Unbelievable (TV Mini Series 2019) Poster


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Impossible to stop watching ..
herrick41619 September 2019
Fascinating and compelling from the first few minutes of episode 1 through the next 8 hours of interest that didn't release me til dawn. Talk about binge-watching without regret that what began at around 8 pm had me watching the sun come up. Now that's the best review I could offer. It was everything I love -a mystery, brilliant detective work and deep characterization that had me knowing and caring about these people. The conversations were quiet and understated without any sort of rehearsed wit that sacrifices authenticity for canned cleverness. No, this was miles above anything I've seen.
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It's a real story with little fictional padding
Vic_max21 September 2019
This series is based on a series of rapes that occurred in Washington and Colorado between 2008 and 2011. The original reporting of the story won a Pulitzer prize. The real "Marie" has seen the Netflix series and felt that they got it right.

It's great to see the essence of this story translated into a captivating miniseries. It was hard to stop watching until I got the end.

Even though the style of storytelling is basically the same that you'll in Lifetime TV movie, it's still very well done. In part this is due to the sense that these events really happen, with little fictional padding, and in part to some great acting by the main cast.

There are a lot of "lessons" that we all can collectively take from this story. It's well worth a watch if the topic interests you.
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Wow, powerful series, great acting, tough story to watch....
sonjamin15 September 2019
As a father this is your worse nightmare you can imagine for your child. The callousness of all those "who love and support" the victim was tough to watch. I hope that we have come further along instead of constant victim shaming. Tough watch, but worth it....
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Netflix did it again - Brilliant
typhoon7414 September 2019
Just excellent, from start to end. The acting, the story, the directing, the start and the end. Brilliant! I found myself rewinding many scenes just to watch them again due to great acting and dialogue. I usually never do that since it kinda mess up the episode (Im picky), but couldnt help myself.

Keep up this kinda work Netflix, and Disney wont have a chance.
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Unbelievably good
Michael Fargo15 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
For me the first episode was tenuous. Kaitlyn Dever carries a very heavy load in the first hour, portraying a teenager with an incredibly complex background who reports that she's been raped. It isn't until the second hour when Merritt Wever is paired with a reluctant Toni Collette as two detectives who, by coincidence, discover they might be looking for the same very sophisticated rapist.

Merritt Wever can make the answer to a question as simple as "What time is it?" a whole suspenseful soliloquy that rivets the viewer to what's happening as the investigation unfolds. And, Collette matches Wever's intelligence (both as a character and an actor) with a toughness that is absolutely thrilling to watch. Both actors are unusually luminous for this genre.

The entire cast is strong and full of very skilled character actors. At each turn, you're almost as excited at the plot discovery as you are as who's next to join a very large cast.

Expertly filmed and directed, the screenplay's need to bombard us with statistics is saved by the skill of the actors. Really, they're all so good you're willing to listen to anything just to see them on screen.

The isolation of the victims that results as result of the crime is stunningly portrayed, particularly by Dever. Her character's history is one that leads her to feel anything she does is wrong even if all her motives are pure. The resulting helpless of the victims of rape is frightening and a subject that is often neglected.
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Extremely Emotional
zacharykieler14 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is a hard watch, impressive cast. I binged it in a day but was overcome with emotion. More than a few times. To quote Dexter "It still comes as a shock when I'm confronted with the depth of evil that exists in this world" Bless the real cops in Colorado, damn the ones who didn't believe her.
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What a fine fine series...
kartavyaramnani14 September 2019
You will squirm, you will be uncomfortable, you will feel the suspense and you will cry.. That's how powerful and amazing the 8 episodes of this show were..

The first 2 episodes were even difficult to watch because of the physical and emotional brutality shown.

Must watch. 9.5/10
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yulskliff16 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I only wish they would have shown all the people who doubted her finding out and their faces of shame.
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Award Winning
djxtreme7813 September 2019
Honestly this was the best series I have seen on TV in years . It was perfectly crafted , Acted and Written. I can't give this enough praise , I really do hope it wins an award .
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Eight Episodes are at least two too many
levybob11 December 2019
I am not going to re-write those reviews which found the series compelling. It is. And there are plenty of characters to root for. The performances - the two officers - are great. However the series does feel stretched-out to achieve the eight episodes.

