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Nature and system of law of LALIGA

The Liga de Fútbol Profesional is a private sports federation, which, as established in accordance with the provisions of Act 39/2022 of 30 December on Sport (Official State Gazette No. 314 of 31 December - “Act on Sport”) and 23 to 28 of Royal Decree 1835/1991 of 20 December on Spanish Sports Federations (Official State Gazette no. 312 of 30 December - “Royal Decree on Federations”), consists exclusively and compulsorily of all public sports companies and first and second division clubs that participate in official professional football competitions at national level.

It is governed by the aforementioned Law 39/2022, of December 30, on sports, Royal Decree 1835/1991, of December 20, on Spanish Sports Federations, and by its Statutes and social regulations.

lt has its own legal personality and endowed with full capacity to act in order to pursue its purposes. lt is autonomous with regard to its internal organisation and the way it is run with respect of Real Federación Española de Fútbol.

Main offices: Calle Torrelaguna 60, 28043, Madrid, España.

Opening hours: mondays to thursdays, from 08:00 am to 08:00 pm and fridays, from 08:00 am to 06:00 pm.

Phone number: 91 205 50 00

e-mail: [email protected]

LALIGA Functions

LALIGA performs out the following duties and powers (article 3 of the Articles of Association):

1.- The LALIGA's duties and powers include the following:

a. To organise oficial nation-wide profesional football competitions in co-ordination with the Real Federación Española de Fútbol in keeping with the criterio the High Council for Sport may exclusively lay down to guarantee national and International commitments.

Such co-ordination shall be materialised by the parties entering into covenants, the contents of which shall be construed to form part of LALIGA’s corporate purpose for all intents and purposes. Any agreements or covenants which may be entered into with the High Council for Sport, the Association of Spanish Footballers and with private and public organisations shall likewise form part of LALIGA’s corporate purpose.

b. With regard to its associates, to perform the duties of oversight, control and supervision set forth by the prevailing Sports Act and its implementing provisions, as well as any other which may be laid down through an agreement entered into by LALIGA and its associates.

c. To exercise disciplinary powers with respect of its associates under the terms set forth under the Law, these Articles, Regulations and provisions of this nature set forth to implement them.

d. Within the scope set forth in Royal Decree 203/2010 of 26th February, to approve the Regulation for the prevention of violence, racism, xenophobia and intolerance in sports events, setting the conditions and the pace of the acquisitions, execution and financing of any equipment, works and facilities that have to be done, along with their respective conditions of maintenance and conservation  once  they have been finalised.

e. To exploit commercially any rights and products which are inherent to or a consequence of the competitions it organises, be it directly by LALIGA or through a partial or total assignment of such commercial exploitation to third-party natural or legal persons, or by incorporating a company with them in any legal form and with the interest established by the General Assembly, providing that the main purpose of such companies is to perform the aforementioned commercial exploitation.

Any corporate brands, logos, emblems, official mascots and others belonging to the Liga Nacional de Fútbol Profesional which are duly registered at the lntellectual Property Registry shall be products or rights subject to commercialisation, as shall the joint use thereof with all the names, coat of arms, logos and official colours of the Sports Corporations or Clubs affiliated to the Liga Nacional de Fútbol Profesional. However, in any event, the right of the Sports Corporations and Clubs to contract on an individual basis shall be respected.

Likewise, the Liga Nacional de Fútbol Profesional may jointly exploit  the official  statistical data of all the matches in competitions organised by LALIGA, without detriment to the rights of the Sports Corporations and Clubs to individually exploit said statistical data  of  the matches in which they have taken part.

f. To issue a preliminary report in cases of a disposal of facilities owned by Sports Corporations under the circumstances set forth by the prevailing Sports Act and its implementing provisions.

g. To issue a preliminary report on the draft budgets of Public Limited Sports Companies and Clubs which take part in the competitions it organises, as well as to set rules and criteria for drawing them up and, if it should deem it appropriate or necessary, to oversee fulfilment of the budget definitively approved.

h. For the purposes set forth in article 46.4 of the prevailing Sports Act, to issue a preliminary report on the amendments proposed by the Real Federación Española de Fútbol, where these are significant for the official nation-wide professional competitions LALIGA is responsible for organising.

i. To establish its own internal organisation,  to  manage  its  own  economic  resources  independently and to lay down the regulations to implement these Articles

j. To appoint the representatives corresponding to LALIGA in any agencies or bodies.

k. In accordance with provisions set forth in Royal Decree 258/1998 of 20 February, partially amending Royal Decree 419/1991 of 27 March governing the distribution  of the proceeds  and prizes from Apuestas Deportivas del Estado (State Sports Betting Agency)  and from any other gaming activities managed by the Organismo Nacional de Loterías y Apuestas del Estado (State National Lottery and Gaming Organisation) and with the implementing provisions thereof, to establish the formulae to distribute the amounts to  be received  by Sports Corporations and Clubs from the LIGA'S share in the proceeds from the State's sports betting activities. Such formulae shall reflect objective criteria.

l. To exercise the control and oversight functions, in order to enforce compliance with the limits established with respect to the share capital of Public Limited Sports Companies, which are set out in the applicable regulations at all times.

m. To commercialise jointly the audiovisual contents exploitation rights of football competitions it organises, along with any other audiovisual rights over football competitions whose commercialisation may be entrusted to or assigned to it.

2.- LALIGA’s duties and powers include the following:

To oversee the contractual relationships between Sports Corporations and Clubs and their professional footballers and any other professionals that may join them in the future.

To set the dates, times and changes thereof of professional competitions, except  where the changes that occur are a consequence of a decision taken by the disciplinary  bodies of the Real Federación Española de Fútbol after the total or partial suspension, cancellation or repetition of a match. Regarding the National Football League Championship, the Liga Nacional de Fútbol Profesional shall give the Real Federación Española de Fútbol notice of any changes it may authorise. The Real Federación Española de Fútbol shall hold responsibility for authorising such changes and give the Liga Nacional de Fútbol Profesional notice thereof with regard to the Spanish Championship and the Copa de S.M. el Rey (King's Cup).

To approve regulations on advertising on the uniforms used by the teams of the Corporations or Clubs which are members in accordance with the provisions laid down on such matters by lnternational Football Organisations.

To govern and check the uniforms of opposing teams, as well as static and moving advertising at matches in accordance with obligatory international regulations and with the Real Federación Española de Fútbol.

To approve regulations on the format, issuance, sale and supply of tickets to gain access to the sports stadiums of its member Corporations and Clubs, along with any other matters having to do with ticketing.

To establish the official model of match ball in accordance with lntemational Board regulations.

To set each season the maximum number of licences for each Sports Corporation or Club that make up the First and Second Divisions, as well as to set the dates and registration periods for them. These decisions may not be changed during the course of the season in question.

