Ltd’s compliance with its Key Commitments did not appear in Issue 379 of the Broadcast and On-Demand Bulletin published on 28 May 2019. This notice corrects that.

LicenseeLicensed Service
B.R.F.M. Bridge Radio LimitedBRFM 95.6 FM
The Pakistan Muslim Centre (Sheffield) LimitedLink FM

How Ofcom assesses complaints and conducts investigations about broadcast licences (PDF, 296.7 KB)

Investigations launched under the Procedures for investigating breaches of rules for On Demand programme services

For more information about how Ofcom assesses complaints and conducts investigations about On Demand services, go to:

In Issue 384 of Ofcom’s Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin, Ofcom announced it would be launching an investigation into Alpha Radio Limited under its General Procedures for investigating breaches of broadcast licences. This investigation has been discontinued.

In Issue 376 of Ofcom's Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin (PDF, 515.0 KB), Ofcom announced it would be launching an investigation under its Procedures for investigating breaches of content standards for television and radio into Catfish: The TV Show broadcast on MTV on 24 February 2019. This investigation has been discontinued.

In Issue 372 of Ofcom’s Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin (PDF, 1.8 MB), Ofcom announced it would be launching an investigation into Al Jazeera Media Network under its General procedures for investigating breaches of broadcast licences. This investigation has been discontinued.

In Issue 375 of Ofcom’s Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin (PDF, 1.1 MB), Ofcom announced it would be launching an investigation into Alpha Radio Ltd under its General procedures for investigating breaches of broadcast licences. This investigation has been discontinued.

In Issue 378 of Ofcom’s Broadcast and On Demand Bulletin (PDF, 709.9 KB), Ofcom announced it would be launching an investigation under the Procedures for the consideration and adjudication of Fairness and Privacy complaints into an edition of NVTV (ARY World) broadcast on NVTV (ARY World) on 22 November 2018. This investigation has been discontinued.

More information about how Ofcom assesses complaints and conducts investigations about content standards on television and radio programmes.

1. A new BBC Royal Charter and Agreement was published in December 2016, which made Ofcom, not the BBC Trust, the independent regulator of the BBC. On 29 March 2017, Ofcom published new procedures for handling complaints and investigations about BBC programmes. At the same time, Ofcom also published new procedures for handling complaints and investigations about all other broadcasters and on demand service providers. The investigations in the tables on this page were all considered under Ofcom’s previous procedures which were in force at the time.

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