Resident Alien (TV Series 2021– ) Poster

(2021– )

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Such a fun show
Rob133129 June 2023
Resident Alien was so much better than I originally thought it would be! It's about an Alien (Alan Tudyk) who crashes in a small Colorado town and assumes the identity of the town doctor. His mission is to kill all humans but the longer he stays and gets to know them the more he changes his mind. Alan Tudyk is perfect for this role and leads a mostly unknown cast who all make a name for themselves here as they all do such a great job. I was actually surprised by how much I enjoyed it. It's a laugh out loud comedy that also has heart felt moments and before you know it you'll become addicted to this show. After seeing how good the rating was and reading through all the great reviews I thought I'd give it a chance...and I'm so glad I did. It's both original and hilarious. Can't wait for more!
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This is a keeper, give it a Wash...
drutledge-3875528 January 2021
Mr. Tudyk is outstanding, genuinely funny & original, which means it'll probably be cancelled after 1 season...
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brilliant comedy
karimalsharif22 March 2021
Tudyk is Genius!

The show is funny, witty, smart, dark humor, and yet humane.

Its a breath of fresh air. Can't wait for more.

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Alan Tudyk is a comic genius.
TxMike22 January 2023
I missed this show when it was in its first run but now am able to watch episodes streaming on NBC's Peacock service. This show is comedy gold, precisely because of Alan Tudyk in the role of the alien. He is sent to Earth on a mission, he crashes, and by luck takes on the form of a local town man who owns a cabin by the frozen lake. Then the town doctor is found dead and he is pressed into acting as town doctor even though he doesn't know anything about being a doctor. His nemesis becomes the young boy in town who actually sees him as the alien he is.

Filmed in the beautiful Canada mountains, it is set in the fictional town of Patience, Colorado. The alien says he is from a planet around a star 46 light years away. For anyone not familiar with the size of our Milky Way galaxy, it is roughly 110,000 light years across so there are many stars within the 45 to 50 light year range.

In addition to Tudyk's performance what makes this such a good and interesting series is the writing. It is very inventive and very funny, especially the way Tudyk plays his character, a very direct person with no intended humor at all, which turns out to be very humorous. There are also some good human drama issues among the normal human characters.

I gathered from some reviews that season #2 isn't as good. I don't share that opinion. Where season 1 focused on the alien getting used to Earthling ways, season 2 focuses on him starting to become more human-like as more and more around him discover his true identity. The writing remains excellent and just when you think there are no more surprises, you get more surprises. To me one of the better series in recent years, highly interesting and entertaining. Even though most actors, other than Tudyk, are not well-known each creates an interesting character.
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Surprisingly Really Great
AngelsAngel28 January 2021
I didn't expect much going into this because you know how SyFy shows can be sometimes, but I was pleasantly surprised by how much fun this was! It had so many funny lines, shocking twists, interesting plot lines revealed and everything even in just the first episode! Plus the effects are nothing to sneeze at. What I've seen so far has shown the perfect balance of dark comedy, drama, and a wonderfully oddball sci-fi, all packaged into a small town setting, which is something I've always liked. So, great acting, great scripting, great filming, I was hooked from the first few seconds and would recommend. And I just really like Alan Tudyk and truly think this show has a lot of promise.
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I love this show so much! Dont you dare cancel SyFy! Yes I am talking to you, you cancelers;)
woody-604734 March 2021
This is my first review ever, but this show is hilarious. Usually I am really picky with comedy shows but this really cracks me up. Thanks a lot!
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Alan makes this show
Pukeonthestreet6 February 2021
If it wasn't for him the dark humour would be too dark. But his portrayal is so good that even in these dark times it seems lighter than it is. Thanks for this show. Please don't cancel it Syfy. Also bring back deadly class thank you.
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Can't wait for more!
Supermanfan-138 May 2021
I'm so glad that Resident Alien has gained such an audience. The word of mouth for this show has been great and the reason why we keep getting more great show seasons. Season 2 kind of strayed away from the comedy that made Season 1 so good, it was still funny but they changed the show a little too much. Season 3 returned to the hilarious show it was in the first season. Netflix recently picked this show up and it immediately became a worldwide hit. It was in the Top10 as soon as it came out and stayed there for a few months. Hopefully with its new found audience this show will continue for several more seasons. Alan Tudyk is such an underrated actor. He's funny in just about everything he does and this role is probably his best yet. There are plenty of other great characters but my next favorite is easily Sheriff Thompson, played by Corey Reynolds. He is absolutely hilarious in every scene he's in. You won't regret watching this hilarious show.
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Amazing 1 season, bad choices were made in the 2nd season
StarGirl235517 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Giving this 7 stars despite the 2nd season being a bit of a let down. The 1st season made me laugh out loud so many times, I love the characters and Alan Tudyk is just amazing in this role.

