Citing Infoplease

Updated August 5, 2020 | Infoplease Staff

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How to Cite Infoplease
You may use our information as a source for your school projects, but you need to credit (cite) Infoplease as the source.

There are several types of articles to cite on Infoplease. The list below shows the information you need to include and gives you a sample citation for each type of article. Infoplease citations follow the MLA style.

  1. Almanac articles
    Article title in quotation marks. Website title.
    Copyright date and company name.
    Access date and full URL in angle brackets.

    • "Year in Review, 2016" Infoplease.
      © 2000-2017 Sandbox Networks, Inc., publishing as Infoplease.
      6 Apr. 2017 <>.


  1. Feature articles
    Author's name, last name first.
    Article title in quotation marks. Website title.
    Copyright date and company name.
    Access date and full URL in angle brackets.

    • Haney, Elissa. "Kosovo Factsheet." Infoplease.
      © 2000-2017 Sandbox Networks, Inc., publishing as Infoplease.
      6 Apr. 2017 <>.


  1. Encyclopedia articles
    Article title in quotation marks.
    Encyclopedia name (in italics). (Copyright date) on Website title.
    Website copyright date and company name.
    Access date and full URL in angle brackets.

    • "William Shakespeare." The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia. © 1994, 2000-2006 on Infoplease.
      © 2000-2017 Sandbox Networks, Inc., publishing as Infoplease.
      6 Apr. 2017 <>.


  1. Dictionary entries
    Entry title in quotation marks.
    Dictionary name (in italics)
    (Copyright date) on Website title.
    Copyright date and company name
    Access date and full URL in angle brackets.

    • "Lexicography." Random House Unabridged Dictionary.
      © 1997 by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
      © 2000-2015 Sandbox Networks, Inc., publishing as Infoplease.
      6 Apr. 2017 <>.


  1. Thesaurus entries
    Entry title in quotation marks.
    Thesaurus name (in italics)
    (Copyright date) on Website title.
    Copyright date and company name
    Access date and full URL in angle brackets.

    • "Compliant." WordNet 2.0.
      © 2003 by Princeton University on Infoplease.
      © 2000-2017 Sandbox Networks, Inc., publishing as Infoplease.
      6 Apr. 2017 <>.


  1. All other articles:
    Article title (if possible) in quotation marks.
    Feature Type (in italics). Website title.
    Copyright date and company name.
    Access date and full URL in angle brackets.

    • "How many eggs were consumed per person in the U.S. in 1996?"
      Ask the Editors. Infoplease.
      © 2000-2017 Sandbox Networks, Inc., publishing as Infoplease.
      6 Apr. 2017 <>.


How to Cite
See Frequently Asked Questions for further information.


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