There are red-herrings a'plenty in the late episodes. The possibility of two suspects really goes nowhere. The cop-suspect angle as well. The final episode is essentially a post-script to the series; we get characters apologizing, then apologizing again, and once more. The 'guilty' get their comeuppance and then get it again. I was certain that the final episode would have at least one dramatic revelation. But no.

In any case, despite my impatience and sometime-frustration, I found the series worth watching.
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A very tough watch.
Sleepin_Dragon15 August 2020
I wasn't fully aware of the story, but after I watched episode one I decided to look into it, I stuck with it, and I'm glad I did. That poor girl, the ordeals she went through, physically, medically, and psychologically, with those who should have protected her treating her as a criminal.

It's an addictive story, you will feel angry and annoyed, and at one stage satisfied. Toni Collette is magnificent throughout, it is very well acted.

It's tragic in this day and age that someone can be raped, and be made to feel like a liar, I'm not saying people don't lie, because they do, but the assumption should be that they're a victim.

Compelling, 9/10.
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Top Drawer Escalation...
Xstal20 July 2020
... had me glued to screen until the last two episodes when the desire to spread the events over far too many adverts became apparent and it staggered to a finish like a marathon runner about to hit the wall. A shame, because the three female leads were exceptional.
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Could have been done in 2 hours.
Susan_McAdams28 September 2019
I'm sorry, but I just don't get all the "10" ratings. I love a good detective piece, and kudos to Collette, Wever, and Dever for their fine acting skills, and I appreciate the writers' efforts to raise issues about social injustice as it applies to rape cases. BUT, this limited series drags and drags and drags.

There were so many pointless scenes that were clearly meant to enhance the character development, but no one evolves in any way. There's nothing all that interesting about how the case progresses-just a series of clues (with many dead ends) that move along at a snail's pace. In fact, I laughed out loud way into Episode 6 where Collette and Wever discuss how insanely boring police work can be. They certainly got that right!

I really wanted to like this drama, but maybe I would have if it had been made into a 2-hour film and cut out all the filler scenes. Ugh.
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A must see
xandra-2261514 September 2019
I created this account just to write this review. This show was, at times, hard to watch because you connect so well with the characters. It transitions perfectly between two story lines never feeling like you are getting cut off too soon. The acting is phenomenal and the message is one that needs to be heard. It does an amazing job of following the article written by ProPublica. I recommended it to all my girlfriends and, only a few episodes in, they are saying the same. Best limited series I've seen in quite some time.
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Wow, the writing.
gimpchrist14 September 2019
Not often I'm impressed by writing, directing & acting, but holy hell......how explosive is the dialogue & acting? Every woman in this is sharp, strong, and just oozes feminine power without coming off as cheesy or put-on or try-hard. Just a gang of tough chicks obsessed with their jobs. I also mega loved the realistic parenting/homelife stuff with the chick as the head of a household instead of a dude.....these dudes are supportive, loving & understanding but without being emasculated or 'paraded' like some parody character, as most shows do with the stay at home/supporting dad/husband role.

Super impressed with the writing & dialogue.
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Serpico107113 September 2019
This is an amazing mini series from start to finish, very well acted, scripted, produced and directed.. some stellar performances throughout.. i was hooked from the first episode, I couldn't fault it, better than your average routine CSI's or SVU's etc, Netflix has produced some turkey's in the past, but on occasion they give us something that needs praise for, so thank you Netflix for this one..

