Service quality

Phones-service quality

Making a complaint and using ADR schemes

Published: 8 March 2024

Last updated: 5 August 2024

You can use this page to see which ADR scheme your provider belongs to.

Report: Complaints about broadband, landline, mobile and pay-TV services

Published: 25 January 2024

Last updated: 25 July 2024

We publish the number of complaints we have received about landline, broadband, pay-monthly mobile and pay-TV services.

Latest telecoms and pay-TV complaints figures revealed

Published: 25 July 2024

Today we’ve published the latest figures for complaints we’ve received about the UK’s major landline, mobile, broadband and pay-TV providers.

Mobile coverage data availability

PDF file, 131.76 KB

Published: 18 July 2024

Last updated: 18 July 2024

Communications Market Report 2024: Interactive data

Published: 18 July 2024

Data collected from industry by Ofcom, data from Ofcom’s consumer research, and headline figures from selected third parties.

The Communications Market 2024

Published: 18 July 2024

Our Communications Market Report (CMR) provides data and commentary on key market developments in the UK communications sector.

Communications Market Report 2024

PDF file, 305.69 KB

Published: 18 July 2024

Last updated: 18 July 2024

ADR schemes' performance

Published: 26 January 2024

Last updated: 16 July 2024

Every quarter we publish key performance results for the two main ADR schemes, CISAS and Communications Ombudsman.

Investigation into BT’s compliance with Contract Information and Contract Summary requirements

PDF file, 973.12 KB

Published: 9 July 2024

Last updated: 9 July 2024

Non-confidential Confirmation Decision served on British Telecommunications Plc (BT) on 22 May 2024.

Investigation into BT’s provision of contract information and a contract summary

Published: 23 January 2023

Last updated: 9 July 2024

This investigation examined the compliance of British Telecommunications Plc (BT) with its obligation to provide customers with contract information and a contract summary before they enter a contract as a result of suspected breaches by its subsidiaries EE Limited (EE) and Plusnet Plc (Plusnet).

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