Table of Contents
- EDITORIAL by John Trinder (ISPRS President) ()
- Annual Report 2000
- Introduction (by Ian Dowman, ISPRS Secretary General) ()
- ISPRS Technical Commissions Reports
- ISPRS Congress
Regional Members activities ()
- European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories (EARSeL), (by Lucien Wald, Secretary General, EARSeL)
Intersociety Activities ()
- ICSU (International Council of Science), by John Trinder, President
- UN - Office of Outer Space Affairs - Committee for the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS), by John Trinder, President
- CEOS (Committee on Earth Observation Satellites), by John Trinder, President
- CIPA - I2DOC (International Committee for Architectural Photogrammetry - The ICOMOS & ISPRS Committee on Documentation of Cultural Heritage), by Peter Waldh�usl, President, CIPA
- ISB (International Society of Biomechanics), by Armin Gruen
- SPIE, by Sabry El-Hakim
- Publications ()
- Highlights 2000, by Johan Boesjes (GITC) and Lucas Janssen (Editor-in-Chief)
- Journal P&RS, by E. Baltsavias, Editor-In-Chief
- Home page, by Fabio Remondino, Web Master
- Events Calendar, by Tuan-chih Chen, Editor Events Calendar
- Awards, State of Affairs and Membership ()
- ISPRS Awards & Honours, by Lawrence W. Fritz, 1st Vice President
- Treasurer's Report, by Ammatzia Peled, Treasurer
- Membership
- ISPRS Events Calendar, by Tuan-chih Chen, Editor Events Calendar ()
- ISPRS Sustaining Members ()
- The XIX ISPRS Congress: Awards and Citation ()
- Gamble Awards Citations
- Dolezal Awards Citations
- News from Sustaining Members ()
- We Want to Build a Leader in Geomatics:
Interview with Hans Hess, CEO, Leica Geosystems AG
By Jan H. Loedeman, Editor of GIM International