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Naferias Reign - Invasion of The Dark Mistress
Duke Nukem 3D

Naferias Reign - Invasion of The Dark Mistress

First Person Shooter

"Naferia's Reign: Invasion of the Dark Mistress" is a 12-1/2 year long project for the BUILD-engine title "Duke Nukem 3D", though not all of those years...

Fallout Tactics: Revised
Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel

Fallout Tactics: Revised

Tactical Shooter

This mod is a complete overhaul of FOT. Aimed at revising the single player camp. of FOT, to make the game more non-linear and to give the player more...

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Ledsbourne - - 18 comments

Hey man,

Thanks for playing and taking your time to write the reviews for The Conundrum and Back in Business, I really appreciate it!

As for the weird visual glitches you have experienced, I think they might be a result of playing in Classic video mod rather than Polymost, for which the mod was designed (or maybe using an unsupported older version of EDuke32 - unfortunately there's a lot of versions floating around, sometimes with very small changes that are significant for some mods/maps).

Still glad you seemed to have a good time with them :)

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dave_5430 Creator
dave_5430 - - 2,112 comments

Hey mate, no problem, I figured out I accidentally slapped the wrong eDuke executable into my BiB folder.

As for Conundrum, I hope there will be some sort of sequel for it, although I'm not entirely sure what crazy things you can come up with for the aged Build Engine. I enjoy a good puzzler.

As for BiB, with whatever version I had loaded, the top floor of the main complex would just completely break, becoming one giant HoM.
The new version fixed (all of) the visual bugs and map/script errors.

I do wish the ending map was a little bit less of a C.F. at the end, but I feel this might just be my own 'evolution of gameplay' over the years. Less running and gunning and more suppression and moving under cover.
Although running out of ammo a lot is never a good time. 😅

Thanks for responding!

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Boy1Next1Door1 - - 51 comments

No worries here, I've contacted him year ago. Thanks for response!

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Guest - - 724,271 comments

Hi, I found out about OccupationCS: Source and I still have some questions about some designs in that mod.

But surely, when there's no author and no one knows literally nothing about this mod except the time and stuff they were testing, I have three small questions.

1. Is it possible to either contact EnterpriseG about his work or he's absent forever? Well, he seems to be AWOL forever...
2. What's your status about O_CS and what you think was good/bad in terms of gameplay?
3. Is it possible to ask him to release src code or he will not share it? What you think?

I can wait 5 yrs for reply :D

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Boy1Next1Door1 - - 51 comments

Forgot about logging in. What a shame.

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dave_5430 Creator
dave_5430 - - 2,112 comments

EnterpriseG hasn't been online since 2015. If his personal site is offline I doubt it'll be possible to contact him.

I can't supply you with any more information, contact with him has subsided since 2015 itself.

I don't have any affiliation with the mod aside from delivering details and testing.

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Forsete - - 636 comments

'Cause you asked for it? Besides my hotmail can be seen in my profile either way.

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Forsete - - 636 comments

MSN? Sorry, I hardly use it anymore.

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Forsete - - 636 comments



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Forsete - - 636 comments

Oh darn it, yeah completely missed that one (paint the town red). >_<

Yeah, I need to watch Se7en again myself. Barely remember anything except the ending and "sloth" scene.

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