Access to medicines
We believe access to medicines is where we can have the greatest impact. For all our new medicines, we systematically integrate access strategies to reach underserved patients no matter where they live.
Global Health
We apply our expertise and full organizational capability to address major, unresolved global health challenges.
Ethics, Risk and Compliance
We recognize society’s expectations of our industry and of Novartis, and that we must go beyond just doing what is legal in order to meet legitimate expectations of society.
Environmental Sustainability
We understand the link between the health of our planet and the health of our patients. Our ambition is to be a catalyst for positive change and a leader in environmental sustainability.
Ethical Behavior
At Novartis, we hold ourselves to high ethical standards and do not tolerate unethical behavior.
Materiality Assessment and Reporting
Our ESG priorities are defined by our materiality assessment, it helps us understand what matters to our stakeholders and how they perceive our impact