Senior Year (2022) Poster


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Sorry but this made me laugh.
ChristyGuinn13 May 2022
Just needed an easy no brainer comedy after my week. This ticked the boxes. Couple of tokes, and this movie, made me laugh. Changed the course of my day. Laughter is the best medicine. It's so goofy and unrealistic but so what. It's a simple comedy movie and doesn't pretend to be anything else...which was fine by me.
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Cliché but funny
Calicodreamin13 May 2022
Every modern movie trope piled high into this predictable teen romcom of sorts. However, all that was expected so it comes down to humor and cast. I laughed more than once and acting was decent enough.
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Better then expected
Draysan-Jennings14 May 2022
I'm not the biggest Rebel Wilson fan but because I couldn't find anything new to watch I decided to give it a shot. When all said and done it was actually pretty funny. Some of the dialouge had my busting up laughing. I'm glad I decided to give it a chance. It was definitely worth a watch. 6 stars.
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Sugary story with a light satirical core
bosporan15 May 2022
Despite being a formulaic cliché, this does have an interesting satirical element. Of course all the tired tropes are there, unrequited love, wonder at technology development and child in a woman's body.

The intriguing part is the stark contrast in sensibilities over twenty years. Naturally it is caricatured for comedic effect, but perhaps we have thrown the baby out with the bathwater. Some horrible practices have been discontinued, but at the expense of sanitising our interactions.

Sadly this social commentary is insufficient to make this a good movie despite the delightful Rebel Wilson. It is mediocre at best, with a weak, stale story, clumsy dialogue and an insurmountable suspension-of-disbelief requirement.
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Don't understand some of the hate
tracy-9732013 May 2022
If your classed as a so called millennial like me then you will get this, it's funny, light hearted, bit of emotion, bit obvious but what films like this aren't, it's not meant to a spy thriller with loads of things you just oooo didn't expect to happen, it's a Friday feel good film & that's all it needs to be.
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Predictable but tolerable
rayres070814 May 2022
If you are a child of the 90s you'll love the references. Rebel Wilson is charming and silly. The plot is totally unexceptional and predictable. There's also plenty of political messaging that you'd expect from any movie these days.
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A thoroughly watchable movie
gladys6414 May 2022
Easy watching. A lot of funny bits. Good story with a decent end. The girl playing the younger version is amazing anyway and does a good take on rebel Wilson. Don't thinking it's an Oscar winner. It's not. But it's a good story. Not a fan of rebel but she does well in this and looks amazing. A good easy watch.
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veritybingo14 May 2022
Although there is the occasional amusing inappropriate zinger Rebel Wilson is known for, this is basically a bottom of the barrel adult-oriented variation on the endless plethora of Disneyesque teen fantasies from the early millenium. Like those, this is void of any reality, with threadbare contrived plotting and jam-packed with exposition. Rebel Wilson needs to stop doing this type of empty fluff, as she is capable of so much more.
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Some Truly Fun Moments
hunkazine13 May 2022
Though we have seen this type of movie many times already, I was surprised to laugh out loud several times. Rebel Wilson is true to her style. The roller coaster emotional ride of high school is trecherous. The ending is all love and happiness. Give it a whirl!
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Good until it wasnt
learningbreezee13 May 2022
The first 30 minutes were so good!! I know this wasn't going to be a blockbuster comedy, but I love any movie involving the 80s, 90s or early 2000s. Then they had to ruin it with how people think 2022 looks like when in reality it's 5% (maybe less) of what actually high school looks like! Where are the REAL high school movies that don't involve tik tok, peoples sexuality, use of PC language and insane wardrobes. Those 5% are the 80% on social media, so people think the world is like that. WRONG!
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You don't need a coma to relate
richard_stiles14 May 2022
It happens to everybody. You're young, then you're old. In between is kind of a blur. Did the in-between even happen? I don't know. We were there, now we're here, that's all I know.
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Fairly Unique Take On High School Social Dynamics
iquine20 May 2022
A prissy high school cheerleader captain lands hard during a routine, due to sabotage, and awakens from a coma 20 years later in 2022. Now 37, she is still has a 17 year old personality. Get ready for the expected gags from someone who only knows about stuff from 20 years ago and trying to put her life back together. The plot revolves around the girl, at age 37, returning to high school to fulfill her dream of being prom queen and the most popular girl in school. Yet to her shock the school has got rid of prom king and queen to avoid competition and any losers. Get ready for a petition and a cheer team that does fun control routines and watch this girl who mastered popularity in 2002 work to master it in 2022. There are many amusing satirical gags about what was normal 20 years ago is now unacceptable. There was a good and completely obvious story arc but it played out nicely. Overall, this was fresh look at the high school drama.
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2 hrs of everything that's wrong today
heykid-7287215 May 2022
What a pile of garbage. Watched this longer than I should have hoping that it was going to end up being a parody about "woke" B. S. but no, just horrible garbage trying to make sure everyone is happy and not offended. Comedy is dead.
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Not a great Movie bit fine.
shadowofhero-4651914 May 2022
Actually, the description of the film reads as a typical cheap entertainment film.

But Rebel Wilson is simply well cast as a 37-year-old who has been in a coma for 20 years.

