
People For The American Way's New Look For New Era

In addition to his long career as a screenwriter and television producer, in 1980 Norman Lear co-founded People For The American Way -- a group advocating for social welfare and against authoritarianism.

Following Lear’s death last December, the organization launched a brand refresh, including a new visual brand identity and website, using bold graphics, typography, and color schemes, as well as incorporating images of its staff and supporters.

A revamped logo centers the “People For” portion of the organization's name in bold, blue font on the left hand side, adjoined by the red stripes of the American flag and “For The American Way” underneath -- or, in some iterations, eschewed altogether.

Additionally, the redesigned website places greater emphasis on the organization’s impact across multiple social justice issues. Its landing page includes a looping video reel accompanying rotating messaging highlighting some of the group’s focus areas and accomplishments. It also includes an “accessible digital resource hub” where visitors can find insights and analysis -- including commentary on recent Supreme Court decisions -- and practical resources for activism.



The change is representative of broader changes for the organization, as Lear’s successor positions it for the future.

“After more than four decades of impact, we are modernizing and retooling with a new look for a new era of social change,” People For The American Way president and CEO Svante Myrick said in a statement. “As we go forward, we are fully prepared to make People For a force that will inspire and mobilize more Americans to create a vibrant democracy that protects freedom and justice for everyone, not just the wealthy and the powerful.

People For The American Way highlights a number of accomplishments under Myrick’s tenure as president, including his role in revitalizing its connections to the artistic community; strengthening its political support for progressive candidates; and working to counter far-right groups like “Moms for Liberty” to prevent book bans and preserve inclusive curricula in schools.

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