To process the registration in the League of footballers belonging to the Corporations and Clubs that are members of LALIGA, as well as to issue obligatory prior approval of their licences and the licences of team delegates, managers, assistant managers, physical trainers, doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, kit managers and of any other person who could sit on the team's bench during a match or take part in any way in the competition as a preliminary and necessary requirement to take part in professional activities or competitions.

To approve the economic and corporate requirements for Sports Corporations and Sports Clubs so they may join LALIGA

To set the regulations on players on team sheets at professional competitions, along with the regulations on the interrelationship between Sports Corporations or Clubs and their affiliates or subsidiaries. In any event, any regulations on such matters that may be set forth shall be sent to the Real Federación Española de Fútbol for their inclusion in Federation Regulations.

To set the conditions and number of people authorised to be on the perimeter the pitch at professional competitions and to give the Real Federación Española de Fútbol notice of any resolutions that may be adopted thereof, so that it may include them in Federation Regulations.

To set the conditions which facilities at sports stadiums must meet to hold professional competitions, as well as safety and access control regulations  and any others that may be  set forth.

3.- The following are LALIGA’s duties and powers, which are subject to co-ordination with the Real Federación Española de Fútbol:

To draw up and approve the competition schedule for the First and Second Divisions for the approval of the Real Federación Española de Fútbol's President, determining the conditioning factors for the draw of matches with respect of circumstances of geographic proximity or any other that may be established.

To determine the composition and number of teams that make up professional competitions, the amendment of which shall require an agreement between the Real Federación Española de Fútbol and the Liga Nacional de Fútbol Profesional.

To make proposals on how official nation-wide professional competitions are to be held,  the final classification and how to determine the winning Sports Corporations  or  Clubs, without detriment to the Real Federación Española de Fútbol's prior agreement to carry them out.

By mutual agreement with the Real Federación Española de Fútbol, to establish the number of professional footballers who are not nationals of a Member State of the European Union or of the European Economic Area that may be signed up or registered by affiliated Sports Corporations and Clubs, along with the terms so that they may be chosen to play for them in the competitions it organises.

To agree on the criteria governing promotion and relegation between the First and Second Divisions and to give the Real Federación Española de Fútbol notice thereof. Such criteria shall be set before the start of the competition in question and may not be changed during  the course thereof

In conjunction with the Real Federación Española de Fútbol, to set the criteria and number of teams to be promoted and relegated between the Second Division and the  Second Division "B", which shall be set befare of the start of the competition in question and may not be changed during the course thereof

To give the Real Federación Española de Fútbol prior mandatory notice in change of residence proceedings of footballers who have joined or wish to join Sports Corporations or Clubs forming part of the Liga Nacional de Fútbol Profesional, or the affiliates or subsidiaries of any of them.

By reaching mutual agreement with the Real Federación Española de Fútbol, to set the amounts for training and promotional rights corresponding to the first professional registration of footballers in Sports Corporations and Clubs which take part in professional competitions.

Applicable regulations

National sports legislation

LALIGA is governed by the legal regime established in the Act on Sport and in the Royal Decree on Federations.

The Articles of Association, General Regulation of LALIGA and Regulation on Television Broadcasting

a) General considerations

LALIGA is regulated by its Articles of Association, the General Regulation and the Regulation on TV Broadcasting, which were approved by the highest governing body, the General Assembly, and ratified by the Executive Committee of the High Council for Sport, articles 10.2 b) and 41.3 of the Sport Act. The Articles of Association, the General Regulation and the Regulation on TV Broadcasting are available to be consulted at any time on the website (www.laliga.com).

In accordance with the provisions of Article 26 of Royal Decree 1835/1991, of December 20, the Articles of Association of the professional leagues must include at least the following points:

1. Specific name, corporate purposeand registered office.

2. Governance and representation bodies and their duties and powers, and also the system for appointing and dismissing them. The President and the Assembly are necessarily governance bodies. Holding the office of President shall be incompatible with holding a managerial position in a sports club or joint-stock company of the associates of LALIGA.

3. Own and delegated powers.

4. Procedurefor approving and reforming of its Articles of Association and Regulations.

5. Specific disciplinary regimefor its associates, which shall necessarily include, in a differentiated manner, the system of infringements and sanctions for its directors or administrators.

6. Capital, economic-financial and budgetary management regime.

7. Grounds for winding up or liquidation.

8. Rules and standards forpreparing budgets by its associates and for overseeing them.

For its part, Article 57 of the Act on Sport 39/2022 sets out the minimum content of the statutes of the professional leagues.

b) Articles of Association

Approved, using their latest wording, by the Executive Committee of the High Council for Sport in its meeting of 28th June 2024.

These Articles of Association and, in particular, Chapter II of Title I, referring to the organisational structure of LALIGA, constitute the basic foundations on which the basic legal regime of good governance of LALIGA's governance and administrative bodies is based.

c) The General Regulation

The General Regulation are part of the governance of LALIGA, and as such complement the legal framework defined by the Articles of Association regarding the development of the General Assembly and the Division Committees (Book I) and the system for the election of the President (Book II), the Vice-Presidents and members of the Executive Committee (Book III).

d) Regulation on TV Broadcasting

Approved by the Executive Committee of the High Council for Sport in its meeting on 18 July 2016 and its subsequent amendment adopted by the Extraordinary General Assembly on 21 March 2018 and later by the Executive Committee of the High Council for Sport in its meeting on 26 July 2018. It was incorporated into the General Regulation of LALIGA on 14 August 2018.

The Regulation on TV Broadcasting describes the commitments acquired by the Clubs/SADs with LALIGA in order to harmonise the image and audiovisual perception of the competitions organised by LALIGA. Thus, the Regulation: a) Specifies the facilities that Clubs/SADs are required to provide for each match, and the procedures to be adopted in the organisation of the matches and; b) Defines the concrete actions that Clubs/SADs must take to achieve the established standards and the steps that LALIGA will follow to ensure the implementation of these standards.

The Code of Good Governance

Approved by the Extraordinary General Assembly of LALIGA, on 21 July 2005. The Code was revised and adapted to the statutory and organisational reality of LALIGA and the latest legislative reforms in the field of transparency and good governance, and its latest version was adopted by the Extraordinary General Assembly of LALIGA, on 24 September 2015. 

It is divided into six chapters and consists of fourteen articles.

Chapter I defines the rules of good governance of LALIGA, establishing the rights of members of LALIGA (article 1). It also describes the structure, operation and duties of the Executive Committee, the General Management, the Legal Department and the Audit and Internal Control Committee (articles 2 to 5, respectively). 

