All Hallows' Eve (2016) Poster

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Too mediocre movie
DogeGamer20155 November 2020
It is appropriate for young children, but it is very simple and does not offer anything new or flashy for adults, plus the special effects are horrible, I do not recommend it.
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Terrible movie, overacting on the villian's part.
mengladys6 August 2019
Yes, this is a bad children's movie. The plot is pretty simplistic and it's apparent that no one got paid very much for acting in this movie. However Diane Salinger's Delayna Hallow character is so over the top that it appears that she is channeling the combination of a professional wrestler and a drag queen. I'm having a really hard time finishing this film because of Salinger's egregious overacting. She's out Shatnering William Shatner. Her broad gestures seem more suited for vaudeville and if she actually had a mustache, she'd be twirling it between her fingers. I get that she's playing an evil witch but Agnes Moorehead set the gold standard Salinger seems to be going for with her 1960s era Endora, while Salinger just stands around cackling horrifically and gesturing weirdly with long plastic fake fingernails. Not a great movie by any means but Salinger really ruins it.
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a Total Waste of Tme
Man9920412 July 2018
There is not one new or innovative idea in this entire movie. You have seen it all before .. many many times before... and always done much much better than this production. The production values are achingly low... even for a "Canadian Production". Even by Canadian standards, the cast is exceptionally bland and totally lacking in charisma. About a third of the way into the movie you start glancing at your watch wondering if ANYTHING entertaining is going to happen in this film.

There are many many other similar themed movies.... watch one of THEM. But, do not waste your time on this one.
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it was a really good movie.
buchhopk14 October 2020
Okay the acting may not have been the best but i really liked it. the only thing i didn't like was Wade had said something about a present but we never found out what he got Eve. it makes me a little mad. i just want to know what he got her haha. sorry you can go back to reading real reviews now.
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I've Had More Fun Watching The Paint on My Wall Dry Than Watching This Tripe
DennisDennyDen_Dolan24 December 2018
I don't have a clever intro to this review, so I'm just going to cut to the chase. This movie's pace is the equivalent of walking through a room that is filled to the brim with honey. To say that this movie is slow is the equivalent of saying that water is wet. A turtle would say that this movie needs to pick up the pace. My point is, it's boring.

No joke. This movie is slow as heel. This movie isn't worth turning spoilers on, because I'm one hundred percent certain that no cares about this movie (seeing that there are only two reviews for this movie and the both hate it). I've seen the worst of Disney Channel, Nickelodeon, Hallmark and Lifetime original movies and something happens in them that can at least gets an ironic laugh out of me. However, even though some things happen in this movie, nothing happens.

I cannot think of a single thing that is even remotely passible about this movie. The acting is so wooden that it literal feels like watching to trees talking to each other. The cinematography is so bland that I hesitate to call it cinematography. The writing is Hocus Pocus without the silliness and the charm. The production design had less effect put into it than an essay written by a high schooler about The Scarlett Letter. The editing has all the excitement of an office cubical. Hell, even the custom design was basically just whatever the filmmakers could find at Party City. The only possible good thing I can think of is that the camera man decided to take the lens cap of the camera, turned the camera on and pointed in in the face of the actors

My advice, skip this one and warn others to stay away from this. Trust me on this one. You, and I mean you! The person reading this at 4 in the morning surrounded by pizza boxes. You could make a make a better movie that this
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The acting
smartass137923 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The acting is insanely bad and they have a like 30-year-old woman playing an 18-year old teen. It's very apparent who can act and who can't. The side characters seem more natural than the actual cast. I mean that could be what they were going for. My main comment is the main character trying to pass for 18. It's wild. I can't be the only one who has made this observation. Oh no, it gets worse. I still need to have more characters so here they are. Batman is creepy, did he need the dog collar as a human. Like they couldn't just make him a person and not have the collar. The collar is the crux that explains he was the dog ?
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What a terrific film 👏👏👏
melioas-302792 November 2022
This is an amazing film. It's way better than Hocus Pocus. I cried at the end. Don't trust the other reviews, this is the best movie ever made. Barnaby was soooooo funny and his acting was beautiful. The main actress is my new crush, such great acting. The supporting actors did really good and are also my new crushes (especially Barnaby, I wish my dog could turn into a middle age man). The cgi was mind blowing, it surpasses Avatar. James Cameron wishes Avatar was as good as this masterpiece. The social commentary is very relevant. I believe every future filmmaker should study this film, it's simply that good. Can't wait for the sequel, but I have one question.... why didn't this win any Oscars? The only explanation is that the Sanderson Sisters from Hocus Pocus casted a spell at the Academy that blinded them from knowing about this majestic, extraordinary, profound film. No matter though, this film will live on despite Disney's attempts to silence it. Reject the Mouse, embrace Barnaby!
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The best movie ever
ilikecutepairs2 April 2023
Greatest movie ever; I've seen it so many times that I've lost count; I miss it so much and want a sequel; it's the ideal film for fans of Halloween and witches, of which I am one. I desperately need a second movie. The movie's ending hinted that a sequel would develop, but none did. I believe we should learn more about the Hallow ancestors, how magic functions without an amulet, and how the new darkness emerges.

I always have a unique Halloween feeling, and watching this movie helps soothe me down. I just wish there were more movies to choose from instead of watching it repeatedly.

Please create another film. I beg of you please.
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Best movie ever🖤🖤
kkdytdyybg27 June 2022
Best movie ever I've watched this so many times that I can't count I miss it so much and wish for a second movie on this so bad😭 it's the perfect movie for Halloween and witch lovers and I'm one of them. I need a second movie so bad😭😭
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I love this movie!
evehallow-039853 April 2023
The best film I've ever seen; I've seen it so many times I've lost track; I miss it so much and wish there was a sequel; it's the perfect movie for fans of Halloween and witches, of which I am one. I really need another movie. A sequel was implied by the film's ending, but none materialized. We should find out more about the Hallow ancestors, how magic works without an amulet, and how the new darkness manifests, in my opinion.

Every Halloween is unique for me, thus viewing this movie helps me relax. I simply wish I could chose from other films rather than having to watch the same one over and again.

Please make a new movie. Please, I beg of you.
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Loved It.
markawyman21 October 2020
I love watching movies like this.. I watched A Witch's Ball before this and plan on looking for a few more like it..

Movies like this are Halloween themed and make great kids movies without being overly scary. A HUGE Thumbs up for this movie!!
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It wasn't a masterpiece,but it was enjoyable.
ts-00009 October 2020
When rating a movie sometimes you need to look at it from a perspective,of who it was geared towards.. Such as would a kid like it,etc. The cinematography & overall story,was ok as well. Something a family could watch,to get you in the Halloween mood.
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