Not sure what happened to the writers and directors in the second season as there is a significant decline in both. The writer keep telling us how Harry is becoming more and more human, despite him behaving even weirder that in the first season. This goes so far that in the 8th episode he is willing to risk Asta's life for pie! It's just lazy writing, creating artificial conflict by dumbing down characters. Not to mention that all of a sudden there is another alien race on earth and it is to dangerous for Harry's people to send someone to come and destroy the humans, however this is told to Harry by an alien (that died months? Ago) via message... How long has Harry been on Earth at this point? This just seems super messy storywise... it's like they didn't know where to take the story so they threw in a completely new plot without considering the timeline. Lazy writing.

I attribute Harry's extreme awkwardness to some bad directorial choices as Alan Tudyk did a great job in season one and as far as I've noticed it is usually bad directing that messes with actors performances.

I am looking forward to the second part of the second season in hopes that the series will recover from the bad choices that were made.

But even if that doesn't happen, I will be rewatching season one and in worst case scenario pretend that season two never happened.
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Northern Exposure meets Close Encounters
johnanthonymazzei28 January 2021
Loved it. Just watched the pilot and can't wait for the next episode. It has the right blend of comedy and drama with a bit of sci fi thrown in as a backdrop. This is a testament to good writing. I hope they continue to impress.
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Losing its way
gkmacca2117 February 2022
This used to be quite a promising show, with a decent story and some nice comic characterisations.

This time around, however, it seems more like a soap, with a bit of Mork and Mindy's 'what I learned about humans this week...' tagged on at the end.

Did people really tune in to see how all the love lives turned out? Do we need yet another show where the kids are supposedly the smartest people around?

The problem seems to be that the writers wanted to bring the show back but didn't have a second storyline in them, and so they're digressing more often even than The Walking Dead and The Blacklist. The sad thing is it's getting less and less amusing and more and more irritaing.
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If this doesn't make you laugh, then u must be Dead already! ;D
midnitepantera21 February 2021
Really silly and hilarious show. Are there plot holes? YES, but who cares, it's fun to watch this while cooped up during this pandemic and recent horrible freezing winter disaster we just lived thru. Reminds me of Starman, but on acid. And the little kids interactions with him are hilarious. There must not be a lot of men in that town, is the only reason I can think of for so many of the women to be interested in him. Ha hahahaha
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Great series
Calicodreamin1 April 2021
An awesome scifi comedy. The jokes land and give the show a great vibe. The characters have depth and are well cast. So many good moments in this series.
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Liked Season 1, but Season 2 wrecked it
ZombieWalker1326 March 2022
I never loved the show, but I certainly liked season one. It had a few clunky mis-steps (e.g. Inconsistent rules for the logic of the alien suggested a degree of laziness, 'sore thumb' moments of pandering), but over all it was enjoyable with Tudyk responsible for a lot of the show's charm.

Season two, however ... what's happened? The show is about an alien that crash lands on earth and has to secretly live amongst the humans, with their mission being to wipe out humankind - but you wouldn't think that from the storytelling direction of the second season. The "A" story (all the alien stuff) is routinely demoted to "B" or even "C" story, while all the 'normal townsfolk' supporting stories (the "B" and "C" plot threads from season one) gets boosted to "A" level attention. Yes, we want some depth and shading to the cast, but when your lead story and character - an alien whose mission is to wipe out humankind! - is punted out of the way to focus on the comparatively quite small scale personal (and very much not sci-fi) stories of the lower levels of side characters, then you know something has gone very wrong with the direction of the show.

I looked forward to each new episode in season one, but I quickly lost patience with season two because of it's bizarre shift in story priorities with the quite awkward addition of some thunderously blunt chips that fell off the writers' shoulders (further illustrating the disregard for the main thrust of the entire show). 4 or 5 episodes in and I just lost all interest in the show, despite it still having some good parts - characters of plotlines that were squandered by the show's curious shift in direction. Series link removed, episodes deleted. A pity.
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Fun, fun, fun...
zenjunkie7 February 2021
Against all the odds, this is so good! And so funny! The acting, the setting, the script. It's all good. Did I mention its fun! There nothing else to say. Watch it. Oh yeah!
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Perfect dark humour.
eslapionfl28 January 2021
Tudyk at his finest in the role of an alien with a wacky, dark sense of humor and who knows exactly what to do with abusive husbands.