Chapter II on remuneration sets out a series of prohibitions, restrictions and reporting obligations for remuneration, in articles 6 and 7.  Chapter III, “Control and ordinary management” (article 8) defines the content of the LALIGA’s economic transaction procedures manual, called “Economic Transactions Procedures Manual” together with Article 10 of Chapter IV, which establishes the criteria for action in relation to the acquisition or supply of goods or provision of services from the time the need for the service/purchase arises until payment is made. All individual purchases/services by each Department must be subject to these criteria.

Finally, Chapters V and VI, in articles 11 to 14 of the Code, deal with the duty of LALIGA to promote sports ethics and form a legal regime that covers claims related to the compliance, or failure to comply, with the Code of Good Governance. It does so by creating a specific good governance Committee chaired by the President of LALIGA.

LALIGA governance structure

Article 6 of the Articles of Association defines the governance structure of LALIGA, which can be summarised as follows:

·       General Assembly;

·       Division Committees;

·       The Executive Committee;

·       President;

·       The Audiovisual Rights Management Oversight Body;

·       Electoral Committee;

·       The Association Disciplinary Judge;

·       Economic oversight Committee;

·       The Budget Validation Body;

·       Licensing Committee;

·       The Regulatory Compliance Body;

·       Audit and Internal Control Committee;

·       The Stadium Supervision Committee;

·       The Social Resources Committee;

·       Corporate General Management;

·       The Legal Counsel;

The following is a list of the powers and duties of the different entities that currently make up LALIGA, in accordance with the system of good governance laid down in the Articles of Association, the General Regulation and the aforementioned Code of Good Governance.


a) Basic principles and regulatory standards

The General Assembly is LALIGA’s highest body of governance and the expression its associates' will. lts meeting may be annual or extraordinary meetings. The legal regime of the General Assembly is provided for in Articles 8 to 21, inclusively, of the Articles of Association and in Book I, Articles 1 to 6, of the General Regulation.

In order to validly convene the Assembly, at least two-thirds of its full members, apart from the President and the Secretary, must be in attendance at the first call and in the second call, at least sixteen full members must be in attendance with at least eight members from each Division in attendance.

The call shall be in writing by the President and sent to the address appearing in LALIGA for each associate through any means of communication, including post, telex, fax, courier service, etc., with acknowledgement of receipt, and at least ten days before the date the meeting is to be held, except in pressing cases which the President has duly justified, in which case such time limit may be reduced to forty-eight hours.

The notice must include the place, date, and time of the Assembly, for both the first and second call, the nature of the Assembly, and the Agenda. It should also mention the option for remote attendance, should this option be chosen. 

At the moment the Assembly is called, the Legal Department shall send each full member the documents on each of the items on the Agenda which shall be addressed at the Assembly, except when for time constraints they cannot be attached, in which case such documents shall be placed at the disposal of each member at the headquarters of LALIGA before the Assembly is held.

Every full member of the General Assembly has the right to vote, and most agreements are passed by a simple majority.

b) Composition

The General Assembly shall be comprised of full members, the President of the LIGA, who shall also be the Assembly's Chairman, and by a representative of each of the teams registered by the Sports Corporations or Clubs registered in the LIGA at the moment the General Assembly is held and which have not had their right to vote suspended.

LALIGA’s Legal Counsel shall act as the Secretary and be entitled to take the floor, but not to vote.

The President of the Real Federación Española de Fútbol shall  be entitled to take the floor, but not to vote.

The following may also attend Assemblies without the right to take the floor or to vote, except where the Chairman concedes them the floor:

·       Any persons invited by the Chairman.

·       A companion for each full member of the Assemblyttees.

·     A representative of the Sports Corporations or Sports Clubs that are affiliates of LALIGA which have had their right to vote suspended.

c) Annual General Assembly

The Annual General Assembly's powers are as follows:

To examine and approve, as appropriate, the annual report, accounts and settlement  of the financial year corresponding to the season which has come to an end.

To examine and approve, as appropriate, the budget for the financial year of LALIGA corresponding to the current season.

To take resolutions on proposals on any matters lying within the competence of LALIGA brought before it by any body of LALIGA exercising the powers and/or duties assigned to it, by the President of LALIGA or by at least eleven of its members, except in cases  where such power is expressly assigned to another body of LALIGA in these Articles.

To take decisions on the passing on of costs to members of LALIGA through either maintenance fees or any other kind of fees, respecting the powers expressly assigned in these Articles to the Division Committees. In such cases, the Annual General Assembly shall limit itself to determining to which and/or what amount shall be passed on the First Division members as a whole and what amount shall be passed on to Second Division Members as a whole.

To take decisions on the terms of registration in LALIGA and on the terms for taking part in each Division.

To appoint, as appropriate, LALIGA’s external auditors.

To set the caps on aid to members of LALIGA that may be laid down through regulations.

The Annual General Assembly shall meet once a year within six months following the date each financial year of LALIGA ends.

d) Extraordinary General Assembly

Extraordinary General Assembly Meetings shall be held where any of the Division Committees by simple majority, LALIGA’s President or the Executive Committee by simple majority may so resolve, or where a meeting is requested by at least eleven of its members.

The powers reserved for the Extraordinary General Assembly are as follows:

·       To elect of the President of LALIGA.

·       To approve, amend or repeal the Articles of Association and General Regulation.

·       To censure the President.

·     To authorise the undertaking of economic obligations where these exceed 15 per cent of the approved budget.

·       To change the registered office.

·     To ratify at the proposal of the Executive Committee any agreements approved by said Committee to be entered into by LALIGA with the High Council for Sport or with the Real Federación Española de Fútbol with regard to co-ordinating the organisation  of professional competitions, as well as with the Association of Spanish Footballers.

·       To approve at the proposal of the Executive Committee the issues envisaged in items g) and i) of article 3.2 and in items b), c) and e) of article 3.3 of the Articles.

·      In accordance with provisions set forth in Royal Decree 258/1998 of 20 February partially amending Royal Decree 419/1991 27 March governing the distribution  of the  proceeds and prizes from Apuestas Deportativas del Estado (State Sports  Betting  Agency)  and from any other gaming activities managed by the Organismo Nacional de Loterías y Apuestas del Estado (State National Lottery and Gaming Organisation) and with the implementing provisions thereof, to establish the formulae to distribute the amounts to be received by Sports Corporations and Clubs for LALIGA’s share in the proceeds from the State's sports betting. Such formulae shall reflect objective criteria.

·     To establish the formulae to share out the amounts obtained as revenue from betting on professional competitions involving both Divisions other than the betting mentioned in the preceding paragraph.

·       To elect the Association Disciplinary Judge and the Economic Oversight Committee.

·    To review and take a definitive resolution on the decisions taken by the Executive Committee on the approval or rejection of specific applications for admission to LALIGA.

·     To establish or change the formulae to share out the amounts obtained by LALIGA as a result of the payments made to it by UEFA arising from the notion of solidarity.