The story isn't very exciting, and the end is the typical feel good finale.

It's also often illogical, and the actors aren't always convincing, but that's a 5/10 from me.
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Rebel Wilson is one of the few comedic actors that always makes me laugh.
Top_Dawg_Critic16 May 2022
And this film is no exception. The story wasn't anything revolutionary, but having Wilson leading the actual LOL's made it that much more interesting and funnier. Plus good on her for looking amazing! Great directing, cinematography, score, and well as excellent casting and performances by all. The 111 min runtime flew by with the on-point pacing. This one is a great Sunday popcorn flick. The critics went too hard on this one, it's easily a well deserved 7/10 from me.
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Did not hit the mark
jarrahlomonaco14 May 2022
I am all for a cheesy teen movie but this was just embarrassing.

Would not watch again, I was hoping it would encompass 90s/00s teen movie but I have never cringed so much.
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Reb-hilrarious all the way
ReelShahid14 May 2022
It's really sad to know that most of the critics are often cruel when it comes to reviewing a comedy movie.

It is like, "Hey! I am a critic, I can't be happy about a damn thing. How can this movie make me laugh, when I am damn serious about finding flaws in it." Take a break guys!

This movie has given my weekend a very fun filled start and if you want it too then just go for it.

This was Rebel Wilson's movie all the way with a great supporting cast.
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Genderswapped Billy Madison
JoeHud13 May 2022
Girl goes into a coma just before the end of high school and decides to go and finish it when she wakes up at 37 years old. Lots of attempts to make fun of woke culture yet intentionally reinforces it at the same time, creating many cringe-worthy scenes.

These sorts of comedies can usually be successful by either a great supporting cast (Parnell was wonderful), or an excellent main character, this film mainly missed both marks.

Save for a couple of good laughs, you wouldn't miss anything by skipping this movie. 3/10.
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debdabootchic16 May 2022
I had high hopes for this and it fell flat for me! Although I love rebel Wilson and how funny she can be, I did not find this funny at all. Had lots of potential.
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Come on, it was fun
wxray117 May 2022
Reading reviews, it seems like both "woke" and "anti-woke" people are upset. I'd say that's a sign of a successful comedy. A little to get under everyone's nerves. I needed something mindless and funny. This movie fit the bill.

Even though I'm in the oldest of Gen-Xers, I got most of the jokes and enjoyed the music. For sure anyone in their 30s or 40s will love this. Beware anyone under 40: you will be made fun of. Hope you can take a joke, especially if you are a social media influencer.
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I had low expectations, but was disappointed
csabanova14 May 2022
This was painful. Generated meaningful feel moment, not developed plot, character development painful. I was expecting a light, easy movie with some humor, but left disappointed.
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I wasn't expecting to have this much fun.
Alcaminhante13 May 2022
What a cool , simple but really effective feel good movie. The characters are fun , some jokes are brilliant when they go into the political incorrect territory and the whole plot line works because the main actress is awesome.

There's not much to say about this. Initially it feels like another of those terrible high school teenage films but soon we get into some absurd and adult humor that makes the vibe change and this becomes a funny satire about woke which is not afraid to offend everyone and does it with a big smile.

If you don't get offended easily and you have a good sense of humor watch this. If you offend easily , then it's almost mandatory. One of the best feel good movies on Netflix right now.
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People aren't grasping the point
spideysense2114 May 2022
It's pretty clear this movie is poking fun at wokeness, it hasn't seemed to translate well enough though. I enjoyed it, it's an easy watch and has some good moments.
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A Horror Movie in Disguise
thebenjaminnunn18 May 2022
Senior Year is a lighthearted comedy with a few decent chuckles. In most cases that would be enough. The problem comes in how it deals with its premise.

Steph (Rebel Wilson) is involved in a cheerleadering accident that leaves her comatose for 20 years. When she wakes up she's 37, but from her perspective she was 17 only hours before.

This tragic premise was an opportunity to centre the movie around heart, empathy, and the struggle of helping someone in an impossible situation. The majority of jokes could have stayed in, but this underlying theme could have brought depth and compassion to the characters, particularly in the third act.

Instead, the characters around Steph insist that she "grow up" and start acting like an adult, something she fundamentally hasn't had time to become. Not even the most reasonable and caring characters bother to empathise with her extremely difficult situation, resulting in every one of them feeling like a shallow, self-absorbed husk, no matter how the script struggles to convince us otherwise.

There's a deep sense of both horror and tragedy in the premise of Senior Year that could have been leveraged to craft a movie with true depth and heart, but is instead treated as a shallow setup for a standard story of a protagonist stuck in the past.
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Watch if you can enjoy lighthearted & STOP bagging on weight loss!
kristen_Sus13 May 2022
If you can let a funny and lighthearted movie be just that...then watch this. No one wants to read your 17 page analysis as to why this movie is or isn't "woke", or whatever. And please stop saying anything negative about healthy weight loss! I know personally how much that tore Pat from Fall Out Boy up...and not understanding why he was being trolled and picked on when he did something healthy for himself, and has the kindest heart. Don't be an a$$hat and congratulate Rebel for looking so amazing. -Kristen Susemihl.
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