This Privacy Policy governs the manner in which Naturally Chicago, an Illinois corporation (“Naturally Chicago”) collects, uses, maintains and discloses information collected from users (each, a “User”) of its website and any derivative or affiliated websites on which this Privacy Policy is posted (collectively, the “Website”). Naturally Chicago reserves the right, at its discretion, to change, modify, add or remove portions of this Privacy Policy at any time by posting such changes to this page. You understand that you have the affirmative obligation to check this Privacy Policy periodically for changes, and you hereby agree to periodically review this Privacy Policy for such changes. The continued use of the Website following the posting of changes to this Privacy Policy constitutes an acceptance of those changes.


Naturally Chicago believes that every User should know how it utilizes the information collected from Users. The Website is not directed at children under 13 years of age, and Naturally Chicago does not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under 13 years of age online. Please note that the Website may contain links to other websites. These linked sites may not be operated or controlled by Naturally Chicago. Naturally Chicago is not responsible for the privacy practices of these or any other websites, and you access these websites entirely at your own risk. Naturally Chicago recommends that you review the privacy practices of any other websites that you choose to visit.

Naturally Chicago is based, and this website is hosted, in the United States of America. If User is from the European Union or other regions of the world with laws governing data collection and use that may differ from U.S. law and User is registering an account on the Website, visiting the Website, purchasing products or services from Naturally Chicago or the Website, or otherwise using the Website, please note that any personally identifiable information that User provides to Naturally Chicago will be transferred to the United States. Any such personally identifiable information provided will be processed and stored in the United States by Naturally Chicago or a service provider acting on its behalf. By providing your personally identifiable information, User hereby specifically and expressly consents to such transfer and processing and the uses and disclosures set forth herein.


Naturally Chicago may collect personally identifiable information from Users in a variety of ways. Personally identifiable information may include, without limitation, (i) contact data (such as a User’s name, mailing and email addresses); (ii) demographic data (such as a User’s zip code, age and income); (iii) financial information collected to process purchases made from Naturally Chicago via the Website or otherwise (such as credit card, debit card or other payment information); and (iv) other information requested via the Website. If a User communicates with Naturally Chicago by e-mail or otherwise, posts messages to any forums, completes online forms, surveys or entries or otherwise interacts with or uses the features on the Website, any information provided in such communications may be collected by Naturally Chicago. Naturally Chicago may also collect information about how Users use the Website, for example, by tracking the number of unique views received by the pages of the Website, or the domains and IP addresses from which Users originate. While not all of the information that Naturally Chicago collects from Users is personally identifiable, it may be associated with personally identifiable information that Users provide Naturally Chicago through the Website or otherwise.

Naturally Chicago may use “cookies” or “web beacons” to track how Users use the Website. A cookie is a piece of software that a web server can store on Users’ PCs and use to identify Users should they visit the Website again. Users may adjust their web browser software if they do not wish to accept cookies. Naturally Chicago may use third party advertising networks to serve advertisements on the Website. The cookies received with banner advertisements served by these networks are used to collect and build anonymous behavioral profiles by these companies to deliver targeted advertisements and tracking referrals, and Naturally Chicago generally does not have access to this information.


Naturally Chicago may use personally identifiable information collected through the Website for the specific purposes for which the information was collected, to process purchases and sales of products or services offered via the Website, to contact Users regarding products and services offered by Naturally Chicago, its parent, subsidiary and other related companies and its trusted affiliates, independent contractors and business partners, and otherwise to enhance Users’ experience with Naturally Chicago and such affiliates, independent contractors and business partners. Naturally Chicago may also use information collected through the Website for research regarding the effectiveness of the Website and the business planning, marketing, advertising and sales efforts of Naturally Chicago, its trusted affiliates, independent contractors and business partners. Naturally Chicago may also use certain contact information provided by Users as part of publicly available directories and member-only directories.


Naturally Chicago may disclose personally identifiable information collected from Users to its parent, subsidiary and other related companies, trusted affiliates, independent contractors and business partners who will use the information for the purposes outlined above, as necessary to provide the services offered by Naturally Chicago and to provide the Website itself, and for the specific purposes for which the information was collected. Naturally Chicago may disclose personally identifiable information at the request of law enforcement or governmental agencies or in response to subpoenas, court orders or other legal process, to establish, protect or exercise Naturally Chicago’s legal or other rights or to defend against a legal claim or as otherwise required or allowed by law. Naturally Chicago may disclose personally identifiable information in order to protect the rights, property or safety of a User or any other person. Naturally Chicago may disclose personally identifiable information to investigate or prevent a violation by User of any contractual or other relationship with Naturally Chicago or the perpetration of any illegal or harmful activity. Naturally Chicago may also disclose aggregate, anonymous data based on information collected from Users to investors and potential partners. Finally, Naturally Chicago may disclose or transfer personally identifiable information collected from Users in connection with or in contemplation of a sale of its assets or business or a merger, consolidation or other reorganization of its business.


Information about Users that is maintained on Naturally Chicago’s systems is protected using industry standard security measures. However, no security measures are perfect or impenetrable, and Naturally Chicago cannot guarantee that the information submitted to, maintained on or transmitted from its systems will be completely secure. Naturally Chicago is not responsible for the circumvention of any privacy settings or security measures relating to the Website by any Users or third parties.


If a User’s personally identifiable information changes, or if a User no longer desires to receive non-account specific information from Naturally Chicago, Naturally Chicago will endeavor to provide a way to correct, update and/or remove that User’s previously-provided personal data. This can be done by emailing a request to Naturally Chicago at [email protected]. Additionally, you may request access to the personally identifiable information as collected by Naturally Chicago by sending a request to Naturally Chicago as set forth above. Please note that in certain circumstances, Naturally Chicago may not be able to completely remove a User’s information from its systems. For example, Naturally Chicago may retain a User’s personal information for legitimate business purposes, if it may be necessary to prevent fraud or future abuse, for account recovery purposes, if required by law or as retained in Naturally Chicago’s data backup systems or cached or archived pages. All retained personally identifiable information will continue to be subject to the terms of the Privacy Policy to which the User has previously agreed.


If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy, you may contact Naturally Chicago via any of the following methods:

Naturally Chicago

805 Lake Street #222

Oak Park, IL 60301
[email protected]