·       Regarding any other matter the competence of which has not been assigned to another body of LALIGA by these Articles.


a) Basic principles and regulatory standards

The Division Committees are bodies of the different categories of competition. Their purpose is to examine, deliberate on and approve any competencies within the remit of each of them or expressly delegated to them by the General Assembly and which are not expressly delegated to other bodies of LALIGA or that cannot be delegated.

The legal regime of the Division Committees is provided for in Articles 22 to 26, inclusively, of the Articles of Association and in Book I, Articles 1 to 6, of the General Regulation.

Division Committee meetings shall be called and held every quarter during the course of the competitions and extraordinarily where requested by at least six of its members or where the President of LALIGA may deem it necessary.

In order to validly convene Division Committee meetings, at least two-thirds of its full  members must be in attendance  at the first  call along  with the President  and the Secretary or whoever may replace them according to the Articles, and at the second call, at least one­ third of full members must be in attendance.

Each of the members of the Division Committees shall be entitled to one vote. he votes shall be secret, except where otherwise agreed by the Committee meeting Resolutions shall be adopted by a simple majority of the votes cast, other than on resolutions stated on the Articles.

b) Composition

Each Division Committee shall be comprised of the President of LALIGA, who shall chair it, and by a representative of each of the Sports Corporations or Clubs registered in the same category of competition of the National Professional League Championship at the moment the meeting is held. The Corporate General Manager shall attend and be entitled to take the floor, but not to vote. The Legal Counsel of LALIGA shall actas Secretary, but shall not be entitled to take the floor or vote.

As many Division Committees as there are categories of competition  organised  by LALIGA in the National League Championship shall be set up.

c) Powers

The powers of the Division Committees shall be as follows:

1.- To approve the share out of the economic funds allocated to each category of competition among the Sports Corporations and Clubs that comprise each Committee.

2.- To approve the schedule of match dates affecting their Division. Should this power be legally and solely attributed to LALIGA, the General Assembly shall hold responsibility for approving said schedule by reinforced majority.

3.- To approve the match times affecting their Division.

4.- To look into and, as appropriate, approve amendments having to do with the competition where these solely affect the Division approving such resolution.

5.- To determine the rules on the organisation and performance of corresponding Division's matches, always in accordance with the rules laid down by the competent authorities.

6.- To approve the performance of promotional and commercial exploitation activities of the competition in which they take part and which solely affect the  Sports  Corporations  and Clubs of the same Division. Promotion and commercial exploitation shall be construed as defined in article 3, paragraph 1, item e) of these Articles.

7.- To decide on the criteria to share among its members the revenue obtained  or that  applies to the Division in question, including the revenue from betting on the professional competition where solely the Division in question is involved.

8.- To elect and, as appropriate, censure the representatives of each Division Committee in the Executive Committee in accordance with the provisions set forth in these Articles and in the General Regulation.

9.- To elect the first and second Vice-Presidents of LALIGA, as appropriate.

10.- To censure the first or second Vice-President of LALIGA, as appropriate.

11.- To request the calling of an Extraordinary General Assembly.

12.- To propose the commencement of disciplinary proceedings against any member of their own Division.

13.- To take decisions on how expenses shall be passed on among members  of  said Division through maintenance fees or any other fees.

14.- To decide on the granting of aid to the members of their own Division, always in accordance with the cap laid down by the General Assembly.

15.- To approve the matters envisaged in items b), c), d), article 3.2 of these Articles.

16.- Any other matters that solely and exclusively affect the Division which are not expressly attributed to another body of LALIGA.


a) Basic principles and regulatory standards

The Executive Committee is LALIGA's ordinary body of governance. Its legal regime is governed by Articles 27 to 31, inclusively, of the Articles of Association, by Book III, Articles 17 to 31 of the General Regulation and by Articles 2 and 3 of the LALIGA Code of Good Governance.

Executive Committee meetings shall be called and held on a monthly basis during the course of competitions and extraordinarily where requested by at least tour of its members or where the President of LALIGA may deem it necessary. The date, venue and Agenda  shall be set by the proponents or by the President of LALIGA. The call shall state the Agenda, the venue, the date and the time of the first and second call. The notice must clearly state the Agenda, place, date, and time for the first and second call, along with the possibility of remote attendance, if applicable.

Meetings shall be deemed to have been validly convened at the first call where a half plus one of its members are in attendance and at the second call whatever the number of members in attendance may be. At least half an hour shall elapse between the first and the second call

Resolutions shall be adopted by a simple majority of the votes cast, other than those resolutions concerning matters stated by the Article which shall be adopted by a qualified majority.

b) Composition

lt shall be chaired by the President of LALIGA and additionally comprised of the two Vice-Presidents and by the representatives of the Sports Corporations and Clubs elected in the way laid down in the General Regulation by the Division Committees under the following terms:

  • Six by the First Division Committee
  • Six by the Second Division Committee

The Corporate General Manager shall attend and be entitled to take the floor, but not to vote. The Legal Counsel of LALIGA shall act as the Secretary of the Executive Committee and shall be entitled to take the floor, but not to vote.

Members are elected by the Division Committees during the month following the month in which the Executive Committee has approved the liquidation of the immediately preceding financial year. Their term of office is two years and may be renewed for successive terms. The Public Limited Sports Companies and Clubs that are elected appoint their regular member (representative) and an alternate member (or proxy).

At present, the composition of the Executive Committee[1] is as follows:

[1] Composición resultante tras el proceso electoral llevado a cabo en julio de 2022 y septiembre de 2023 con respecto a las vacantes producidas tras la finalización de la Temporada 2022/2023.


Mr. Javier Tebas Medrano

Vice-Presidents 1°:

Mr. Miguel Ángel Gil Marín

Vice-Presidents 2°:

D. Jon Ander Ulazia Garetxana



Main representative: D. José Ángel Sánchez Periañez

Proxy: Dª. Begoña Sanz Orea


Main representative: D. José María del Nido Carrasco

Proxy: D. Jesús Arroyo Sánchez


Main representative: D. Ángel Haro García

Proxy: D. Federico Martínez Feria


Main representative: D. Alfonso Fernández de Troconiz

Proxy: D. Haritz Kerejeta Ruiz de Austri


Main representative: D. Raúl S. Martín Presa

Proxy: D. Samuel Pizarro Cano


Main representative: D. Miguel A. Ramírez Alonso

Proxy: D. Patricio Viñayo García



Main representative: D. Alejandro C. Irarragorri Gutierrez

Proxy: D. David Guerra Gómez


Main representative: D. Manuel Vizcaíno Fernández

Proxy: D. Rafael Contreras Chamorro


Main representative: D. Santiago Pozas Arjona

Proxy: D. Samuel Gómez Abril


Main representative: D. Fernando López Lobete

Proxy: D. Juan Forcén Márquez


Main representative: D. Alejandro Ariel Grandinetti Valiente

Proxy: D. Diego Martínez González


Main representative: D. Juan José Bonillo Medina  

Proxy: Dª. Lorena García Piñeiro

Chief Corporate Officer, LALIGA:

