
Latin America trapped in low growth cycle, ECLAC warns

Marco Cacciati August 19, 2024

Latin America and the Caribbean are facing a "low economic growth trap" that threatens to stall progress across the region, according to a new report from the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC).

Ecuador slams vice president's gender complaint against President Noboa as coup attempt

Alek Buttermann August 16, 2024

Ecuador's government has raised alarms over a potential coup attempt following Vice President Verónica Abad's political gender violence complaint against President Daniel Noboa.

US general calls for Marshall Plan in Latin America to counter China and Russia

Marco Cacciati July 25, 2024

The head of US Southern Command has urged American leaders to develop a comprehensive economic aid program for Latin America, akin to the post-World War II Marshall Plan, in a bid to counteract growing Chinese and Russian influence in the region.

Amazon faces “tipping point”, say researchers

by Roberta Harrington in Los Angeles February 20, 2024

The Amazon rainforest could face “large-scale collapse” by 2050, says new research.

COP28: All the climate crisis warning lights flashing red – in charts and maps

Ben Aris in Berlin November 29, 2023

The great and good have assembled in UAE’s capital of Dubai for the COP28 conference to hash out a plan to avert the looming environmental disaster, but its probably too late.
