SDO Coordinator List

Approximately 200 NRC staff members participate on over 150 standards development committees serving on 15 Standards Development Organizations (SDO). Frequent changes of NRC staff participating on to the SDO committees occurs. NRC Management Directives 6.5, "NRC Participation in the Development and Use of Consensus Standards," created the position of SDO Coordinator to facilitate the activities of NRC staff that may be participating on an SDO standards committee.

If the public or industry have questions concerning NRC participation on SDO standards development committees, please contact the appropriate SDO Coordinator listed in the following table. 1

SDO Sub-Section of SDO SDO Coordinator E-Mail Address
ACI -- Mita Sircar [email protected]
AISC -- Jose Pires [email protected]
ANS Standards Board Benjamin Parks [email protected]
Leah Parks [email protected]
ANS ESCC Leah Parks [email protected]
ANS FWDCC Harry Felsher [email protected]
ANS LLWRCC Sunil Weerakkody [email protected]
ANS NCSCC Jeremy Munson [email protected]
ANS RARCC William Kennedy [email protected]
Edward Helvenston [email protected]
ANS SRACC Donald Palmrose [email protected]
ASCE -- -- --
ASME BCA Kerri Kavanagh [email protected]
ASME CNC Kerri Kavanagh [email protected]
ASME QAI Yamir Diaz-Castillo [email protected]
ASME BNCS David Rudland [email protected]
ASME III Kamal Manoly [email protected]
ASME XI Michael Benson [email protected]
ASME CNF Steve Jones [email protected]
ASME JCNRM Matthew Humberstone [email protected]
ASME NQA Kerri Kavanagh [email protected]
ASME OM Thomas Scarbrough [email protected]
ASME PSD Kamal Manoly [email protected]
ASME QME Kamal Manoly [email protected]
ASME V&V Ghani Zigh [email protected]
IEC -- -- --
IEEE ESSB; ICC; NPEC: SC2, SC3, SC4; PSRC Sheila Ray [email protected]
NPEC: SC6 Ismael Garcia [email protected]
NPEC: SC5 Brian Green [email protected]
INMM -- -- --
ISA -- Dave Rahn [email protected]
NFPA -- -- --

1 If the SDO is not listed in this table, contact Robert Roche-Rivera at [email protected].

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