Mr. Javier Gómez Molina

Secretary of the Executive Committee LALIGA:

Ms. María José López Lorenzo

[1] Resulting composition from the last electoral processes.

c) Powers

Among its responsibilities, the Executive Committee has the following key powers: 

a) To request the convening of the General Assembly and implement the resolutions validly adopted by the General Assembly and/or Division Committees.

b) To negotiate and, as appropriate, approve agreements with the RFEF (Real Federación Española de Fútbol), the AFE (Spanish Footballers' Association) and public institutions subject to the Extraordinary General Assembly's ratification referred to in article 11 f) of the Articles.

c) To take decisions regarding contested resolutions adopted by the Division Committees under the terms provided for in article 26.

d) To decide on the approval or rejection of applications for admission to the LALIGA, which may, as appropriate, be delegated to the Legal Counsel. Such delegation shall be granted by means of the majority needed to adopt resolutions on the matter referred to in this section.

e) To act and exercise rights, either in the courts or out of them, in the interests of the LALIGA, without detriment to the power provided for in article 33.

f) To resolve urgent matters broached before it by any member regarding matters approved by a competent body, respecting in any event organisational hierarchies and the provisions set forth in the Articles and the regulations.

g) To deal with any consultation broached on the interpretation of LALIGA's Articles and Regulations.

h) To propose the initiation of disciplinary proceedings.

i) To issue mandatory reports in accordance with prevailing legislation with the capacity, as appropriate, to delegate such power to the Legal Counsel. Such delegation shall be granted by means of the majority needed to adopt resolutions on the matter referred to in this section.

j) To draw up the LALIGA's budget, as well as the Annual Report, Profit and Loss Account and the Budget Settlement.

k) To recommend rules and criteria on drawing up the budgets of LALIGA members.

l) Supervising and ensuring the integrity of internal financial and non-financial information systems.

m) At the proposal of the Audit and Internal Control Committee, determining and supervising the internal control and risk management system.

n) At the proposal of the Audit and Internal Control Committee, determining and supervising the Compliance Management System and amendments to the policies that make it up.

o) To propose the appointment, dismissal and re-election of the external auditors to the General Assembly, on a prior proposal from the Audit and Internal Control Committee.

p) Any others matters that are expressly assigned to it in these Articles or in the regulations.

q) To decide on the LALIGA's functional structure and work posts at the proposal of the Chairman.

r) Appointing the members of the Audit and Internal Control Committee, on the proposal of the Chairman.

s) At the proposal of the Audit and Internal Control Committee, selecting, appointing and dismissing the Regulatory Compliance Body Manager and, if appropriate, the internal audit functions manager.

t) To elect two members of the SEFPSA Board of Directors pursuant to the provisions set forth in article 46 of these Articles of Association.

u) After having conducted the relevant formalities, to declare and, as appropriate, render without effect the existence of a situation of economic difficulty suffered by a Club/Sports Corporation in accordance with the Collective Agreement entered into by the LALIGA and the Association of Spanish Footballers. 

v) To make any decisions or agreements within LALIGA's authority regarding stadium matters, except in cases where such decisions or agreements are statutorily or legally reserved for the General Assembly of LALIGA. Specifically: (a) To oversee and coordinate the inspection of stadiums where Championship official matches will be held, ensuring they meet the Stadium Regulations and any statutory or regulatory legal requirements as outlined in Article 3.2. I) of these Statutes; (b) to issue circulars specifying additional technical requirements for stadiums as per applicable regulations; (c) to implement, based on a report or proposal from the Stadium Supervision Committee, any necessary measures for the proper oversight and management of the Stadium Regulations and related provisions; (d) to authorise the stadiums where the official matches of the National Professional League Championship will take place. This is without prejudice to the powers that may, from time to time, be delegated or assigned by regulation to the Stadium Supervision Committee, the Corporate General Manager, or other bodies, committees, commissions, or members of LALIGA.

The General Assembly has incorporated Transitional Provisions into the Articles and General Regulations, allowing the Executive Committee, by a qualified majority of 2/3, to make certain adjustments to the Articles and General Regulations regarding deadlines, documentation, and more. This is intended to provide the necessary flexibility for specific actions that may be required due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly in terms of economic control. 


a) Basic principles and regulatory standards

The Chairman of LALIGA holds office after being elected by free, direct and secret ballot by all the members of the General Assembly. 

The legal regime of the President is provided for in Articles 32 to 37, inclusively, of the Articles of Association and in Book II, Articles 1 to 9, of the General Regulation. The President's term of office shall last for four years counting from the date  of  his/her election and the President may be re-elected for identical successive periods.

The President is the highest official of LALIGAand holds responsibility for its governance and legal representation, and is conferred with LALIGA's executive powers. The office of President shall be remunerated and the President's remuneration shall be set through a resolution of the General Assembly.

b) Powers

The following powers have been vested on the President of LALIGA:

- To ensure fulfilment of the Articles, General Regulation, circulars and other resolutions adopted by the General Assembly, the Executive Committee, the  Division Committees  and other bodies of LALIGA and taking the necessary decisions far such purpose.

- To chair the General Assembly, the Executive Committee, the Division Committees and other bodies of LALIGA as set forth, call their meetings, set their Agendas, direct deliberations and order the voting to take place under the terms set forth in the these Articles.

- To represent LALIGA before any person or organisation, public or private, within any sphere with the broadest legal powers, and thus with the necessary or suitable capacity to contract, reach agreements, file, continue with, acquiesce and abandon court, administrative and economic-administrative proceedings before agencies and courts  of any jurisdiction or nature, be they Spanish or foreign, with the power to answer interrogatories and grant powers of attorney to court representatives and attorneys.

- To agree on the acquisition or disposal by any title over goods or rights, works, services  and supplies, except where the power is reserved for another body.

- To exercise oversight of the budgets of Sports Corporations and Clubs as provided under the terms set farth in article 3.1.g) of the Articles.

- To set up joint and other committees with the Real Federación Española de Fútbol, the Asociación de Futbolistas Españoles (Spanish Footballers' Association), the High Council far Sport, the Internal Revenue Service, Sports Corporations or Clubs and/or any other institutions, agencies and/or private or public legal persons or natural  persons, laying down their rules and rules of procedure, as well as appointing LALIGA ’s representatives in such Committees, which may even be natural persons, regardless of whether or not they have an employment relationship with LALIGA.

