Media planning and effectiveness

Improve return on your digital media investments.

Getting media right

Know which campaign elements work best for your brand in different media contexts, so you can get the most out of your budget.

Context Lab dashboard KPI normative comparison
Media optimisation

Make context work for you

Find the right combinations of media context and creative so you can make effective placements and use your budget more efficiently.

Digital media optimisation



Advertising megaphone

Broad ecosystem

Extensive publisher partnerships mean you can test the most common paid digital ad formats, including Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok and Youku.

Check circle

Proven methods

Research is designed to the highest standards so you can plan more effectively and isolate the campaign elements that are driving the biggest results for your brand.

Question network icon

Deep expertise

With a database of over 20,000 digital campaigns, you’ll benefit from the widest context for comparison. Plus, access expert support to help you interpret your results.

Dashboard icon

Actionable insights

Intuitive analytics dashboards provide rapid insights so you can act on real-time data and increase the impact of media placements and campaigns.

Media planning and effectiveness eBook
Digital media effectiveness
Get the most from your media placements by understanding which creatives perform best, in context.
Download your guide