Meghan Markle No Longer Joining Prince Harry for Queen Visit Today

Meghan Markle is no longer traveling with Prince Harry to visit Queen Elizabeth II at her bedside in Scotland.

The Duke of Sussex is making the journey to Balmoral Castle on Thursday, September 8, and it was originally announced that his wife Meghan would go with him.

However, Newsweek understands that Prince Harry is traveling alone while Meghan will go to Scotland later.

A Sussex spokesperson told Newsweek earlier on Thursday: "The Duke and Duchess of Sussex will be traveling to Scotland."

Victoria Howard, a royal expert and editor of The Crown Chronicles, told the BBC: "That does strike me as a little bit odd when most of the royals that are going are going in couples, Charles and Camilla for example. We think Edward and Sophie have travelled together.

"So slightly strange but we don't believe the Duchess of Cambridge is there either so perhaps that's more looking after the children, thinking about the wider family. So just sending the most close members of the family to see her. But maybe it does indicate something to do with the state of the relationship."

When Buckingham Palace announced that Elizabeth, 96, was under medical supervision, Princess Anne was already at Balmoral with her mother. Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, had a shorter journey as they were in Scotland.

Early on Thursday evening, Prince William was seen driving other royals to Balmoral Castle after they flew to Aberdeen by private jet. William's wife Kate Middleton has not traveled to Scotland and is thought to be at home in Windsor with their three children.

Meghan Markle at Remembrance
Meghan Markle, seen at Remembrance Sunday in London on November 10, 2019. She will travel separately to her husband, Prince Harry, who is already on his way to Scotland to see his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth... Chris Jackson/Getty Images

The palace statement read: "Following further evaluation this morning, The Queen's doctors are concerned for Her Majesty's health and have recommended she remain under medical supervision. The Queen remains comfortable and at Balmoral."

The announcement sparked fears for Britain's longest reigning living monarch months after she brought Britain together in celebration of 70 years of her reign.

Prime Minister Liz Truss led the public reaction to the news as she Tweeted: "The whole country will be deeply concerned by the news from Buckingham Palace this lunchtime.

"My thoughts—and the thoughts of people across our United Kingdom—are with Her Majesty The Queen and her family at this time."

Royal author Phil Dampier told Newsweek: "The fact that they put out this statement is deeply concerning. They don't normally do this. Up until now, I thought she had mobility issues, problems with her hips and her knees.

"For them to say they are concerned for her health it's obviously more than that. At the end of the day, she's 96 so it is a worry."

Dickie Arbiter, Elizabeth's spokesperson for 12 years, told Newsweek: "The statement was very clear that there is concern for the Queen's health and the doctors have recommended she remain under medical supervision.

"So, that speaks volumes. That the family have flown up—obviously there is incredible concern. There is also concern in the UK and concern throughout the Commonwealth, which the Queen is head of.

"We are in uncharted territory because up until now Buckingham Palace have not commented on the health of the royal family in this way. So, we have to wait and see what happens."

About the writer

Jack Royston is Newsweek's Chief Royal Correspondent based in London, U.K. He reports on the British royal family—including King Charles ... Read more

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