- To raise before competent bodies proposals for the adoption of resolutions under the terms set forth in these Articles.

- Any powers delegated to the President by the General Assembly, the  Executive Committee, the Division Committees and other bodies of LALIGA.

- Any others corresponding to the President according to the provisions set forth in these Articles or in the General Regulation.

- The President may delegate any of the powers vested in him/her to the Vice-Presidents of LALIGA, the Corporate General Manager and the Legal Counsel,  and must give notice  of such delegation to all affiliates of LALIGA.

- The President may delegate any of the powers vested in him/her to two employees of LALIGA, provided that such delegation is jointly and severally authorised by any of the afarementioned (Vice-Presidents, Corporate General Manager and Legal Counsel). Once such delegation has been made, notice thereof should be given to all LaLiga affiliates.

- To propose the functional organisation of LALIGA to the Executive Committee, including the hiring, appointment, dismissal and removal of LALIGA’s employees.

- To open, run and cancel current, savings and credit accounts at any credit, financial or banking institution, be they public or private, savings banks and in general terms any other kind of financial account jointly and severally with the Legal Counsel and the Corporate General Manager. Two signatures of any of the three above shall suffice for such purposes. The President may likewise issue, accept or endorse bills of exchange and other securities within the constraints set forth herein and may also administer LALIGA’s funds with broadest possible powers of administration.

In the elections held in November and December 2023, Mr. Javier Tebas Medrano was elected President of LALIGA for a fourth consecutive term.


According to what is stated in article 38 of the Articles LaLiga has two Vice-Presidents, who shall be appointed as follows:

The candidate put forward by the First Division Corporation or Club that turns  out to be elected by the First Division Committee at the election called for such purpose shall hold the office of First Vice-President.

The candidate put forward by the Second Division Corporation or Club that turns out to be elected by the Second Division Committee at the election called for such purpose shall hold the office of Second Vice-President.

The Vice-Presidents' term of office shall be of two years and they may be re-elected for successive periods.

The Vice-Presidents shall stand down from office should the Sports Corporation or Club they represent cease to take part in the Division for which they were elected and/or when they no longer represent the Club.

In the latest elections, Mr Miguel Ángel Gil Marín, representing Club Atlético de Madrid, SAD, was elected as First Vice-Chairman, and Mr Jon Ander Ulazia Garetxana, representing SD Eibar, SAD, was elected as Second Vice-Chairman. 


According to what is stated in article 44 bis of the Articles, LaLiga’s Corporate General Manager is the person appointed by the Executive Committee at the proposal of the President, under whose management the Corporate General Manager oversees the activities and duties of each of LaLiga’s divisions, departments and services in accordance with the guidelines approved by the Executive Committee. He/She also manages and oversees LaLiga’s human resources and holds responsibility for proposing the hiring of staff to the President for the Executive Committee's subsequent approval.

The following are also the Corporate General Manager's powers, which shall always be under the President's management:

a) Responsibility for LaLiga’s economic area, acting under the guidelines laid down by the General Assembly, the Executive Committee and the President. He/she is in charge of LaLiga’s accounts and ensures any expenses incurred are in accordance with approved budgets. Those holding responsibility for financing and/or accounting departments shall report to him/her. The Corporate General Manager is responsible for preparing the annual report, accounts, settlement for the financial year and the draft budget for it to be drawn up by the Executive Committee and subsequently approved by the General Assembly, along with issuing any reports on economic matters requested by the General Assembly or the President. He/she holds responsibility for the accounts between LaLiga and its affiliates.

b) Holding the highest responsibility for the economic oversight mechanism for Sports Corporations and Clubs, as governed by Book X of the General Regulation. Supervising the Economic Oversight Department referred to in said Book X also falls within his/her duties.

c) Holding the highest responsibility for the effective implementation and fulfilment of the rules and criteria to draw up the budgets of the entities affiliated to LaLiga Such implementation and fulfilment shall be done in accordance with the provisions set forth in the Articles of Association and with the rules and criteria approved by the Executive Committee.

d) Holding responsibility for managing and overseeing the Works Department with a view to adapting stadiums to legislation on the prevention of violence, racism and xenophobia in sport which may prevail from time to time, managing and overseeing this department regardless of which entity it may be placed under (LaLiga, Sociedad Española de Fútbol Profesional, S.A. or its subsidiary).

e) The Corporate General Manager may open, run and cancel current, savings and credit accounts at any credit, financial or banking institution, be it public or private, savings banks and in general terms any other kind of financial account jointly and severally with Legal Counsel and the President. Two signatures of any of the three above shall suffice for such purposes. The Corporate General Manager may likewise issue, accept or endorse bills of exchange and other securities within the constraints set forth herein and may also administer LaLiga’s funds with broadest possible powers of administration.

f) Along with Legal Counsel and the President, the Corporate General Manager is jointly and severally entitled to sign on behalf of the organisation to dispose of funds in the current, savings and credit accounts opened in LaLiga’s name at any credit institution, bank or savings bank, and in general terms in any other kind of financial account, as well as to accept bills and issue promissory notes within the limits set forth herein. Two signatures of any of the above shall suffice for such purposes.

g) There are also any other responsibilities expressly attributed to the Chairman in these Statutes, by regulation, or by delegation from other LALIGA bodies. 

The Corporate General Manager exercises the general objectives of LALIGA with autonomy and full responsibility, only limited by the criteria and direct instructions issued by LALIGA's higher governing and administrative bodies (General Assembly, Executive Committee and President). His/her appointment and dismissal shall be made by the Executive Committee at the President's proposal. His/her term of office shall be linked to that of the President, so that where the President who has put forward his/her appointment should stand down from office, his/her term of office shall also come to an end automatically, without detriment to his/her removal from office at any time.


The Legal Counsel of LaLiga is the person appointed by the Executive Committee at the President's proposal, whose duties are listed below:

a) The responsibility of LALIGA's Legal Counsel.

b) The Secretary is responsible for assisting and providing legal advice to all of LALIGA's collegiate bodies. This role includes taking minutes of their meetings, issuing requested certifications, and safeguarding the minutes books and other official documents of LALIGA. Additionally, the Secretary authorises LALIGA's communications, notices, and circulars with their signature.

c) With delegation from the Chairman and under the supervision of the Executive Committee, the Secretary may also represent LALIGA institutionally before certain organisations or entities, such as the Royal Spanish Football Federation, the Spanish Footballers' Association, and in international relations with the Association of European Leagues, UEFA, FIFA, and others.

d) Any powers vested in the Legal Counsel through delegation by the LALIGA's different bodies of governance and representation and Executive Committee.

