Working while you study

Looking for a part-time job while you’re studying? You can find vacancies on the Personal & Professional Development (PPD) Portal, for instance for a student position at Maastricht University or other interesting organisations. You can also consult InterUM, the temporary employment agency for Maastricht University (UM). Keep in mind that you may be eligible for a tax refund if you work as a student.

Side jobs on the PPD Portal

The PPD Portal offers a wide variety of job opportunities. You can explore vacancies for (side)jobs, internships, traineeships, and volunteer work. Additionally, the portal provides access to a broad range of resources to enhance your personal and professional skills, including events, workshops, and other valuable materials.

InterUM employment agency

InterUM is designed for UM students who want to gain relevant work experience in their future career field. InterUM offers positions such as student employees, research assistants, invigilators, administrative and secretarial positions, reception employees and surveyors. Register at  

Tax refunds from the Dutch Tax Administration

Have you had a part-time or summer job in the Netherlands? If your employer has paid income taxes on your behalf, you might be eligible for a tax refund. The Dutch tax return period runs from 1 March to 1 May. If you file your tax return before 1 April, you should receive your refund by 1 July. 

You can file a tax return for any of the past five years. Make sure to file a return for every year you had a part-time job, as your refund could amount to a few hundred euros.  

Need help filing your income tax return?

The information and tools for filing an income tax return are available in Dutch. If you need assistance, you can ask a friend to help, get language support from the UM International Student Helpdesk, or contact the Tax Information Line at 0800 0543. You can also make an appointment to visit a tax office or support centre. For general questions, reach out to the Dutch Tax Administration (Belastingdienst) on Facebook or Instagram.