IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards)

List of Companies (Current and Scheduled as of September 30, 2024)

Figures for companies for voluntary application of IFRS*1 276
Figures for companies scheduled for voluntary application of IFRS*2 5
Total 281

  • Figures for companies for voluntary application of IFRS include upcoming listings.
  • Figures for companies scheduled for voluntary application of IFRS were compiled based on the number of listed companies that made press releases on IFRS adoption.
Earnings reports and Quarterly earnings reports of first-time adopters icon-pdf
IFRS-based securities reports for initial listing application (Part I) by upcoming listings icon-pdf
Companies scheduled for voluntary application of IFRS icon-pdf

Posting of Earnings Reports at the Time of First-time Adoption of IFRS, Including Explanation of Transition to IFRS

For annual earnings reports or quarterly earnings reports at the time of the first-time adoption of IFRS, including an explanation of the transition to IFRS, please enter the issue name, issue code, etc. in the "Listed Company Search" and follow this path for each issue: Basic Information => Timely Disclosure Information => Financial Information.

Listed Company Search