e) The Legal Counsel may open, run and cancel current, savings and credit accounts at any credit, financial or banking institution, be it public or private, savings banks and in general terms any other kind of financial account jointly and severally with the Corporate General Manager and the Chairman. Two signatures of any of the three above shall suffice for such purposes. The Legal Counsel may likewise issue, accept or endorse bills of exchange and other securities within the constraints set forth herein and may also administer LALIGA's funds with broadest possible powers of administration.

f) Along with the Corporate General Manager and the Chairman, the Legal Counsel is jointly and severally entitled to sign on behalf of the organisation to dispose of funds in the current, savings and credit accounts opened in the LALIGA's name at any credit institution, bank or savings bank, and in general terms in any other kind of financial account, as well as to accept bills and issue promissory notes within the limits set forth herein. Two signatures of any of the above shall suffice for such purposes. 

g) Along with the Chairman, the Legal Counsel shall also hold the power to represent the LALIGA on his/his own before any person or organisation, public or private, within any sphere with the broadest legal powers, and thus with the necessary or suitable capacity to contract, reach agreements, file, continue with, acquiesce and abandon court, administrative and economic-administrative proceedings before agencies and courts of any jurisdiction or nature, be they Spanish or foreign, with the power to answer interrogatories and grant powers of attorney to court representatives and attorneys.

Its term of office is for four years, being renewed tacitly or expressly for the same periods and its removal must be approved by the same body that designates it.

The Executive Committee may appoint at Chairman's proposal one or several Legal Department alternates from among those responsible for the LALIGA's internal bodies. The Legal Department alternate(s) shall stand in for the Legal Counsel in the event of his/her abstention, absence or illness or where an objection is lodged against him/her or, as appropriate, in the processing of any proceedings involving the temporary suspension of certain rights of the affiliates laid down by the Articles. 


a) Electoral Committee

It is the body responsible for ensuring compliance with LALIGA's election procedures for the election of the Chairman and, therefore, the one that calls the elections and the competent body to resolve any complaints that may be made during the same.

Once the position in the Chairman’s Office of LALIGA becomes vacant, the Electoral Committee is formed, consisting of five members. Three members shall be appointed at random from among LALIGA affiliates competing in the First Division at the time of the vacancy and two shall be appointed at random from among LALIGA affiliates competing in the Second Division at the time of the vacancy.

The Committee shall choose a Chairman and Deputy Chairman from among its members by a simple majority.

b) Association Disciplinary Judge

The Association Disciplinary Judge is the body entrusted with initiating and resolving in a single instance any disciplinary proceedings that arise from a breach or infringement of LALIGA’s Articles and General Regulation by any of its affiliates.

The Judge shall not currently hold or have held during the last three seasons a management position or maintained an employment relationship with any Sports Corporation or  Club among those affiliated to LALIGA.

A Law graduate with at least five years of professional experience shall be appointed, and he/she shall be appointed by the Assembly of LALIGA Judge's terms of office shall last far one league season and may be expressly or implicitly extended for successive periods.

c) Economic Oversight Committee. 

LALIGA's Economic Oversight Committee is entrusted with verifying the appropriate fulfilment of the economic oversight rules and the rules and criteria to draw up the budgets of the LIGA's affiliates. As appropriate, it may impose the relevant penalties pursuant to the provisions set forth in applicable regulations. 

The Committee consists of five members, who shall not currently hold or have held during the last three seasons a management position or maintained an employment relationship with any Sports Corporation or Club among those affiliated to the LALIGA. Three or two of the appointments shall be for economists, chartered accountants or auditors and the other two, or the other, appointment(s) shall be for Law Graduates. All its members shall have at least five years of professional experience. The aforementioned members will be appointed by LALIGA's Executive Committee.

Their terms of office shall last for two league seasons and may be expressly or implicitly extended without a time limit. 

d) Licensing Committee

LALIGA’s Licensing Committee is the body entrusted with definitively resolving any conflicts which may arise between the LALIGA’s members connected with the processing of provisional licences or their prior approval to take part in professional competitions.

The Committee shall consist of three full members and three alternate members,  who shall not currently hold or have held during the last three sports seasons a management  position  or maintained an employment or service provision relationship  with  any Sports Corporation  or Club among those affiliated to LALIGA.

Law Graduates shall be thus appointed. AII its members shall have at least five years of professional experience. Their terms of office shall last far two sports seasons. The members of the Committee shall be appointed by the Executive Committee  of LALIGA at the proposal of the President.

e) Legal Committee

The Legal Committee is the body entrusted with adopting the resolutions corresponding under the Law to LaLiga’s collegiate governance, representation and internal bodies (Executive Committee and Division Committees) in accordance with the provisions set forth in the Articles and in the General Regulation of LALIGA in any cases where there is an abstention or objection involving more than fifty per cent (50%) of the representatives of the affiliated Clubs or Sports Corporations that comprise such bodies.

The Committee shall consist of three members, who shall not currently hold or have held during the last three seasons a management position or maintained an employment relationship with any Sports Corporation or Club among those affiliated to LALIGA.

Law Graduates with at least five years of professional experience shall be appointed, and they shall be appointed by the Executive Committee of LALIGA. Their terms of office shall last far one league season and may be expressly renewed far successive periods.

f) Budget Validation Body

Body of LALIGA, delegated by the Chairman, responsible for ensuring that affiliated Clubs and Sports Public Limited Companies (SADs) adhere to the rules and criteria for preparing their budgets, as outlined in the Articles of Association and related guidelines. This body's responsibilities include: (i) Approving and validating the budgets submitted by the Clubs/SADs, as delegated by the Chairman of LALIGA; (ii) Requesting necessary explanations; (iii) Reporting to LALIGA’s competent authorities with relevant conclusions regarding the budget preparation rules and criteria; (iv) Performing any additional duties assigned by the Statutes, General Regulations, or the budget preparation rules for Clubs and Public Limited Sports Companies. These responsibilities are particularly important when the role of the Head of the Economic Oversight Department is not considered necessary or is vacant, supplementing the duties of the Corporate General Manager.

The body consists of three members appointed by the Chairman of LALIGA, and this appointment must be ratified by the Executive Committee members according to the majorities established in the Articles of Association. 

g) Regulatory Compliance Body

On 11 September 2015, the Executive Committee approved the establishment of the Regulatory Compliance Body, thus amending the Articles of Association approved by the Extraordinary General Meeting on 24 September 2015.

The aforementioned Body is responsible for managing LALIGA's Regulatory Compliance Management System and the internal self-regulation rules that form part of it, as well as for the regular assessments of compliance with these rules. It has autonomous powers of initiative and control and reports to and is directly dependent on the Audit and Internal Control Committee, without prejudice to the fact that it may also report directly to the Executive Committee.

h) Audit and Internal Control Committee.

