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“I believe that white Christian nationalism is the single greatest threat to democracy in America and to the integrity of the Christian witness. These choices that we all must make will have concrete moments and milestones. Election day 2024 …

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As a new adjunct professor six years ago, the class I was asked to teach was “Public law and government relations” — how ideas become laws. The students were public affairs majors, just like I was 30 years earlier.

In the words of George Edward Kessler, “Planning should be comprehensive. Even though a grand urban design could only be realized in bits and pieces, and over a long period of years, still we should always know where we are going. … Further g…

I harbor serious reservations about the county’s proposed new jail because of its oppressive fiscal impact and its only temporarily relieving an overcrowding problem without acknowledging, addressing and effectively resolving the two core cau…

During my second week as executive director of the ACLU of Indiana, I found myself in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee testifying against Senate Bill 17, an online age verification bill supporters claim is aimed at preventing minors fr…