Reviewer Board

Members of the reviewer board are selected from all Minerals reviewers for regularly providing timely high quality reports on submitted manuscripts. Responsibilities of reviewers are available here.


Department of Geoscience and Petroleum, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, S. P. Andersens veg 15 A, NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway
Interests: process mineralogy; geometallurgy; automated mineralogy; industrial minerals; applied mineralogy

Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Interests: nanotechnology; inorganic clays; material characterization; chromatography; heavy metals analysis; water and food analysis; sensor and glass ceramic
Department of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering, Aalto University, 02150 Espoo, Finland
Interests: Hydrometallurgy; acid leaching; solvent extraction; metal recovery

Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Macquarie University, Macquarie Park, NSW 2109, Australia
Interests: Mineralization; biomaterials; synthetic chemistry; geoscience; materials science; Biophysics; spectroscopy; smart concrete
Department of Mining and Nuclear Engineering, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO 65409, USA
Interests: surface chemistry; froth flotation; Polymer Science; rare earth metals; Hydrometallurgy; strategic minerals; Separation Science; oil sand processing; mine tailing management; artificial intelligence and machine learning tools

Department of Wood Engineering, Universidad del Bio Bio, 4030000 Concepcin, Chile
Interests: natural zeolites; chemical and thermal modification; enhance of zeolite properties through modification; use of natural zeolites as adsorbents or catalyst

Geological Survey of Slovenia, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Interests: mine waste risk assessments; mining pollution; soil contamination risk assessment; toxic element contamination; geochemical mapping; artificial intelligence; digital spatial modelling

Western Australian School of Mines, Curtin University, Bentley, WA 6430, Australia
Interests: leaching and separation technologies; mechanochemical processing; resources recycling; technospheric mining, critical and strategic elements; environmental remediation; Waste Treatment

Department of Microbiology & Immunology, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717, USA
Interests: Geomicrobiology; biogeochemical cycles of minerals; Geochemistry; biogenesis of minerals; bioleaching of minerals; physiology and ecology of extremophilic microorganisms; thermoacidophiles; thermal environments
Natural Resources Research Institute, The University of Minnesota Duluth, Coleraine Labs One Gayley Ave., Coleraine, MN 55722, USA
Interests: iron and steel making; agglomeration; induration; smelting; direct reduction; high-temperature processing; blast furnace ferroalloys and their production; slag manipulation; metal manipulation; reaction kinetics
Experimental Techniques Centre, Brunel University London, UB8 3PH Uxbridge, UK
Interests: material characterisation; X-ray diffraction; electron backscattering diffraction; metal matrix composites; basalt fibres; phytomining; biocatalysis; archaeometallurgy

"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi, Department of Geology, Carol I, 20A blv., ROMANIA
Interests: Mineralogy; Raman spectroscopy; crystallography; photogrammetry; Structure-from-Motion

Minerals and Resource Engineering, Future Industries Institute, University of South Australia, Mawson Lakes Campus, SA 5095, Australia
Interests: mineral processing; (bio-)hydrometallurgy; surface and interfacial science; machine learning and data analytics; process optimisation
Instituto de Geociências, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo 05508-080, Brazil
Interests: Mineralogy; crystallography; new minerals; Crystal Structure; Chemical Composition
Department of Mining and Geodesy, Faculty of Geoengineering, Mining and Geology, Wrocław University of Science and Technology, ul. Na Grobli 15, 50-421 Wrocław, Poland
Interests: mineral processing; froth flotation of sulphides and coals; flotation chemistry; flotation reagent; flotation kinetics; automated mineralogy

Department of Chemical Sciences, Life, and Environmental Sustainability, University of Parma, Area Science Park 157 / A, I-43124 Parma, Italy
Interests: structural control on mineralization; earthquake geology; Structural diagenesis; Fe-oxide deposits; liesegang bands
CSIRO Mineral Resources, Pullenvale, Brisbane, QLD 4069, Australia
Interests: Mine ventilation; gas control; spontaneous combustion and fires control in coal mines; longwall dust control; mine safety and health; CFD applications in mining; coal mining technologies
GeoBioTec GeoBioSciences, GeoTechnologies and GeoEngineering & NOVA FCT (Department of Earth Sciences), Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, 2829-516 Caparica, Portugal
Interests: critical raw materials; sustainable mining; circular economy; groundwater modelling; statistical data analysis; geostatistics; soil contamination; groundwater contamination; ionizing radiation; radionuclide in soil and weater; reactive transport modelling

Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Materials Science and Technology, VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, 70833 Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic
Interests: coal combustion; coal geochemistry; coal ash; heavy metals; toxic elements; arsenic; rare-earth elements; emissions; unburned carbon; X-ray fluorescence spectrometry
Extractive Metallurgy Group, COREM, QC G1N 1X7, Canada
Interests: Extractive metallurgy; (bio)leaching; electrochemistry; treatment of gold ores; weee; recovery of metals from ores; concentrates; wastes

Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, 16628 Czechia, Czech Republic
Interests: Flotation; bubble-particle interaction; bubble behavior; water-alcohol systems; interfacial phenomena
Mining Department, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, 08034 Barcelona, Spain
Interests: mining; mine ventilation, health and safety; subsidence; underground Mining; Surface mining; underground environmental conditions

BioNanoMet Group, University of Granada, 18010 Granada, Spain
Interests: nanomaterials; Calcium Phosphate; biomaterials and drug delivery
National Energy Technology Laboratory, Morgantown, WV 26505, USA
Interests: laser spectroscopy; Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy; Raman spectroscopy; UV/visible; LiDAR

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore 119077, Singapore
Interests: environmental microbiology and biotechnology: biological wastewater treatment; denitrification; sulfidogenesis; bioleaching; recovery of metals from e-waste; reutilization of incineration ash; antibiotic resistance genes; anaerobic digestion; stormwater treatment
Department of Human Biology, University of Cape Town, Anzio Road, Observatory 7925, Cape Town 7700, South Africa
Interests: bioleaching; biohydrometallurgy; microorganisms; nickel; cobalt; organic acid; fungal leaching; chromite
Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering, University of Bologna, 40126 Bologna, Italy
Interests: Numerical modeling; 3D data visualization; GPR; geothermal energy
Department of Mining Engineering and Department of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile
Interests: volcano-tectonics; rock physics/mechanics; experimental rock deformation; physical volcanology; geothermal systems; disaster risk reduction; energy and mining

Department of Information and Communication Technologies, University of Granada, 11002 Cadiz, Spain
Interests: Geochemistry; Mineralogy; trace elements; ore geology
Department of Geology, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, 700506 Iaşi, Romania
Interests: Mineralogy; ore deposits; Geochemistry; Raman and Infrared spectroscopy; igneous petrology
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