During the 2020/2021 Season, an amendment to the Articles of Association was approved, first of all by the Executive Committee on 24 June 2021 and, subsequently, by the Extraordinary General Meeting on 30 June of the same year, which consisted of the inclusion of a new precept into LALIGA's Articles of Association, article 43 Sexies, regulating the constitution, set up and duties of an Audit and Internal Control Committee. 

The new body is in charge of supervising the independence of the external auditor, the process for drawing up and presenting financial and non-financial information, internal control and risk management systems and internal audit and compliance duties, both for LALIGA and its subsidiary companies.

The Committee consists of five members who are appointed by the Executive Committee on the proposal of the Chairman of LALIGA by simple majority. Two of the five members of the Committee shall be appointed from among the Public Limited Sports Companies and clubs that are members of the Executive Committee: The remaining three members of the Committee have the status of independent members.  

i) Stadium Supervision Committee 

The Stadium Supervision Committee is the LALIGA body tasked with ensuring that the stadiums hosting professional competitions organised by LALIGA meet the standards outlined in the Stadium Regulations and any applicable legal, statutory, or regulatory provisions.

The Committee is composed of six members: the Corporate General Manager of LALIGA, who serves as the Chairman, and five experts appointed by the Executive Committee. Each expert represents one of the following areas: Competitions, Infrastructure, Security, Audiovisual, and Legal.

Members serve a term that includes the remainder of the current season at the time of their appointment and the following two full sporting seasons. After this initial term, their tenure is automatically extended for successive periods of two full sporting seasons, unless the LALIGA Executive Committee decides otherwise. After the initial term, a member’s position on the Stadium Supervision Committee is automatically extended for additional periods of two full sporting seasons, unless the LALIGA Executive Committee decides otherwise.

The Committee's roles include, but are not limited to: a) Issuing validation reports on the conditions of stadiums proposed by Clubs and Public Limited Sports Companies (SADs) to allow hosting of matches for LALIGA competitions, according to their category; b) Overseeing the adaptation of stadiums belonging to affiliated Clubs/SADs, in line with the LALIGA General Regulations, Stadium Regulations, and any Circulars and Agreements made by the Executive Committee. The Committee will prepare reports to enable the Executive Committee to take necessary actions; c) Ordering and conducting inspections of stadiums to ensure compliance with and maintenance of required conditions and standards; d) Proposing adjustments to the technical standards of stadiums to the Executive Committee; e) Preparing reports on planned modifications or renovations by Clubs/Public Limited Sports Companies that could impact aspects covered by the LALIGA Stadium Regulations or other applicable rules; f) Performing other functions as outlined in the Stadium Regulations, or any other responsibilities assigned through LALIGA regulations or delegated by other bodies. 

j) Social Resources Committee

The Social Resources Committee shall be made up of: a) A chairman, appointed for this purpose from among persons of recognised competence in the legal and, if possible, economic fields, who shall have the casting vote. b) Two or four members; equally: (i) one or two economists, chartered accountants and/or auditors, (ii) one or two law graduates. 

All of them will be appointed on a biennial, renewable and tacitly extendable basis by the LALIGA Executive Committee (at the proposal of the Corporate General Management). 

The Committee will also be made up of a Secretary, with voice but no vote, who will be the Legal Director or the person designated for this purpose.

The status of member of the Social Resources Committee may be subject to remuneration or compensation for the expenses generated. 

The Social Resources Committee is structured into two sections, legal and economic.

The functions of the Economic Section, in addition to all others that may be attributed to it by statute or regulation, are to resolve appeals filed against the following resolutions of the LALIGA Economic Control Committee: a) The imposition of provisional measures within the framework of the sanctioning proceedings that it is processing; b) Disciplinary decisions adopted in the first instance; c) Non-disciplinary measures adopted in the first instance; d) Those adopted in its capacity as the appellate body of the decisions of the LALIGA Budget Validation Body.

The functions of the Legal Section, in addition to all others that may be attributed to it by statute or regulation, are to resolve appeals filed against the following resolutions of the LALIGA Social Disciplinary Judge: a) The imposition of provisional measures within the framework of the disciplinary proceedings that it is processing; b) disciplinary decisions adopted in the first instance. 

Unless the regulations specifically applicable to the specific case establish otherwise, the period for lodging appeals before the Social Appeals Committee shall be fifteen working days from the notification of the contested decision, or from the expiry of the period established for obtaining it. The Resolutions of the Social Appeals Committee exhaust the social or internal route.  

K) Audiovisual Rights Management Oversight Body

Body provided for in article 6 of the Articles of Association and article 10 of Title V of Book XI of the General Regulation. It has the following powers: 

a) Managing the marketing and exploitation of audiovisual rights in compliance with statutory and regulatory standards.

b) Proposing decisions on the distribution criteria to the LALIGA governance bodies under the terms provided in prevailing laws.

c) Monitoring, reviewing and auditing the business management and economic results derived from the joint exploitation and marketing of audiovisual rights.

d) Establishing the standard for the production and execution of the audiovisual recording of nationwide professional football matches, based on a common style that promotes the integrity of the competition, compliance with the regulations in force on the holding of matches and the value of the product.

e) Determining the amounts that, in accordance with current legislation, each Club/Public Limited Sports Company is entitled to receive for the exploitation and marketing of audiovisual rights.

f) Gathering and verifying the data necessary to assess the social implementation of the affiliate Clubs/Public Limited Sports Companies and any other that is necessary to determine the income that each Club/Public Limited Sports Company should receive from variable items.

g) Before the end of the calendar year in which each season has started, publishing the criteria for the distribution of audiovisual revenues, the amounts corresponding to each participating entity and the amounts contributed in compliance with the obligations provided for prevailing laws, on the website.

Any other powers attributed by current legislation or delegated to it by the corresponding bodies of LALIGA.

The Audiovisual Rights Management Control Body is made up of the following members: a) The two Clubs or Public Limited Sports Companies with the highest audiovisual rights revenue at national level in the last five years; b) Two first division Clubs/Public Limited Sports Companies elected by the teams in that category that were not members of the Committee, by virtue of the previous section; c) One second division Club/Public Limited Sports Company elected by the Clubs/SADs in that category; d) The Chairman of LALIGA, who will have the casting vote in the event of a tie.

After the electoral process carried out during the month of November 2023, the composition of the aforementioned body is as follows: for the First Division, in addition to Real Madrid and Fútbol Club Barcelona (for section a), Club Atlético de Madrid, SAD and Club Atlético Osasuna for section b); and for the Second Division, Reial Club Deportiu Espanyol de Barcelona SAD.

The State Tax Administration Agency and the General Treasury of the Social Security, as public creditors, will also be called, and will be entitled to speak but not to vote, insofar as any of the affiliate Clubs/SADs have outstanding amounts to be paid to any of the aforementioned administrations, the Real Federación Española de Fútbol or the High Council for Sport.