Good acting, very funny yet moving story shot in amazing scenery.
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best show on TV
iamjamalwhite22 July 2021
I love this show and hope they can keep it going forever! Alan Tudyk is the perfect amount of awkward for this part -- love it! PLEASE RENEW AND RENEW!
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Bravo 👏👏👏
JayShermanTheCritic28 January 2021
This is a wel needed refreshing change of pace. This show starts out perfect in all the right ways. Whoa Nelly this is gonna be a fun show to watch
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Season 1 Great season 2 cringe
idospasjody9 April 2022
They must have changed writers in season 2. I'm only halfway through the first show and it's been nothing but cringe worthy. Season 1 was really good. I'll try to finish the first episode of season 2 but I don't have very much hope for it.
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ggenricquera25 March 2021
Love this series and it's not even finished. Tudyk is underrated, he's got everything going for him on screen.. I don't want this show to be cancelled by Syfy.
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Good Season 1; then fades into froth
SukirzMs12 December 2022
Alan Tudyk is terrific, carrying every scene he's in. And season 1 is very good besides, with a manageable plot and other characters. The sly humor is pervasive.

Season 2 goes downhill fast. There's more and more padding of dream sequences, people wandering around to country music; friending and sistering and parenting and familying and talking about the meaning of life etc. Side stories slide in and out around major plotholes. Turdyk as an alien is a bad fit for any of this so is usually out of the picture. He gets a few lines when they remember that the show is about him. The humor injections still appear but less frequent and can't do as much.

That's when weaknesses in the supporting actors become more evident, not helped by some poor direction that lingers too long on faces, calls for too evident reactions etc. This is Hallmark movie acting.

Season 1 was great fun. Season 2 is so much worse that I didn't even finish it. Very disappointing.
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it is very charming with lots of likeable characters.
quaseprovisorio29 October 2021
I think this is the first show on syfy that i really started to is not the best show ever made, but the truth is that it has its charm. All of the characters are likeable. I didnt fine hugely funny except for the police guy and obviously the alien. A great work by alan tudyk by the way.

The think is: everyone is likeable. The plotlines i found them interesting to follow. I liked the small town vibe and the show doesnt takes itself very seriously which is a good thing. But the best part is that they really made an effort on making connections with all of those characters. This is not only a show about the alien but about the town where we lives.

It could be easy to have all the other characters feel boring. None of them does. It is a very cool tv show and i am glad they renewed it. I will surely wait for season 2.
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And a half
Headturner119 February 2021
Which is rather high on my rating scale. I've really run out of things now that i'm basically just clicking and giving things a try I don't think I'd normally like. My genre is UK thrillers with that in mind I absolutely loved this! So different from anything out there. I don't know any of the actors ( that I know of) and I thought they all were very good especially the boy. " There aren't any towers in( forgot the town name) you stupid alien". I was cracking up throughout quite a bit. Great entertainment. I watched 4 episodes last night( all that was available) must be released weekly? Any ways good stuff. I hope there's many more seasons to come and they expand on him and his species.
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Season 1 is great, Season 2 is dog poop
jmw11108513 April 2022
I have never seen any series die as fast and pathetic a death as Resident Alien. It's like the writers and producers drank 50 gallons of stupid and started writing. How could they let this happen? This was a hideous transformation. I'm guessing bad money problems so they let all the key talent leave, (aside from Tudyk).

Season one was brilliant, one of the best shows I've seen in a while. The writing, the acting, the storyline all fit together and made for fun and entertaining watching.

I would like to know how the Season 2 epic collapse occurred.
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doppleganger1969211 March 2021
I have upgraded my previous rating - from the first episode - to a 10 after seeing several. Few series in the past 20 years have prompted me to (A) set an alarm so I do not miss it, and (B) cause me to laugh out loud several times during each episode. "Resident Alien" has done both. Each one gets better and better, with unpredictable twists and turns. I don't own many made-for-television series on DVD, but I look forward to obtaining this series (when, hopefully it is available) and enjoying it over and over.
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