Merritt Wever and Toni Collette were outstanding and work very well together.. not to mention Kaitlyn Dever and Danielle MacDonald who's performances also need recognition.. this definitely deserves another season in my opinion..
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Unforgettable performances
FireflySerenity9414 September 2019
The two lead detective roles played by Toni Collette and Merritt Wever are performances I won't easily forget, and are the highlight of the show. Unbelievable has a realistic, real world kind of style to the script which can be dry at times but also adds an extra layer of realism to the show.
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Great New Series!
gregh-9005413 September 2019
Kaitlyn Dever is an incredible young actor! We binge watched the whole thing in a day.
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Its interesting
mangospider15 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Looking at the reviews that have a large number of "not helpful" votes plus the reviews from guys who are whining about how this is a feminist program- I'm just wondering what's wrong with people. No one is blaming white police officers, it's an indictment of a SYSTEM that did not care enough about this girl to offer her justice (women let her down too). It's heartbreaking and it happened and men who are more upset about maybe seeing themselves reflected in the antagonists in this one story than whether this serial rapist was taken off the streets need to see a therapist.
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Special Victim
mohinderchugh13 September 2019
A tense gripping Drama . Incase you liked Law and order SVU than you are going to love this series. If violent sex crimes offend you than give this series a miss. I will highly recommend this series.
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Great show...if you are female
tuckblueberry1 October 2019
This is a good show and rape is a horrible scarring thing that should not be trivialised, by any means. But the way this show tackles this very serious matter is so bland, stereotypical and forcefully inclusive. Women, wrapped in blankets with pillows on their tummies talking about their feelings. Strong all female detectives, with perfect family lifes, that treat a rape case with a passion as if it's a serial killer case. Rape victims of all sizes, ages and colours do things that you would expect an emotionally disturbed woman to do. Like moving house and unpacking boxes, baking cookies or putting physical things in order. Men being portrait as insensitive and uncooperative. I could literally go on forever.

My point is, the show in itself Is entertaining, keeps you watching and draws you in. But I was constantly taken out because of the bland and forcefully 'strong female' writing. It simply feels like it does not really reflect the real world. Which does not mean women can't be powerful, smart and capable. But this show puts the scale up to 200% and forces it down the viewers throat with no subtlety. It felt artificial.
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This is a diamond - TV can't get any better
hathor-7381516 September 2019
I hardly ever write reviews but this is so good, I just had to turn some of this experience into written words.

The acting - just all of it - is absolutely outstanding. The three lead-women should be up for every tv-award there is. Then there's the writing and directing, which is probably the only appropriate take on the extremely sensitive topic this show is dealing with I, have ever witnessed on TV. I watch a lot of Detective-Shows and movies and it's usually about the "thrill of catching the bad guy" or about the viewer's chance to "look evil in the face". And I'm not saying that's all bad - there's a lot of excellent stuff like this out there. But this brilliant show, for a much needed change, is actually about the victims and what such a horrible experience does to you. It's about a certain and unfortunately often overlooked kind of bravery and about commitment.

Don't miss out on this gem!
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Its powerful because it is not believable
cscigu30 September 2019
As a long time veteran of a police dept much larger than either of those in this story, I can tell you that there is little chance this is a good portrayal of the way these cases unfolded. The whole bit of the super-driven detective bossing around a bunch of subordinates like a kindergarten teacher is horrible, Hollywood schlock. Detectives that work cases do not dress down a uniformed officers, and are not called "Detective" by their peers. Telling a uniformed Sgt (a supervisor who would outrank her) how to conduct his team? Never. Netflix has a pattern with this. Mindhunter, and the Ted Kacyznski Manhunt show, are wildly fictionalized. The crimes may be accurately portrayed, but the people involved in the investigations are mostly romanticized, drama-injected fictional characters. This has to be the same bit, as "detectives" like this just don't fly. Its how the writer wants the story to look.
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Over-rated in all directions
ian-gaffer7 September 2020
Henry David Thoreau said "It's not my job to do everything, but something." The script of this series failed to do something because it tried to push every button. Male cops didn't believe a rape victim but female cops came to the rescue. Frankly, every male in this show is a creep, a bumbling cop, or a weakling. Not opposed to shows that portray female characters with depth. It's about time! But on top of the other flaws in this show, add unrealistically two-dimensional characters. Kaitlyn Dever is emotive and sympathetic in the leading role, but I'm afraid that's all the good acting you're going to get. The two detective characters suck bad. Not sure if it's acting, directing or script, but something stinks. For the record I'm not saying she would have been well-treated in real life. (And this was based on a real story.) I totally believe the basic theme of the show. Just think the script dramatized the issues poorly. 8.4 out of 10?? I think this thing was up-voted for reasons of political correctness, rather than dramatic quality.
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avinashorsingh19 September 2019
A must watch. This series is so gripping. The acting, the direction, way of moving forward in the story. A Masterpiece I must say. Netflix finally got this right :))
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