Chelsea Odufu
American, born 1993
Moved by Spirit 1, 2021
Cibachrome print
62 x 42 inches
Acquired 2023
JPMorgan Chase Art Collection
Courtesy of Leila Heller Gallery and the Artist

Dinh Q. Lê
Vietnamese, 1968-2024
Wreath for New York City, 2002
C-print with linen tape and acid free tape
64 1/4 x 44 1/4 inches
Acquired 2002
JPMorgan Chase Art Collection
Courtesy of Dinh Q. Lê and P·P·O·W, New York

Roope Rainisto
Finnish, born 1979
REWORLD: Auto Dream No. 3,
AI generated photograph
63 x 82 1/2 inches
Acquired 2023
JPMorgan Chase Art Collection
© Roope Rainisto, 2024

Jeffrey Gibson
American, Choctaw-Cherokee, born 1972

Digital print, silkscreen, collage and gloss varnish with custom color artist frame
38 x 34 inches
Acquired 2023
JPMorgan Chase Art Collection
© Jeffrey Gibson

Thalia Gochez
American, born 1992
Every Worry Melts Away (Naomi Rodriguez and Grace Sanabria) San Francisco,
Pigment Print
40 x 30 inches
Acquired 2023
JPMorgan Chase Art Collection
© M. Thalía Gochez